Lost: Season 5

Wait. two weeks? D:

And and okay, that figures on why I didn't remember who that guy was... stain on the ceiling. lol
Tonights episode was pretty freaking awesome, also hool you are like the posters on SomethingAwful who read a bunch of spoilers then pass it off as "WELL THESE ARE MY THEORIES ON THE SHOW, I THINK THEY ARE RIGHT".
Your not gonna pull a Samon on me are you? I get my "spoilers" from Jimmy Kimmel:
Wait. two weeks? D:
It's an attempt to extend Season 5 so that it doesn't end in the middle of May.

This episode was amazing. I really hope that the O6 don't go with the Hostiles and Sawyers group don't go with DHARMA, then kill each other. Hopefully they have an influence on DHARMA and Ben to not gas people. I don't think that will happen though because time has a way of course correcting itself. :( Also:

This episode was amazing. I really hope that the O6 don't go with the Hostiles and Sawyers group don't go with DHARMA, then kill each other. Hopefully they have an influence on DHARMA and Ben to not gas people.

They can't change the future so significantly.
Two weeks? :(

I was watching the new Sky1 video podcast thingy and I got an excellent theory. They mentioned the wheel for the Orchid looked like a steering wheel for the Black Rock ship. They said it was too massive though. What if the wheel belonged to Noah's Ark though? :naughty: It would make perfect sense! The strange animals, the cradle of life, how the Black Rock got on the island. After the flood waters receded, the ship landed on a piece of Earth. A massive earthquake happened and the island separated from the world. Jacob is probably Noah. What do you guys think of that? :naughty: *D' OH: http://forum.lostpedia.com/showthread.php?p=1375802&posted=1#post1375802

What's with you and the biblical theories man?
well, the bible is a big part of lost.

This is true. I think they just use it to have a sort of creepy netherworld type feel to the Island. "This place is death." "Underworld" "Cerberus" etc.

But I don't really think they'll go deeper than that, unfortunately.
I say fortunately.
I like the references. But if it starts getting things like ooh a splinter from the true cross is the reason for the smoke monster! Or that Alpert is actually Cain, then Im done with Lost.
I say fortunately.
I like the references. But if it starts getting things like ooh a splinter from the true cross is the reason for the smoke monster! Or that Alpert is actually Cain, then Im done with Lost.

Well see, the way I thought they were going to go with it wasn't really biblical at all.

Where I thought it was sort of going to lead somehow was like more mythological. Like greek/roman mythology, but twisted and mutated in a cool and modern way.

I thought something absolutely horrendous was going to happen when the hatch timer reset. I was sitting there as all that shit was going off and thinking, "This is ****ing exciting... some crazy shit is finally going to happen!"

But then it just blew up... and the only consequences of it that we really know of was that it exposed the Island to the outside world. Big ****ing deal, that's not terrifying! Yet they still say that he pushed the button every 108 minutes "to save the world".

And now the story is arcing into something less serious than that... just a struggle for the island. All the spiritual stuff is playing a far less role, like Jacob and the smoke monster and shit.

But yeah it's most likely Taweret, they even have the same stupid hat in both pictures.

So looking back on this weeks episode, I really like what they did with the Sawyer and Richard scene. Back in the first 3 seasons, the others and the dharma initiative were the creepy and mysterious people confusing the hell out of the survivors, and now its switched around to the survivors confusing the hell out of Dharma and The Others.

So looking back on this weeks episode, I really like what they did with the Sawyer and Richard scene. Back in the first 3 seasons, the others and the dharma initiative were the creepy and mysterious people confusing the hell out of the survivors, and now its switched around to the survivors confusing the hell out of Dharma and The Others.

Yeah, I really liked that, too. I love Alpert and nothing about him makes me want him to deserve having the tables turned, but it was a nice change of events to have someone else really put a frown on his face.
Good solid theories here I want to say.
Also nice find there Adrik.
Meh, is this worth catching up to?
I missed the last 4 or so episodes due to basically losing interest, turning into too much of a god damn mind ****.
Uh, what's hard to follow about it? It's not that complex. At the most you're figuring out which time period they are in.
But.. but... the statue has shapely thighs and a sexy skirt! That beast doesn't have shapely thighs!
Uh, what's hard to follow about it? It's not that complex. At the most you're figuring out which time period they are in.

I don't know, it's just that ever since they decided to bring in the whole time traveling crap, my interest in this show has dwindled.

They've taken it too far, imo.
But.. but... the statue has shapely thighs and a sexy skirt! That beast doesn't have shapely thighs!

Same hat, same two hands holding Ankhs I guess, and same left leg foward.

Its definitely a hippo.
Some interesting theories are now being developed on SL-LOST:
We know from past dialog that there is going to be an incident that changes things on the island (like fertility presumably). I originally thought that Jughead was going to start to leak, but I'm now wondering if the Losties have to do some crazy donkey wheel turning event to propel themselves back into the present time. My guess is that it?s before the big DI purge as by leaving that will give the Losties a whole new sense of guilt for not staying to help. I'm also guessing that Daniel is going to have to convince them that they can't change the past and therefore the Losties cannot interfere with the purge. I can see this being especially hard for Sawyer as he is their head of security and from the looks of things he really cares about these people (like begging Juliet to help Amy deliver the baby).

Juliet purpose or destiny was to deliver that baby.

I think that the O6 had to come back because each has a specific role that they will play and they must be there for the course of events to happen. Course correction. Do we know what that is yet? I don't think so. In an interview awhile back Darlton said we wouldn't find out until late Season 5 into Season 6 why they had to come back. In the meantime, I'll sit back and enjoy watching Sawyer's evolution (go home Kate! He?s doing great!)

It must have been very strange for whoever found the rope just sticking out of the ground. Could this have possibly been what lead someone to dig the well, find the cavern and eventually to digging the Orchid Station?

The giant statue is holding a giant Ankh. Coincidence? It?s the same symbol that was on Paul?s necklace.

I?ll tell you why I think the turning of the donkey wheel caused the statue to crash. After the flash Miles says that ?that one was more like an earthquake.? Unless anyone has a better explanation, I?m thinking that an earthquake would be a reasonable explanation for a statue going down.

I?m curious how they buried the bodies of the hostiles so quickly. They don?t have shovels. The logistics of it doesn't make sense including the Army pit that Miles walked over.

OK, so Sawyer does say that they were looking for the Black Rock, not on it. But has Horace really not heard of the boat? He seems to know later on when he brings back the dynamite.

How can the little girl Daniel sees be Charlotte? They are in 1974 and it was said earlier on that she was born in 1979. The only reason I can think of is that in her mother?s effort to cover their tracks and change her identity post-island was to also change her DOB so that no one would know that it was her.

I?m thinking that Sawyer?s revelations to Richard about who he was and talking about Locke is what turns Richard around and has him send for Locke (remember the ?science camp? that they tried to recruit ?high school Locke? to go to?). If Locke ?failed? the test when he was a young boy Richard may have been doubting that Locke was special. Then along comes Sawyer and restores his faith in Locke.

Didn?t Patchy say that he was one of the last remaining DI? He even still wore the jumper. We haven?t seen him yet. Will be curious if they bring him into the story.

Vincent, Rose and Bernard are all missing.
I'm thinking that Sawyer's revelations to Richard about who he was and talking about Locke is what turns Richard around and has him send for Locke (remember the science camp that they tried to recruit high school Locke to go to). If Locke 'failed' the test when he was a young boy Richard may have been doubting that Locke was special. Then along comes Sawyer and restores his faith in Locke.

Good spot that actually.
Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.
Patchy was a hostile, never Dharma. The last surviving member of the Dharma Initiative is Ben, who seems to be suspiciously absent in 1974-77.
Are we ever going to get a Richard Alpert flashback? cuz, that would be awesome.
I thought the Purge happened later. I thought Ben was still a fairly young kid in the 70's. And it wasn't until he was an adult that the purge happened.
The Purge did not happen until the very early 90's. We're almost 15 years from it in the current timeframe.
The Purge did not happen until the very early 90's. We're almost 15 years from it in the current timeframe.

Yeah, and I can't see the Losties being around during it. Because the time shifts stopped.
They have to get back to the present, and I suspect they will do so long before the Purge -- perhaps whatever they do is related to the 'Incident' Chang spoke of in the Swan Orientation film. It would be an incredible cop-out for Lost to resolve itself in the past, and Widmore clearly said a war was coming. The survivors must return to the present.
A very good episode, maybe the best of the season. I'm getting really annoyed that we don't see what happened to Rose, Bernard and the other survivors. They must've been on exactly the same timeline as Sawyer etc. Do you reckon they're still around three years later?

EDIT: Could it be that the Egyptian references on this show (the statue, the hieroglyphs in the temple, the name "Horace", etc.) could have any connection of the island's "tunnel" to Tunisia. Maybe some people from ancient Egypt found the portal and was transported to the island, and that's how it was found.
A very good episode, maybe the best of the season. I'm getting really annoyed that we don't see what happened to Rose, Bernard and the other survivors. They must've been on exactly the same timeline as Sawyer etc. Do you reckon they're still around three years later?

It's a bummer that we know nothing of what happened to them. It doesn't make sense that they just stayed around setting up shop again.

It doesn't make sense that they would have died in the fire arrow attacks. Since at least Rose is a relatively major character, at least more major than any of the minor characters. And we still haven't seen any sort of closure with her considering all the effort spent in the past regarding her cancer and connection with the island that John has. If she indeed has such a connection to have her cancer be healed.

<sigh> So many unanswered questions.

EDIT: Here's an interesting theory on Rose and Bernard from lostpedia.


Despite the possibility of rescue, Rose and Bernard will split away from the "Losties" because they wish to remain on the island. Rose knows her illness will return and she will die if she leaves.
-----After the flaming arrow attack Rose and Bernard took shelter in a cave. They remained there until the time skips stopped in 1974. The cave collapsed and they eventually died of starvation. They are the Adam and Eve skeletons Jack and Charlie found in 2004.
----------Not likely since Rose and Bernard don't have the Pearl uniform on don't work for the Dharma Initiative, besides the cave could not have collapsed because we see Adam and Eve lying there under no rocks. And where would they get the Black and white stones?
---------------Finding uniforms would not be impossible. Working for DI is also possible.
--------------------Black and white stones? Come on. They are ying and yang - literally.

So how'd you guys like last night's episode? I thought it was awesome when Locke went ballistic and beheaded Ben.