Make a Wish, and have it corrupted - Half-Life Edition

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Granted, but they sacrifice you to their god.

I wish I had Vortigaunt powers.
Granted, but the milatary Kidnaps you to fight in IRAQ.

I wish Valve would make Advisor fights in Episode 3 good and not really chessey.
Granted, but the bar is filled with black mambas for that Chocolatey taste!

I know what a blck mamba is. and what a western blue-belly lizard is, a Southern alligator is, a camain is, a sar tortis, a skink gecko, i can tell the difference from a king snake from a coral snake and its other impesonators, i know what a red-bellied blacksnake is, I can tell the diffenece from a glass lizard from a normal snake, I know the difference from a snake from a scalyfoot and a Burtan's snake-lizard and a scheltopusik, and I know waht an Ajolote is.


granted, but they are battle like a chess game.

I wish I could move things with my mind.
I know what a blck mamba is. and what a western blue-belly lizard is, a Southern alligator is, a camain is, a sar tortis, a skink gecko, i can tell the difference from a king snake from a coral snake and its other impesonators, i know what a red-bellied blacksnake is, I can tell the diffenece from a glass lizard from a normal snake, I know the difference from a snake from a scalyfoot and a Burtan's snake-lizard and a scheltopusik, and I know waht an Ajolote is.


granted, but they are battle like a chess game.

I wish I could move things with my mind.

Granted, but they move very slowly and so it's useless.
And a chess game? That sounds not Good I wanted good.

I wish that we learn more about the Lammar-Kliener freindship.
Granted, but you learn more than you would want to know.

I wish I had the powers of Magneto from X-Men.
Granted, but it has reverse effects and your microwave no longer works. no more hot pockets for you!

I wish more people would wish for more Half Life/Valve oriented wishes.
Granted, but their wishes are always really lame.

Granted, but the milatary Kidnaps you to fight in IRAQ.

But I'm not in America. I'm on the other side of the world. How would they find out? That corruption makes no sense.

I wish I could fly.
Granted, but you realise you can only fly for a short time when over the atlantic ocean.

I wish that I had a wish that was not not incurroptable without being improbbaly curroptable wrongly.
Granted, I...don't know..what to do????

I wish that Atomic_piggy's wish was not not incurroptable without being improbbaly corroptable wrongly so I could corrupt it...
Granted, but I explode from the complexity, and being atomic, I destory London, and thus kick the world economy in the balls.

I wish that I was the GMan.
Granted, now your a pedophile, good job.

I wish that my twitching turtel whould stop eating toes and start working out.
granted, but he is now ten times faster and five times bigger, so he eats the entire leg... but spits ou the toes

i wish i didnt have braces... or headgear ;(
Granted, but all your teeth fall out!

I wish people over at would realize that just because valve isnt killing the half life world doesn't mean a half life 3 is being made!
Granted, but then Half Life 3 is never made.

I wish I was totally awesome.
Granted but your head explodes.

I wish I hadn't drunk so much last night :angry:
Granted, you die of thirst!

I wish my PC was GLaDOS! (don't go for the obvious here)
Granted, you attempt to f*ck it and get electrocuted.

Wait... was that too obvious? :p

I wish I didn't have to go on my crappy Management Course
Granted, but then Alyx falls in love with him.

I wish I had time-travel so that I could already have episode three...
granted but the website is boring

I wish people would keep there wishes half-life related
off topic: I wish people would keep there wishes half-life related
Granted but their all lame.

I wish Eli didn't die.
I wish I had come up with a corruption for the previous poster's wish.
Granted, but due to brain damage he becomes a Vortiguant hooker.

I wish I could think of soomthing Half-Life related to wish for.
Granted, but it gets corrupted.

I wish Barney was fat.
Granted, but you keep having to save his ass in Episode 3.

I wish Half-Life 3 gets released before the world ends in 2012.
Wish granted, but then Halflife3 is done by gearbox

I wish for nothing
Granted, but nothing is something! Ha!


Anyway, I wish that be the capital of the internet.
granted, ee...but the bitch is too high to work for you.

Granted, but your in USSR, so the legend is you.

I wish stereotypes were true.
Granted, you wish to much, wish declined.

I wish that I wasn't of em' fanboy's
granted,but you lose all possessions that make you a fan boy


I wish I had a better computer
Granted,but you must use windows 3.11 on it.
I wish I had more money :D
Granted, But you lose em' in a bar fight to Gabe

I wish a was god (aka Gabe)
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