Marty/thehunter has something to say

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what the foooooook...

i can't begin to understand what went on, only from what i've read. just a little disappointed i guess..with both sides.
Alig said:
Lol what a farse this has turned into. I understand why he's been banned but i think perma ban is a bit harsh, hes obviously just a kid or a very immature adult. He will loose friendship over this and more importantly, he will loose the trust of _everyone_ that saw him try to pull this one off and you can't rectify that by saying "im sorry it wont happen again"... Id say unban him after a couple week's. I doubt he'd come back as the same person.

And at the person saying you can't have feeling's over the internet, what a load of shit man. I can understand you generally would'nt have feelings about someone on a forum board (no - i dont love any of you :| ) but people on your MSN and such you can get quite close to. Theres a girl i know from a game on mine that ive known for about 1.5 years and where as i dont have _them_ sort of feelings for her it does'nt mean i dont care about her...were pretty close, the only thing she does'nt know about me is how big my dick is. :p (sorry!)
Yea man I understand that...Actually I shoulda worded my sentence more correctly.I was more or less talking about a message board.Hell I'm in the same boat as you..but back to the situation at hand...Trigger couldn't have said it better.

Triggerhappy41 said:

Im willing to bet most of the responses to martys inital post had about 1/10 of the emotion that they read to be. If anyone cried over that, please, do tell everyone. Oh yes, im sure everyone wished him better; i would have to. However, that doesnt mean that everone is crying over it and thinking about it all the time. In the harsh reality, we arent affected martys problems at all, and we frankly dont care too much. Believe me, I wouldnt want to see another human die as much as the next guy, but when its someone you dont really know (like someone over the internet), its hard to really get emotional over what seems to be such a distant event and person.

;( <--- dont let the smiley deceive you
My point was that you're a hypocrit if you accuse me of "kissing ass" for taking the moderator's side when you defend thehunter because you did something of the same sort.
No offence hunter but you're just another one of a squillion bullsh***ing lamers on the internet. Maybe you were a decent guy before, but anyone that pulls stunts like this get absolutely no respect from me whatsoever.

Don't come back.
Yeah, I'm a little dissapointed at both sides too. It's pretty much a "Loss for everyone" type of deal. Lose-Lose.
Brian Damage said:
So... he faked his own death, jerked with people's feelings, and people expect him not to be banned for something like that?

What's the penalty for faking one's own death in the real world? Jail, isn't it?

Yes, and what's jail in the real world? A temporary disciplinary punishment. You don't put someone in jail for life because of this.

And if it was a likely realistic story, okay, but this one had BS written all over it in huge red letters. I doubt he even considered that anyone would take it seriously in that impulse of him in which he created that thread.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
he pretended that he was hit by a car. He made it look like his mom used his account to inform us about his situation. He got caught and was banned for it.

I see, but does this get him a bannd ?

I don't see how this is connected to the forums's rules ?
bAbYhEaDcRaB... ????

wtf is going on. ? why everybody is deciding to leave :angry: :( :(

Man this is sad, this is really sad news :(
:dozey: Babyheadcrab isn't leaving bro, he's on vacation, lock this thread already! We were supposed to eat the key ages ago.
No biggie hunter, I think most prescient individuals knew it was a gag from the start. Hey we all get a little desperate for attention sometimes.

So hey Moderator, can you reinstate my thread (LordBlackadder is in crititcal condition) now? I think it was funny.
Most people get banned without such a thread being allowed by mods. Well whatever, byebyes
Lordblackadder said:
So hey Moderator, can you reinstate my thread (LordBlackadder is in crititcal condition) now? I think it was funny.
Sorry, not going to happen.

Too bad it had to end like this, hunter, but these kinds of things do genuinely happen on the internet occasionally, and what you did was just in bad taste.
Axyon said:
Sorry, not going to happen.

Too bad it had to end like this, hunter, but these kinds of things do genuinely happen on the internet occasionally, and what you did was just in bad taste.

Aw c'mon. The cookie dough factory, kids putting me on a skillet, "The Killer Cookie Dough Monster from Hell".
It was funny and obviously a gag. :p
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I speak my mind, sorry, i'l try not to from now on. :| As will tr0n, Shuzer, Wraith, Secret, Aliev, sheep, timmy, trigger, star and many more. You see we dont care if you want to kiss ass :) we will always speak our minds.

pple do not have a problem with u speaking ur mind...lets not confuse that with disagreement k?
look BHC, u might be a great person in real life (frankly i don't give a flying fydoo about that) but even u have pulled stuff in the past that has gotten u banned.. one would think u would have learned ur lesson but i guess time is the one that will really tell this.
Dr. Freeman said:
pple do not have a problem with u speaking ur mind...lets not confuse that with disagreement k?
look BHC, u might be a great person in real life (frankly i don't give a flying fydoo about that) but even u have pulled stuff in the past that has gotten u banned.. one would think u would have learned ur lesson but i guess time is the one that will really tell this.

So disagreement is not speaking your mind? Since when? Also if by "learned my lesson" that means always agreeing to what moderators say even if it's fascist rubbish then hell no I havent learned my lesson.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
So disagreement is not speaking your mind? Since when? Also if by "learned my lesson" that means always agreeing to what moderators say even if it's fascist rubbish then hell no I havent learned my lesson.

There is disagreement, and then there is "speaking your mind". Disagreements are perfectly fine if you are being respectful and have a honest tone in your writing.

It is another thing to "speak your mind" and use words like "fascist" in a post. That is not speaking your mind, that is borderline insulting. You were banned for that, not for disagreeing with people.
So I guess it's the 3rd time or something you're on leave, BabyHeadcrab? :p

(He didn't deserve to get banned)

He did. People don't have time for jackasses who are so egoistic they have to fake something horrible happening to them to see who "loves" them and who doesn't.

And it's not nazi attitude, this stuff happens horribly often on some of the forums i've been to, and they're in 99% of the cases treated with a ban. It's common courtesy to ban d*ckheads like Thehunter1320.

The thing is, this doesn't even work for the purpose he wanted it to, since in every case of this nature, everyone, no matter if they liked him or not before, will post their condolences etc.
blahblahblah said:
There is disagreement, and then there is "speaking your mind". Disagreements are perfectly fine if you are being respectful and have a honest tone in your writing.

It is another thing to "speak your mind" and use words like "fascist" in a post. That is not speaking your mind, that is borderline insulting. You were banned for that, not for disagreeing with people.

No it is indeed still speaking my mind, because that is what I think about the decision they made. Do you know what speaking your mind is? It sounds like you dont.

oh and harij only if I get banned for this :) and if I do so be-it I learned to live without last time I was banned for speaking my mind :)
people who think that pretending to be seriously hurt/dead is not that bad and at the same time cry for humanity that he was banned from an internet site should revalue their moral standards.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
people who think that pretending that you're seriously hurt/dead is not that bad and at the same time cry for humanity that he was banned from an internet site should revalue their moral standards.

I think it's lowly and should probably be punished, thing is I dont consider it as big a deal as Icarus made it out to be, especially how he talked to Tr0n and turned a shoulder to Shuz3r's attitude. (which isint the first time he's done such things.. I recall an incident with crushy I wont get into)
Facist rubbish eh? Well, this site is voluntary...I'm not saying you should leave, but you don't have to be here. By signing up, you agree to follow the rules. OK, some are saying situations like this are not covered in the rules; well its times like these when the "staff" have to make a decision and act on it. The Dark Elf decided it was worth banning thehunter for this, and thats basically the end of the story. You want a reason for it, ask people who thought they were friends with thehunter.

Edit: I know this is only a gaming site, but when you are "in the spot light" so to speak, its never easy to make a choice and stick with it when people are complaining. Everyone cries hypocracy but you have to stick with it...Its called integrity.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Facist rubbish eh? Well, this site is voluntary...I'm not saying you should leave, but you don't have to be here. By signing up, you agree to follow the rules. OK, some are saying situations like this are not covered in the rules; well its times like these when the "staff" have to make a decision and act on it. The Dark Elf decided it was worth banning thehunter for this, and thats basically the end of the story. You want a reason for it, ask people who thought they were friends with thehunter.

I never said moderators go around makeing facsist rubbish decisions, but certain one's do that I wont mention and more then they probably should be (and arent punished) I follow the rules I just happen to state me opinion when I feel necisary. Also this site is not voluntary when I go onto my computer a man with a gun sneaks up behind me in a ski mask and says go to or elese il make your head into swiss cheese.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
No it is indeed still speaking my mind, because that is what I think about the decision they made. Do you know what speaking your mind is? It sounds like you dont.

"I disagree with you."

"I disagree with you fascist idiot, and I probably will get banned for this."

Which one is really speaking their mind? Definetely not the bottom one since people will discard you as a flamer/troll/forum idiot.

babyheadcrab said:
I never said moderators go around makeing facsist rubbish decisions, but certain one's do that I wont mention and more then they probably should be (and arent punished) I follow the rules I just happen to state me opinion when I feel necisary

See below

"Also if by "learned my lesson" that means always agreeing to what moderators say even if it's fascist rubbish then hell no I havent learned my lesson."

How is saying that not calling a moderator fascist? You used the word "fascist" in your post!
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I never said moderators go around makeing facsist rubbish decisions, but certain one's do that I wont mention and more then they probably should be (and arent punished) I follow the rules I just happen to state me opinion when I feel necisary

You speak your mind, but you don't try to inform us of when something is really wrong? We take actions and when nobody complains we just assume that you thought it was alright. If you have a problem with one of us, then say so...
blahblahblah said:
"I disagree with you."

"I disagree with you fascist idiot, and I probably will get banned for this."

Which one is really speaking their mind? Definetely not the bottom one since people will discard you as a flamer/troll/forum idiot.

Sorry but that is the most terribly warped quoting I have ever seen, that just made you look extremely uninteligable :|

a. I never said facsist "idiot" and didn't say it to anyone in perticular
b. I didnt say I would probably get banned in the same sentence
c. I didn't flame or troll I stated my mind and added later I might be punished for doing so

I suggest if your going to quote somebody dont make yourself look like a complete misinformed dolt :rolleyes:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
some moderators discriminate, (regulars/asskissers > all) welcome to, i've accepted that's how shit is.. :) just kiss ass man and then you will hopefully stick around.. although i've already accepted my previous posts will probably earn me a temp ban I cant say I care.. my opinion getting through is way more important then kissing ass :cheers:

Does that sound anything like what you said? Not at all..
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Sorry but that is the most terribly warped quoting I have ever seen, that just made you look extremely uninteligable :|

a. I never said facsist "idiot" and didn't say it to anyone in perticular
b. I didnt say I would probably get banned in the same sentence
c. I didn't flame or troll I stated my mind and added later I might be punished for doing so

I suggest if your going to quote somebody dont make yourself look like a complete misinformed dolt :rolleyes:

IT WAS AN EXAMPLE. You just completely missed my point. Don't call me unintelligble if you can't figure that out. I never associated your name with those sentences.

Also, you are arguing over pointless things. So what if it wasn't in one sentance. You clearly defined your thoughts over your posts in this thread. Also there is something called implied meanings as well.
CrazyHarij said:
So I guess it's the 3rd time or something you're on leave, BabyHeadcrab? :p

He did. People don't have time for jackasses who are so egoistic they have to fake something horrible happening to them to see who "loves" them and who doesn't.

And it's not nazi attitude, this stuff happens horribly often on some of the forums i've been to, and they're in 99% of the cases treated with a ban. It's common courtesy to ban d*ckheads like Thehunter1320.

The thing is, this doesn't even work for the purpose he wanted it to, since in every case of this nature, everyone, no matter if they liked him or not before, will post their condolences etc.

CrazyHarij, you DISAPPOINT ME, I can't explain why you did but DAM that was sad
blahblahblah said:
IT WAS AN EXAMPLE. You just completely missed my point. Don't call me unintelligble if you can't figure that out. I never associated your name with those sentences.

Also, you are arguing over pointless things. So what if it wasn't in one sentance. You clearly defined your thoughts over your posts in this thread. Also there is something called implied meanings as well.

Example or no I was taken out of context and quote raped by you :bonce:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
oh and harij only if I get banned for this :) and if I do so be-it I learned to live without last time I was banned for speaking my mind :)

hold on, u say u learned to live without the last time.. then why did u plead to get un-banned as Fenric/Dark Elf stated? yeeeeeah... right.. BHC u are losing credibility faster than Martha Stewart :thumbs:
this thread needs locking, I have no desire to continue to drive a point i've made 29483948 times, goodbye I'm going to go take my nap before I say something really out of line and get banned again (as I have no desire to have that happen again). Later guys :cat:
This thread needs to get back on topic.

And anyone purposefully trying to get it closed will receive a warning.
Icarus said:
This thread needs to get back on topic.

And anyone purposefully trying to get it closed will receive a warning.

all due respect man...but this is sort of on topic even tho the person in question is different.
in my time of all the forums i have ever been a part of, this has the best staff/mods.. now BHC might call that ass kissing but of course if he can't understand why we think TheHunter should be banned, then why should we understand why he thinks its ass kissing?

other forums' staff would set things straight by banning TheHunter and BHC..i guess BHC should thank his lucky stars the staff/mods here aren't as strict.
And let's not forget the fact that the original poster was actually happy that he was caught because more harm could have been done otherwise. So think before you defend someone who actually doesn't want defending.
mchammer75040 said:
Oh so quoted....
Oh! I was quoted, yay!

I think people need to calm down a bit. It is until HL2's release. Which is supposed to be relatively soon. It isn't permanent. Meh. Lets just all run around and talk about stuff like imus :)imu:) or something. How about them Metts?

Look here, 'tis funneh

Welcome back to Days of our Posts:

*has baby*

You've left me, Neutrino. My heart has been broken. I'll never love again. Never!

Next week, will BabyHeadCrab and blahblahblah's relationship worsen? Will thehunter be forgiven? Will cybersh33p ever stop his spam?

...will HL2 be released? *no*
hmmm... what an incredibly stupid way to go. I just cant see what he would have achieved from lying about being hit by a car.... one word of advice! god has a weird sense of humour! LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE ROAD hunter!

anyway, sorry to see (another) forum member go. hmm, this is turning out like final desitination! we're all gonna die! every man for hims- *splat* /dies

anyway, now ive made a contribution to this thread i can get back to watching anime. dammit i hate it when anime takes over my life... seems to be a rugular thing nowerdays.
why the hell are you guys getting so emotionally attached. ill bet the huge wad of cash i dont have that very few of you REALLY cared about his prank: which is what it was, a prank. it didnt really hurt anyone, because if it did i imagine peoples replies would have been a lot more melodramatic.
not just "ill keep you in my prayers".

we all agree it was stupid. who cares? there are hundreds of stupid posts made on daily (a fair amount made by me). he gets banned for "toying" with peoples emotions? jesus... sounds like people really need a reality check. "hes got a mild concussion, i dont know if hes alive or dead". absolutely amazing. the mods should have immediatly seen the thread for what it was and erased it. the fact that they didnt is very, very sad.

and icarus.. the whole *banned* *closed* *warned* thing is stupid. it isnt making your point any clearer, or you look any tougher. a pm would work a LITTLE better.

edit: and the fact that so many (the majority, it would seem) disagree with him having been banned, should clue you in to the fact that maybe your waving the ban stick around a little too much.
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