Minecraft = Love

How the hell did he pull that one off? And since when does shooting them make them explode?
oh I see. I'm just wondering how he got them to fall in a hole. I figure it wouldn't be too tough to lead them.

I makes me think I should dig a big hole instead of giant tunnels that never find caverns. The only problem is that I wouldn't be as safe as I am at night in my tunnels...

edit: I guess I could always build a wall around it
I bought Alpha. I just see pictures of people with extreme assload amounts of TNT, so I know there's no way in hell that they crafted all of it. Is there some sort of hack?

The particular method we used is the "#give" command that you can use in the Survival Multiplayer (you NEED to be an admin to do this however).

You type "#give", then your username, then the block/item number for whatever you want (ie. TNT is 46), then the quantity (max is 256). So for example:

#give WantedBob 46 256

Would give me 256 blocks of TNT.
Our admin figured out how to give rights to individual people.. and survival multiplayer became Creative 2.0 (with physics!)

So boring. We'll reset soon, once all these exploits and bugs are fixed.
Build Day #2: Today's Theme is SPACE!

The Discovery Space Shuttle!!





The International Space Station!





NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building!






Day 2 Completion


(And btw, just for fun since I am a huge hockey fan)
^^^^ Whenever I see the ISS I wish someone would make an accurate simulation of what it's like to live aboard it and shit, having to manage crew and stuff.

I have desires for such weird-ass niche games.:[
Those shadowmarch castle village pictures remind me of Ecstatica... I might make the ecstatica village...
There's a thread on the minecraft forums about a guy trying to recreate The Imperial City from Oblivion in Alpha mode. It's actually coming along very well!
Secret Friday Update was today and I saw it update but have no idea what it updated. anyone have any info?? I've been searching






Don't know if anyone posted but I like em!
No friday update.


lah, I failed the Friday update.
There won’t be a Friday update today, because I bit off more than I could chew.

I think I got started with the coding too late in the day. It’s 5 pm now, and I have nothing at all implemented. My first attempt was to do biomes, but that ended up being very slow and very bad (sudden wall of snow for no reason!).
Then I tried doing monster villages, which turned out to be much more complex than I thought. Like seriously a lot more complicated..


The base code I wrote for biomes is definitely usable, but I need to speed it up (easily done), and make it much more intuitive to the player what the current temperature is or so. I could either do a simple postprocessing effect where cold areas have a cool tint (blue), and hot areas have a warm (red) tint, or play around with fog density and color. Or possibly particle effects..

For villages, I need to come up with something clever. It would be great to have small huts with roads and so, but doing that procedurally in streaming terrain is far from trivial, heh.

Does that mean, we'll be able to have a map, with multiple different regions in it?

Like a temperate region, a desert region, an 'arctic' region?


Does that mean, we'll be able to have a map, with multiple different regions in it?

Like a temperate region, a desert region, an 'arctic' region?


Well he did say stuff about wanting to have swamps, and deserts and stuff.
if there was no update then why did my client download an update and why did the standalone client also say i need to update?? HUH???

I really think they changed the game but I can't put my finger on it
if there was no update then why did my client download an update and why did the standalone client also say i need to update?? HUH???

I really think they changed the game but I can't put my finger on it

It was to fix a death bug. He announced it on twitter.
How awesome would it be to walk a couple hundred miles and wander into a desert that's a couple hundred miles itself.
And then walk a couple hundred more miles and find a snowy mountain shaped like Notch's head.
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door
So, after watching a few youtube vids some guy made, I decided i was sick of stone and the occasional bit of iron to craft with, so I dug a massive hole, and totally hit the jackpot!

I found an enormous cave system, filled with gold, that red stuff, iron, a diamond (!) and massive pits of lava.

I'm gonna spruce the place up a little, and then get a vid up hopefully (if i can work out how to do it).


Just awesome.
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

Everybody walk tha di-no-saur.

I haven't played in about a week or so.
I just found a HUGE cave system under my house. Now I have my own mine!

I would take pics, but I forgot how to take screenies. HELP
Hit the "print scr" button. Then hit control+v in paint to paste your image. Then save, upload.
Well, today i decided i would build on my hole to the bottom of my map with a tower to the top of it.

I haven't gotten there yet but i'm near the clouds. Please don't tell me the sky is infinite.

Anyone tell me what those red stones are good for? How do i make electric circuits with them?

I'm also going to make a trap, so that i can rape creepers for their gunpower, maybe i can use the red shit for that.
The sky isn't infinite. It ends about 20 blocks over... maybe a little less.

I know, because my first minecraft goal was to build a big ass building.

I succeeded.



The tower doesn't look as tall from the ground.
The sky isn't infinite. It ends about 20 blocks over... maybe a little less.

I know, because my first minecraft goal was to build a big ass building.

I succeeded.



The tower doesn't look as tall from the ground.

My idea is to build a shaft going from the very top to the very bottom of the map. It already goes to the bottom, just need to get to the top.

Then I can see how long it takes to fall the entire distance.

Then the game will be over for me :/

Maybe i'll build a track, is it easy? How do you build sloping tracks, or does it just do whatever depending what you have it propped against?
I just love that Chief Wiggum voice when he says, "no no you gotta dig up stupid" or something like that.

found it:
Otto: I found something! [pulls a briefcase from the ground]
Wiggum: [opens it] It's just a piece of paper.
Homer: It's mine! [reads] "Frightfully sorry, but there is no hidden
treasure. I have already used this time to escape from your
jail. Fondest wishes" -- oh, I can't make out the signature!
Quimby: Keep digging. We're bound to find something!
-- Missing the point, "Homer the Vigilante"

They do as Quimby suggests, until there are only a few of them at the
bottom of a hole forty or fifty feet deep.

Quimby: I guess we're not going to find anything.
Otto: Um, how are we going to get out of here?
Homer: We'll dig our way out!
Wiggum: No, dig _up_, stupid.
-- "Homer the Vigilante"

The Movie Clip, click at 20mins into it
God, these cave noises are really starting to piss me off. I turned off sounds, and the game is lacking without them, but with them on, it's just cheap scares.

I really hate it when I hear that noise. I play on Peaceful most of the time. no need to shit my pants when I play this game
They're horrible, makes going underground like silent hill.
Hit the "print scr" button. Then hit control+v in paint to paste your image. Then save, upload.
You can also press ctrl+alt+print scr to take a shot of the current window only.

Screenshotting doesn't work in full screen, unfortunately (F11, if you weren't aware). :(
They're horrible, makes going underground like silent hill.

First time I got killed by murder, I had all my shit with me, I was digging and heard a weird noise. I got closer and these things were wizzing by my head. I thought I turned around and headed back to where I came in from but It was a different path and omg was so scary. The skeletons killed me so fast.
Fuuuu just started a new game. Stayed in my house all night because I didn't have any weapons or food. Notice a distinct lack of moaning or hissing outside. Come morning, still no monsters.

Check options.

Still set to peaceful from playing multi.
