Minecraft = Love

we made a bunch of skyscrapers tonight with futuristic glass walkways. Also this game is like Meth....You try it just once and your hooked! (i have not tried meth)
Multiplayer survival eh?

I hope that is added before it turns beta, if so I'll get it.
That was an epic ride. Needed more super-fast downhill parts though.
Just messing around and made a big building. :0



Double posting to bump. I got the full game now. Just finished building my fort.

Hey nice place, I like the water feature.

I'm loving the new snow maps, great for building igloos and ice castles.
HAY GUYS. Sorry for bump, but we got a BUTTLOAD of features!

Just a few

-Slimes! New monster type!
-Cows! New animal type!
-New walking animations!
-Clay which can be used to turn into bricks when used with stone! And also brick walls!
-Multiplayer invites for certain people!
ooooh nice!! I got banned from 2 servers for digging monstrous holes which were going to be my underground lair, but COME ON!!! Its called MineCraft for a reason!! dumb ****s
I found the bricks yesterday. Well the clay to make it. They look like lighter colored concrete. You break them and you get items that look similar to snowballs. Then you melt them in a furnace to make bricks. Then you craft the bricks into blocks. Pretty cool. I'm just saving all of mine until I need them.

Edit: There's a glitch with the slimes. They'll spawn in areas that you cleared out yourself and have no other exits to. They even spawn in peaceful mode.
But the small ones don't actually harm you. Just the big ones.

Has anyone found a use for slime?
I don't think there is one at the moment.
Also I made a minecraft community group. Post your Minecraft usernames on there so we can grief the hell out of servers. Just kidding! just kidding...
I'm with you warped, screw these flat build servers, I want to dig!

I keep trying to make a massive mountain fortress but I can never plan it right. I might try making either:

Cloud city
Helms Deep
Minas Tirith

Once the multiplay is working we should have a halflife2.net team project. We could build blackmesa!
Picked this game up again, love how so many features get added literally on a daily basis.

Got horribly lost once. Managed to find my way back using the Minecraft Cartographer program. Essential if you plan on going exploring far from your home base.
I saw one of the nicest looking levels tonight but must have screensaved over it by accident
My current project. Building a floating fortress. It's going to be xbox hueg. The base alone (what you see in the image) is thousands of blocks of cobblestone by itself.

Holy shit. I have an idea for that! How about a spiraling minecart track going from the top to the bottom like an elevator that only goes down!

Possibly. I did want it to be very tall and cylindrical.
Me wants creeper T -shirt.

I was tunneling yesterday and i broke down into a deep, pitch black cave. Next thing I hear is "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

Pretty much shat myself.
Picked this game up again, love how so many features get added literally on a daily basis.

Got horribly lost once. Managed to find my way back using the Minecraft Cartographer program. Essential if you plan on going exploring far from your home base.

Can you quickly explain the Cartographer program you used and how it works. For whatever reason, http://www.minecraft.net/infdev/preview.jsp isn't working for my map and I was looking for an alternative.

Where are the minecraft files located by default?


P.S. That creeper tshirt is awesome!
Added a little more ground space and started building the walls.

EDIT: The game started crashing a lot yesterday so I stopped playing. I don't know if it has something to do with the amount of building i'm doing or what. Kinda mad.

Can you quickly explain the Cartographer program you used and how it works. For whatever reason, http://www.minecraft.net/infdev/preview.jsp isn't working for my map and I was looking for an alternative.

Where are the minecraft files located by default?


P.S. That creeper tshirt is awesome!


That thread contains a link to the Cartographer I use.

The program itself is pretty simple. You simple select the save slot (1-5) that you want to map, and you can choose a bunch of options depending on what you want (I find Oblique is the best option, or if you want something like what Hokey has, use Angled-Oblique).
After watching some videos of this, I caved (heh) and bought it.

First question: why is tutorial greyed out on the main menu? Just not been added yet or?
There is a tutorial button?

I havent played in a few days, so he literally JUST added that button :p
Hah, must mean it's coming soon.

Just been gathering wood and crap, made myself a basic hut and some tools... now just need some coal to go spelunking...
Yeah the tut hasn't been added yet. The game is still VERY much in alpha :)
Is he planning on adding in stuff like cave-ins etc without proper supports and stuff?
Well if you count blocks that are affected by gravity like shingle and Sand they exist. e.g there are gravel blocks above stone, if you take out the stone the gravel will fall.

Would be cool if there were full on cave ins tho.
they should add a sex mini game so you can spawn kids of your own, and when you die, you just respawn as one of your children
they should add a sex mini game so you can spawn kids of your own, and when you die, you just respawn as one of your children

**** yes, originally they had that in Fable 2 but people would just **** like rabbits to get infinite chances after death and shit, so they took it out.
Dang just pulled an allniter on this shit. Already discovered several large and labyrinthine cave systems, one contained so many slimes I was running at about 5 fps. And oh god, the squelching. D:

they should add a sex mini game so you can spawn kids of your own, and when you die, you just respawn as one of your children
> Open inventory.

> Remove rib.

> Combine rib with clay.

> Place in furnace.

> Object <woman> may now be placed on kitchen tile.
Well if you count blocks that are affected by gravity like shingle and Sand they exist. e.g there are gravel blocks above stone, if you take out the stone the gravel will fall.

Would be cool if there were full on cave ins tho.

Could anyone help me out? This crashes on startup.

It used to run perfectly fine, but then I had a few problems and had to system restore, and from then on it would crash just before loading the main menu.

Basically, I've tried redownloading the client, deleting the minecraft local folder, reinstalling java and flash, and all of these several times over.

Anyone got an idea?
System restore again to a different point?
Strange, does it work on the webpage version or is it broken on both that and the client?