Minecraft = Love

You just described it to yourself :)

Basically you mine blocks, and can re-place blocks to build structures. It's got more complexities though.
Is there multiplayer? How much does it cost?
There's multiplayer in classic mode (free to play on the site), which is just the block building with all the survival bits stripped out, but survival multi is coming soon. Notch (the creator) suggested on his blog that he'd release it sometime next week, but it's still very much unfinished.

It costs 10 euro at the moment, which will go up to 15 in beta, and finally 20 once it's complete.
Well if you get it now it's 50% off...and you never have to pay for anything again. (gamewise)
I idle in there 24/7. :p Most of the time, the chats are about everything except MK.

Hell, me and a guy in there are regular Minecraft players and have discussions on the game regularly.
I idle in there 24/7. :p Most of the time, the chats are about everything except MK.

Hell, me and a guy in there are regular Minecraft players and have discussions on the game regularly.

That's the way things are in most IRC channel I hang in.:p
I bought this on an impulse earlier and been mucking around for a few hours. It's quite fun seeing what I can build but is there a sort of noobies guide? I don't have a pick axe or anything so mining stone is taking ages with my bare hands.
Ok I bought this. Here's what happened so far.

I ran around punching things and collecting wood, wool, apparently leather, feathers, and dirt. Then it got dark and EVERYTHING killed me. I got tired of dying and now I'm posting here. Wtf am I supposed to be doing? Everyone's got these pics/vids of epic buildings and I want to build, but all I've been able to do is punch stuff and die...

edit oh this wiki seems to help.. even though I apparently have to punch things forever in the dark while dying in order to get the things I need to make stuff.
either make a building or climb to the top of a mountain at night time. but before that, learn how to make a torch. it provides you light at night and its much easier

the building can be made of whatever your hearts desire. (as long as its not made of saplings, lol)
So I just wait out the darkness?

well with torches you can kinda work at night but yeah the darkness is really a drag. I kinda wish they'd let you sleep for 6-8 hrs and skip it
Well I started working on a kind of starter building on this cool basically floating platform. The only sucky part is hauling everything up there... but it's pretty safe at night so I can get everything I need then go there to build it. I thought that the pressure plates were just flooring tiles... but I guess they could be. Gotta find a LOT more stone... I guess I can make bricks too if I can figure that one out.
Starbob, you can lower the diffculty or even set it on peaceful mode (you can build and gather all you want without being threatened). Then you can set it back to whatever, whenever.

When I first start a world. I usually go around punching the shit out of trees, so I can build a small fort to wait out the night, then I make some basic wooden tools, usually just a shovel, axe and pickaxe. Then just go from there.
I haven't had any problems since I started my new house on the floating platform. I was sad when I learned I couldn't put a farm up there since you need water. The platform has a fairly narrow entrance so I built a little dirt wall so I can build at night without anything sneaking up on me. It's a pretty good little setup.
Just make a bucket, move water. Profit.
Yep, you can create your own water sources by making a bucket and dropping water somewhere. Same with lava.

Started walls of third floor.


Super widescreen image to show you how large and spacious it is on the inside.
Well now I have to learn how to make a bucket. I found that making a floor out of pressure plates doesn't work really well because anything you put on them floats... so I guess I am going to dig them all up and hope I can turn them back to stone... then replace all the dirt with stone or wood.
To make a bucket, you need to mine some iron ore. You then have to smelt the ore into useable iron. With that, you can craft iron tools, doors, buckets, etc. An iron pickaxe is required to mine stuff like diamonds and gold. (gold is useless, btw).

When you do get some iron, place the iron in your workstation like this (x = iron, o = blank space)
o o o
x o x
o x o
Edit: Whoop I done got beat.

Edit 2: Oh also, you can milk cows by right clicking them with a bucket, but DON'T! Milk is useless at the moment and can't be emptied, so you effectively destroy a bucket by doing so. :p

Bucket is like this (I is iron, X is nothing):

Also I read that you can create an infinitely renewable water source by digging a 2x2 hole and putting a water source on opposite ends. Whatever you take out will be filled back in with another source block. Same method doesn't work for lava, unfortunately. :p
I haven't milked a cow yet, but you would think you could just drink it for a quick health boost.
Milking cows pretty much destroys your bucket because you can't do anything with it. You can't dump it out or drink it.
Cheers for all the help guys :D

Here's my current efforts..


My little hut on the hill and my bottomless pit of terror!!! :eek:

Ok... not so bottomless.. but i'm working on it.

btw my stone pickaxes keep running out every five minutes and its annoying as hell having to go back to my crafting bench to make another batch. Is there a way of making them stronger?
Make an iron one. Mine some iron, then smelt it. The iron looks like gray blocks with specs of brown in it. Similar to coal.
Why would you waste iron on stone?

Just use stone ones. They're easy enough to make even if it is a hassle, and you will run out of wood far before you run out of stone.

You should keep an iron one on hand, because only iron and diamond picks can mine gold/redstone/diamond.

Other than that, it's a waste of iron to make a bunch of them. They only last twice as long.

Wood/gold - 33 uses
Stone - 65 uses
Iron - 129 uses
Diamond - 1025.
in 1 year from now I can see 1 million people playing this game
I will get this game if and only if multiplayer will be great.
It's gonna be buggy for a little while at least. Impressions from people who've gotten into the test server haven't been great. :p
boom shaka laka, i'm about three blocks from touching the clouds :I

btw my stone pickaxes keep running out every five minutes and its annoying as hell having to go back to my crafting bench to make another batch. Is there a way of making them stronger?
Place another crafting bench at your location.
Ugh... I was in the process of finishing things up for a screenshot when TWO of those exploding zombie bitches show up outside and of course they don't die in the sunlight. So I go outside to hopefully lead them away from my building... and of course they blow up instantly leaving me with this:

The sheep's just being an asshole and showing off.
That is one huge ass cliff that you live on o_O

Also: You should invest your time into steel doors. Your house is pretty reinforced against attacks, but your door could be destroyed in the blast.
At first i hated creepers blowing stuff up but now I think it actually adds to the game. I have this awesome tower but the foundations have been blown away by creepers
At first i hated creepers blowing stuff up but now I think it actually adds to the game. I have this awesome tower but the foundations have been blown away by creepers

They're plotting to blow tunnels under your castle and storm your treasure room.