Minecraft = Love

Raziaar, one time I actually got lost in a cave and had no choice but to dig my way up and out of it. It'll get that ridiculous sometimes. Especially when you're limited on supplies like torches.
Yeah I've had that happen too Hokey. Need to bring a lot of signs to remind me which tunnels I've explored.
this game brings so much wonder and excitement! I love just exploring and not even building sometimes. like strolling around and climbing and observing animals. this game is shaping up to be one of those magical gems that will probably be around for a long long time
Yeah I've had that happen too Hokey. Need to bring a lot of signs to remind me which tunnels I've explored.

You know... I've never actually thought about taking signs with me. :| This whole time, i've been using landmarks, like bumps, missing blocks, etc to navigate.
Raziaar, one time I actually got lost in a cave and had no choice but to dig my way up and out of it. It'll get that ridiculous sometimes. Especially when you're limited on supplies like torches.
I'd been in a dungeon for upwards of an hour once with no sign of a way out, until I happened across a room and heard mooing directly above me. I dug up and hit water.

****ing swimming cows. :|
Don't forget to deck your character out with the latest skins! I'm Charlie Brown bitches. one of the funniest people I ever saw was this guy named Onions. he made me lol

anyway I saw Gordon by CTRL F ing his name from this site: http://tkte.ch/skins2/
Four things:

1 - Is that infinite world dynamically generated as you move or something? How do I see one? Infinite is kind of scary though.

2 - I never seem to find caves. I just dig in a straight line for ever and I don't find anything but a little iron and crap. I've found only one cave. I want to find a big one like everyone keeps talking about... guess I gotta invest more time.

3 - So can enemies dig or what?

4 - I made a boat, but what's it even for? If I get in it, I can't propel it. I can simply push it around while swimming.

Oh ok how about 5 - can monsters climb ladders? I'm thinking of building a giant ladder up to my house for quick entrances because there's only one side of one hill that leads to it.
1 - as you walk, land will infinitely generate

2 - caves are down to luck, the best place to start is caves with entrances on the surface

3 - enemies cannot dig

4 - right click the boat to get in it.

5 - monsters can get on ladders, but aren't programmed to climb them, so there is like a 1% chance of them reaching the top.
If your world doesn't have any caves near the spawn, you might want to generate another one. Half the fun of the game is seeing what kind of world pops up next. Don't be afraid to make a bunch and just delete them until you find one you like.

Otherwise, I wouldn't really advise random digging since your chances of success are, well, random. You could always keep walking until you find one, but that makes it kind of difficult when you die and the spawn point is 3 islands back the other way. :p
I agree with Bat_Hat, just keep generating maps until you find one with some open air caves near the spawn.

If you dont feel like doing that, you can always use the cartographer I mentioned earlier in this thread, and set it to "caves" or something so it will turn the terrain white, but highlight all the tunnels and caves.
I just had a thought.. If I build a glass room in a pit and then fill that pit with water. Will the room still be there? i.e an underwater room?
Yep. I've seen a guy make an entire underwater city doing that exact method.

Also, Survival Multiplayer is up and running!
The thing I love most about these Let's Play videos I've been watching, are the caves. The complex natural cave systems fascinate me. I was watching this one, where this guy was outside exploring and he came across this insanely deep vertical shaft that a single torch at the top could not reveal what lay below.

I wanted to explore the shit out of it!

Exploring the caves for me is by far the best part of the game. I enjoy building and stuff, but there is nothing more fun in this game than coming across a tiny shaft in the ground that opens up and goes on and on and ends up taking a few days to completely explore.

I just got done exploring a massive cave complex. It was actually two distinct, massive cave complexes that shared an opening. I found my first dungeon in there. I got so deep and with so many shafts going every which way I had to dig myself out because I got so lost.

The terrain and cave generator absolutely fascinates me.
Man, that underwater glass house could be a disaster.

I probably would have figued out the boat but I accidentally broke it then forgot about it. Besides... who need boats?

Also... I don't know if I want a 1% chance of a creeper all up in my house blowin up my floor. Gotta find a bunch of iron so I can make iron doors and have my stronghold safer.

I put a big tower with a bunch of torches on my house so when I randomly pop out of the ground like some retarded mole after an hour of digging, I can find my place. It's a great idea, except it's now above the clouds.

Edit: Now that I looked at that boat stuff, I want to built a waterslie.
On one of my maps I have an underwater tunnel that a minecart goes through as part of a ride.
I'd been in a dungeon for upwards of an hour once with no sign of a way out, until I happened across a room and heard mooing directly above me. I dug up and hit water.

****ing swimming cows. :|

Gotta clean ourselves somehow.

I am very, very tempted to buy this game.

Start watching some of the Let's Play videos... kind of like this one, to see how interested you are.


The actual start to the series. There are like 8 videos so far, with more being uploaded almost daily. Check em out. I found this to be one of the most exciting Let's Play videos, because of cave exploration.

Does HL2.net have a SMP server or is their a SMP list/browser?
Been playing Minecraft for a few days now. I was digging a really large network of tunnels under a hill when I found a cave complex, it took hours to explore the whole thing, mostly due to the fact it stretched underneath the nearby ocean and I had to dam up a lot of leaks in the ceiling.

Eventfully at its deepest point I was fixing torches when one of those green creepers popped out and blew the floor away, revealing this hidden chasm.

Little did you know that you encroached upon the upper levels of hell.

Besides... who need boats?

I do.

And this is why.


And here is the mine that supplies the block.

I found a TON of redstone today. No iron. What do redstone torches do other than give way less light?
Redstone torches are a way of providing power to redstone circuits.
And they can be used for logic gates and extending the range of circuits beyond fifteen tiles (I spent too much time on the minecraft wiki).
Also, if you have a bunch and don't care about circuitry, you can use them as markers to indicate the way out of a cave (since you're basically chucking torches everywhere :p).

So, SMP is fun. Still very buggy, laggy, unoptimised, but that hasn't stopped people making some truly awesome structures. I went into some random goon's server and built a garden in the sky. Crashed before any of the trees could grow, though, so no screenies. :(
How do you grow a tree?

Equip a sapling (obtained by breaking the leaves of existing trees) and right click on any dirt block anywhere light would hit it. Water isn't needed. I forget how much room a tree needs around it in order to grow. I think 3-5 spaces left and right and 5 spaces high. I could be wrong on those numbers.
Equip a sapling (obtained by breaking the leaves of existing trees) and right click on any dirt block anywhere light would hit it. Water isn't needed. I forget how much room a tree needs around it in order to grow. I think 3-5 spaces left and right and 5 spaces high. I could be wrong on those numbers.

I have always wondered why I had tree branches... I hate reading stuff but it seems like it takes away from the fun of figuring it out, but then I just ask and ruin it. I'm too busy trying to find iron to accomplish learning. Im in the process of building a giant ladder to my house. It's prolly going to take all the wood I Can find to finish it. Seven sticks to make a single piece of ladder...
As a tip, StarBob, you only need a ladder piece every second block to climb it. Also wood provides many sticks per block.
As a tip, StarBob, you only need a ladder piece every second block to climb it. Also wood provides many sticks per block.

Every other piece? Well that helps, but still, this is going to be a ladder basically to the clouds. That's how high my shit is. Building it is the toughest part... I have this dynamic scaffolding beside it that is ridiculously difficult to navigate and I'm just waiting to fall to my death.
Oh god. I just got the game. It's snowing outside and it just got dark. I managed to build a house but now it's completely dark inside. I didn't have time to go and find coal. I'm huddled in my house cold and terrified of what lurks out there.
Does anyone ever feel like they should just tear down something to make it better? I feel like my house isn't nice enough outside so I want to make it bigger and better looking. Also, do I need clay to make bricks? I've never even seen it.

A third thing, when I put stone in a furnace, what am I making? Superstone? Is it just harder than stone?

A fourth thing, where's this snow? I haven't seen any snow... are there seasons? That would be awesome...
do I need clay to make bricks? I've never even seen it.

Yes you need clay. Clay is surprisingly hard to find but almost always on or near a coastline. Depending on when you started your current map, you may have to go in one direction for a while so the game generates new terrain. If it's a newer map it could already be generated.

A third thing, when I put stone in a furnace, what am I making? Superstone? Is it just harder than stone? .

You need to smelt the actual ore into ingots. Dig up iron ore, smelt it in a furnace, it gives you iron ingots. You use the ingots to make armor, swords or tools. 9 ingots make a "super" iron block which is essentially just a placeable block. Diamonds and coal and restone do not need to be smelted.

A fourth thing, where's this snow? I haven't seen any snow... are there seasons? That would be awesome...

No seasons. Since biomes aren't implemented yet, you have to generate map after map after map until a snowy one is generated. I usually regen a snow map because I hate the snow.
Finally got to try a snow level and loved it! it feels completely different out and it would be cool to mix all the zones of island, mount and snow all into one.
I finally found some coal, earlier in my game. It was located on a sheer cliff face, and I sort of had to carve myself a path up to get it. Got me set on torches for a little while. Need to find some more though.


Finally got to try a snow level and loved it! it feels completely different out and it would be cool to mix all the zones of island, mount and snow all into one.

Well, he does eventually plan on making deserts and swamps and stuff, so he'd probably have snowy areas too, perhaps in higher elevations. though the elevations would need to be increased I think for that. Or at least have seasons, with winter coming everywhere.
couldn't you have just added soil to reach those areas??
I could have. But I didn't really have much at the time. And I made a few pickaxes. Needed stone anyway, since I didn't yet find any near my home.

Anyway, now I have my home with a large dirt wall surrounding it, lit up and stuff, so I can go outside if I need to, to scope my surroundings. I haven't done a whole lot of mining, except for starting a downwards stairway that I'm working on right now, going towards that gigantic cliff.

When I was digging, I hit this dirt... and a few moments afterwards I heard this weird chime thing... sort of like a revelation chime. I don't know how else to describe it. What could that be?

EDIT: FUUUUCK. It was daylight... I went outside. I heard this zombie. It turns out it was beneath the ground, right? So I'm digging, maybe trying to find that cave... since it's close to the surface. But as I'm digging, this creeper comes up to me and explodes right next to me. ****. I died.

My first death. I just lost a shitload of pickaxes too. ARGH. And a bunch of other stuff.

But at least his explosion revealed the hidden cavern. lol

OH ****. I just realized I lost all my torches and coal in that too. GOD DAMMIT.

EDIT: I'm still hearing some weird sound in my headphones even after turning fps limiter on.
You need to smelt the actual ore into ingots. Dig up iron ore, smelt it in a furnace, it gives you iron ingots. You use the ingots to make armor, swords or tools. 9 ingots make a "super" iron block which is essentially just a placeable block. Diamonds and coal and restone do not need to be smelted.

I'm talking about stone... the stone I get tons of while digging. If you put it in the furnace you get another block that just looks like a solid stone block. What's the difference between it and normal stone outside of wasting some coal? Is it just harder?

Edit... yeah that snow looks pretty blinding... but it would be something else. I'd love to see a dynamic weather system in this. If only for aesthetics.
Raziaar, you can go back and loot your corpse... if you can find it that is. Not sure what the chime sound could be as I usually have my sound off.

StarBob, I'm not sure that smelting actual stone will get you anything different. I think you're just wasting coal. FYI, you can use wood in the furnace as well if you're hard up for coal.