Minecraft = Love

I'm at the point where I can waste as much coal as I want. While digging for blocks for my tower, i've stumbled onto countless pockets. I've got coal on tap now.
I'm at the point where I can waste as much coal as I want. While digging for blocks for my tower, i've stumbled onto countless pockets. I've got coal on tap now.

Agree there. I don't even mine coal anymore. All of my caves and mines have all sorts of coal veins running all throughout them.
You drop all your items when you die, yeah. They'll be "frozen" where they drop until you enter that area again (like, within chunk rendering distance), at which time they'll start decaying and vanish after a while, so if you're deep in a cave or something it can be difficult to get them back. Otherwise you shouldn't have a problem unless you can't remember where you were. Any case it's always a good idea to store your items somewhat regularly, even if you just craft a chest in a cave to offload ores/diamonds and then grab them on your way back out. I'll always head straight back to the surface after finding a diamond deposit, don't wanna be caught out with that.

Oh also - and this applies to everyone - SAVE OFTEN!! Pressing esc to bring up the menu will automatically save your world. Until such time as he actually puts in an autosave feature, this is the single most important thing to remember since crashes and shit still happen relatively often. I typically save once every 10 minutes or so, or just after I've accomplished something important. It also doesn't hurt to make a backup of your world if you've built it up a lot and don't want to lose it. The save files are in %appdata% (type it into run, or just the start menu in Vista/7). This has probably been said already, but it bears repeating.
This is what I mean. I'm just gathering some normal stone when bam.

And it stretches all the way over on the right side too.

they should have called this game CrackCraft. Also this game could have came out 5 years ago and been just as big a hit
Imagine if this guy joined forces with ToadyOne of Dwarf Fortress fame..

Just imagine a Dwarf Fortress with these graphics where you could choose to seize manual control of a dwarf and actually live in the fort whilst other dwarves went around their business and shit..

Finally at the very top. Putting the last stuff on is the hardest since I have nowhere to stand while building.



That actually took hours to mine and create.


Holy crap, thats a huge tower.

Im in the middle of making a stairway all the way up from the bottom of my home (a massive cavern in the middle of a mountain) to the top of the mountain.
Jesus Hokey, that's crazy! You should put some decorations on that... like gigantic gargoyle faces or something.

Also, how did you get that crazy isometric shot?

I've been working on my home more than anything right now. I want to feel safe above ground, before I go deep underground. And the only way I can do that, is by having an imposing fortification that zombies shamble away from.



I play the game with some long techno beats a lot of times. its really fun. but yeah the cave sounds are really scary with the music off. anyway i died tonight, lost a lot of shit in a deep cave when I was raped by a pack of white people with arrows. It took me 20 mins to find my original home, and luckily within another 10 mins was right where I left off. I need to make a secondary base so it can be a lot easier for me. I wish you could respawn in your own home
I've been playing this for the past few weeks and I have to say, this is the most fun I've had with a game in about a year. Might post various buildings I made.
Here's some pics of my latest tower, I'll spoiler them because they're big.




Nice Lone Wolf. Yours looks like modern architecture.

Anyway... I constructed the roof to my tower. It's dangerous working up high like that. Had to build scaffolding of sorts to get up there and do all my construction work. It's basically a pyramid shape with some reinforcements. My tower doesn't need these reinforcements obviously since blocks can float in air easy enough without any support, but I think it looks cooler with them.


The inside looking up.


Also... skeletons hurt like a bitch.

The snow can get kind of annoying, especially on stairs and stuff. Hopefully that kind of stuff gets fixed. I've also had issues with tree leaves not disappearing, I think because of the snow. So I'd go out there and torch them. Some of the trees have various logs going in different directions, I guess simulating branches. They're a bitch to reach, and they seem to burn forever... at least the fires didn't go out for several days until I went up there and chopped them up as they were bugging my aesthetic vision.

So now that my tower is complete... I plan on delving further underground. Maybe getting lucky and hitting a cavern or two. I've found plenty of surface caverns, which I've mined the coal and iron from, but I want to find some by digging down randomly.
The tree leaves seems to be a hit and miss type of thing. Sometimes they drop, somtimes they dont.

And that topdown map thing I showed, you can get here. It generates maps of many kinds, like caves and such. Good to use if you get lost somewhere, though to be honest, I don't know if it shows every area you've been in, or just your general location.

Creeper exploded right behind my house when I failed to kill it. Feelsunsafeman.

Hope it's warm in their Raz, i think wood on snow is a cool contrast

I think if you smelt cobbles into stone it becomes stronger, ie creepers wont do as much damage to stone as they would to cobbles.
making two mountain top homes connected by a large bridge. i like staying on the surface for now. every time i go dig deep i run into trouble :eek:
Look what creepers did to my first tower!

I turned it on pleasant difficulty for now. after i set shit up I'm gunna worry about all those critters
I've set up a greenhouse for my garden, built a pool, and planted some trees. I'm going to add a second story to my houseplace. I wish I could generate something that looks like furniture...

Another day of intently digging (going through about 15 stone picks) and all I found was more redstone. I think I need to move up from the very bottom of the world.
I find if I spend too much time deep underground I actually start going crazy, which is why I'm building above ground atm :p

I'm sure Notch will add furniture in future updates.
I've been playing for around 17 hours almost nonstop since I got the game.

Time to go to bed.

Those cavesounds are pretty damned unnerving!

Yeah man, they freak me out. My strategy for cave clearing is a mad dash affair. Luckily the ones I've found haven't been gigantically massive. I mean they're large, but they end. As I was saying, my strategy is mad dash. I run in quick with my torches, plopping them down as I go, and if I encounter a skeleton I run away like a pussy. Sometimes I fight... sometimes... but it's dangerous. Taken out a few skeletons where I have gotten down to 3 hearts, without a meat ready.

I really hope he implements harder monsters, and monsters that groups have to take down and stuff for survival multiplayer, as well as to increase the challenge in multiplayer survival, even having daytime monster types. Goblins and stuff.

I've been playing on Hard the whole time by the way.

Do you guys leave the caves relatively untouched as you go through them, or for some of them do you start to leave your touch on them, squaring out the edges and making it look more civilized. I do the latter. It creates a sort of interesting flow to my fortress, with healthy usage of stairs. I love stairs to death.

Random sleepy thought. I feel like an ant. I want somebody to pour molten metal down into my home and dig it out from the ground so I can see it all. That cartographer thing doesn't do quite what I thought it would.
I never touch caves really, theyre usually too big to make the whole thing more 'tidy'

I get lost in them every single time though.
Oh god my laptop is too crap even to run this game smoothly. I'm going to have to get the desktop set up on the internet.
My new residence, complete with penthouse!

I've been on this map for a while so I've got lots of materials.
I just started playing and I've made a makeshift home out of a small cave inside of a mountain.
Walled up the perimeter and added a bunch cacti on top of the walls to act like barbed wire.

I don't know about you guys but I can't do anything at all when it gets dark out.
Yeah, unless you have torches all over the place it is generally too dark to do anything at night.

my 2 forts are connected by bridges, but soon they will become massive. I also have many many torches all over the other fort in the distance.
When it's night time I generally either stay up on my cliff behind my wall and make stuff or I am underground. I don't do anything on the surface.
I want to buy this so badly but this last week I've purchased 4 games and not gotten around to playing any of them!>_<
I'm currently in the process of illuminating this cavernous cliff, that always looms so ominously above my tower. So I decided to cheer it up a bit.


edit: what is that thing on your bar third from the right?
flint and steel, it's supposed to make fires, but I can't get mine to work.

Is there a certain way to use it? Right click does nothing and left click just swings it like a weapon.
flint and steel, it's supposed to make fires, but I can't get mine to work.

Is there a certain way to use it? Right click does nothing and left click just swings it like a weapon.

Works for me on leaves of trees, which is why I made it. Since, some of my leaves weren't disappearing due to the snow I think. The fire takes it all out quickly. I haven't been able to ignite any sheep or cows with it, but I heard it can be used on monsters. In fact... let me try it real quick... I have a shitload of monsters I can test it on. Though the water might put them out.

This is my first redstone cavern. Was TONS of zombies and creepers down here. It's insane. I managed to wall those guys in on that spot while I lit up the rest of the cavern. Lots of gold, iron and redstone down in here. Well, I hope there's a lot of redstone anyway. About three spots I saw it in. Hope the veins are big.


EDIT: I can ignite the ground with it, but not enemies.

here is a shot from my other home, I love this game!! I just came home for lunch to play a lil bit