Miscellaneous the Second

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I actually wrote 'Besides my Mom' originally, but I thought it was too funny for the free version.
All your alienating of other hl2.net members with your raep has come back to haunt you, Willie.
I got my SAT scores back today.

Reading 630

Math 540

Writing 600

Did I do gewd?

Also, I backed into some guys car today and just took off. Didn't look like there was any damage at all, and it's not the first time I did it (the other time I was in the car with my mom and she said just go if there was no damage, which we did :P), but I still feel guilty.
I can't sit still. My mind is absolutely buzzing and the noise and chatter in this office is tearing through me. The rain is battering off the windows and my fingers are streaking along this keyboard at a mile-a-minute and I'm not even sure if any of this is making any sense.

I want to go out and run or something. I want to clean up at my place, feng shui the furniture and shit. I could murder a pint.

This is the strangest I've felt, possibly ever.
I didnt think this was important enough for a thread of its own so i'll just post it here :

does anyone know where i can get a flame retardant suit and also some sort of flame retardant mask? Im doing an experiment involving fire and i dont want to get corpsed.
I had a very interesting dream last night. I dreamed that Great Britain wa under a dictatorship. Absolutely everything in your life was rationed: food, money, water, even recreation time (if you went out you'd only be allowed out for max. two hours, you could only have 40 books in one household, you could only buy one magazine per month, etc.). I've jotted down the details of the dream and I'm going to use it to write a story.
Beach. Yay, **** you guys I'm beachin' you bitches. Wait. Beaches. YOU BEACHES! AHAHAHDASJHFSFNHREKSHGD lol. But AIDSly, going to the beach.

1) I was wondering why fat girls think they're hot?

2) Had to write this last night. The idea would not leave my head.


The Proposal

You're used to fight clubs and mouge pits
I'm accustomed to battles of wits
No matter your taste, none of this sits
well with me

This dispute's sure to get heated
and my tirade won't end until you've conceited
No rest until your will is depleted!
Do you see?

My butler will make sure you're calm
He served three tours in Vietnam
Just hold him still, won't you Tom?
(can't think of anything here D: )

Just a moment, I'll need my monocle
Now, your life is rich and full
and mine grows dreary and dull
You following me?

I've grown tired of hearing your dog bark
and your place would make a terrific water park
If your family leaves the house, you'll leave your mark
On history

Your family doesn't need a place to crash!
They already live in that piece of trash
They're is really no reason to act so rash!
I mean, really!

Well the bulldozers are set to crush
Perhaps if you really, really rush
You can save valuables and such
or your children, maybe
I didnt think this was important enough for a thread of its own so i'll just post it here :

does anyone know where i can get a flame retardant suit and also some sort of flame retardant mask? Im doing an experiment involving fire and i dont want to get corpsed.

I was just watching Modern Marvels: Underwear last night, and they had a section on there about flame retardant underwear that firefighters and stuff use. The brand they were talking about was Wickers, which makes the stuff, and their stuff when it burns does not emit toxic gasses like pretty much all other flame retardant clothing.

They have balaclava and stuff too.

http://underwear.wickers.com/Flame Retardant-ZXcZX13

Expensive though. Though not for people like Comrade Badger and NOFX who pay more than all that for a T-shirt. heh heh.
I was today in some big shopping center, looking for shoes and jeans. I hate shoes, all of them are ugly or too big for me. Bought some nice and very cheap jeans from failing Levi's.

But best thing of this day was this lovely CAKE!!!

Indeed it is. In Continental Europe where I live it's called Schwarzwald Cake or Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte.
I love Black Forest Gateau! I'll have to have a go at making some myself! For now, though, whenever i amke a chocolate cake I always sandwich it with a layer of bramble (blackberry) jam as well as chocolate buttercream. It tastes like heaven!!!
There's cake other than white, yellow and chocolate?


Man that cake looks delicious. I have never even heard of Black Forest Gateau. I need to go find me some of that cake...

[edit] I just found out Black Forest Gateau is just another name for Black Forest Cake, which I have indeed heard of. Darn you Brits and your silly words for Cake.
Yellow?? What the hell goes into that to make it yellow??!! On second thoughts, I don't wanna know!!!

Egg Yolks. Sometimes people use food coloring instead.

Egg yolks aren't used for color though. I think it lends for a denser cake.
^ Bah!

I'll just finishing listening to this Stones song, then I'm gone.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm not very good
At writing haikus.
Roses are red
Violets are blue...


old meme is old
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