Miscellaneous the Second

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I came in here, and people are talking about ****ing people with rakes and cake. I love you guys.
I'm playing Hitman 2 alright so it takes me 20 tries just to try beating the level right? And I end up winning by eliminating both targets with one sniper bullet.

Anyone else see this?

Coffee is a turn off, also fact that the cake could have some coffee flavored layers.
I'm watching Dumb & Dumber again. I'm using it as one of my comfort movies/shows. Things I watch that make me feel happy for the time I'm watching them, like I'm in a better place. I know, it sounds weird, but when you don't have any friends like me, with a striking inability to get the courage to go and make friends, this is what I have.

I used That 70's Show for a long time for this purpose.
Koola Mena's Philosophy #382:

..."If life is based soley on consumerism, then surely the purpose of socialising is to compare different standards of living between individuals"...

Anywho...takin my girl out for a comedy night in Freo, gonna be a right ol laugh! :D
I'm watching Dumb & Dumber again. I'm using it as one of my comfort movies/shows. Things I watch that make me feel happy for the time I'm watching them, like I'm in a better place. I know, it sounds weird, but when you don't have any friends like me, with a striking inability to get the courage to go and make friends, this is what I have.

I used That 70's Show for a long time for this purpose.

I looked at your profile. You have 109 Friends, some of which are probably close friends.

If you live online, you will have online friends.

If that isn't good enough for you, then I suggest hanging out at places that interest you, and you are bound to run into someone who already has something in common with you - that's how you make friends. And you know this man.

People who don't know you are not going to come knocking on your door one day. So get out there.

You can also meet friends at school or work, at the pool, at the gym, at the game store, whatever your interests are. I often met girls at the gym or the pool. Since I started working out at home many years ago, I no longer met people that way, so you have to keep that in mind too.

I don't know. I'm content with random encounters with people with a few words or sentences exchanged, a laugh, and I go home to be alone. I just prefer it that way. Be greedy with your life. Don't share it with anybody if you are happier like that. I know I am - so far.

Friends are kind of pointless in the end. What you need is a girlfriend that you can spend your life with. If you aren't having any luck with that, try a dating service online.

But just remember, that we all die alone, so don't feel bad about it when it happens. My Grand Dad died at 96 and my Grand Mom had to live a few more years without him. I'm sure it won't be easy.
I looked at your profile. You have 109 Friends, some of which are probably close friends.

If you live online, you will have online friends.

lol... Just for the record, I invited about 90 of those friends. And I only have one close online friend and that's Vegeta. A few other people I'm cool with and like but don't know them barely at all and they know less of me, like Stigmata and Shamrock and Qonfused and Que-Ever and Dalamari and JNightshade and Sinkoman and Danimal and Pesmerga and Krynn and quite a few others who I haven't named here(though just because I'm tired, don't feel bad guys!).

Anyways, it's not a pity fest, it's just reality.
I have to get something to eat and get to sleep, but it bothers me when people say stuff like that. It's exactly the opposite way to make friends.

I noticed Que-ever hasn't been around lately, which I'm kinda bummed about. I guess Pesmerga is working a lot or something.
I have to get something to eat and get to sleep, but it bothers me when people say stuff like that. It's exactly the opposite way to make friends.

I noticed Que-ever hasn't been around lately, which I'm kinda bummed about. I guess Pesmerga is working a lot or something.

I already said I have a severe inability to gather the courage to go out and make friends dude... The last real life friends I've had was back when I lived in Alaska. over 9 years ago.

Anyways I'm going to finish watching this movie and go to bed.
Do you need courage to talk to other humans?

I have to work myself up usually, the rare times I do leave the house these days. I know it's really pathetic, but the only times I've left the house the past year was to go to my uncles house for family gatherings which is a relatively regular occurrence every couple weeks.
I have to work myself up usually, the rare times I do leave the house these days. I know it's really pathetic, but the only times I've left the house the past year was to go to my uncles house for family gatherings which is a relatively regular occurrence every couple weeks.

Well, like I said, if you don't go anywhere, it's not even possible to meet people.

When you make eye contact with people, nod your head at them or lift your chin up (Very slightly.) acknowledge them. Maybe people are intimidated by you.
I have to work myself up usually, the rare times I do leave the house these days. I know it's really pathetic, but the only times I've left the house the past year was to go to my uncles house for family gatherings which is a relatively regular occurrence every couple weeks.

Not healthy :(

What sort of hobbies do you have?

Pick one of your faves and try and join a club or something.
Don't you have a work or something, cow man? You're bound to get to know people there.
Is it bad that I'm rooting for the Germans when I watch Band of Brothers?
Is it bad that I'm rooting for the Germans when I watch Band of Brothers?


Though, not necessarily always the case, depending on the group they're fighting against. Not all the soldiers were Nazi's, not by a long shot. Some people have that misconception and I will never understand it.

But really, that series is good for displaying a lot of complicated depth of emotions and I wouldn't feel bad sometimes if you root for the Germans, but I always rooted for the Americans, because well... I am American and you have to remember that in World War II, we didn't start the war and we were one of the many nations of good guys in the war. If you rooted for the German and the Germans won... Hitler would win! :o

Though I'm sure that doesn't bother you that much since you're from Sweden and you're undoubtedly one of the Chosen People he had in mind due to your ethnicity. But the rest of us, we'd of been ****ed! lol

Though, not necessarily always the case, depending on the group they're fighting against. Not all the soldiers were Nazi's, not by a long shot. Some people have that misconception and I will never understand it.

But really, that series is good for displaying a lot of complicated depth of emotions and I wouldn't feel bad sometimes if you root for the Germans, but I always rooted for the Americans, because well... I am American and you have to remember that in World War II, we didn't start the war and we were one of the many nations of good guys in the war. If you rooted for the German and the Germans won... Hitler would win! :o

Though I'm sure that doesn't bother you that much since you're from Sweden and you're undoubtedly one of the Chosen People he had in mind due to your ethnicity. But the rest of us, we'd of been ****ed! lol
Well, here's my reasoning.

So we have a bunch of American kids and a bunch of German kids killing eachother, right? Nothing strange here, that's how it was. But what piss me off a bit is that the death of a German soldier is just brushed off as if he was a rodent, whereas when an American dies suddenly the world stops. I realize that the series is from an American perspective, but what I miss here, as well as in nearly every Hollywood production on the matter, is that it doesn't appear like the German soldiers have any souls, like their deaths won't be grieved by their families back home, and I wish it would be made clear that they're just as much victims in the war as everyone else. Just because your commander is the biggest monster of our time doesn't mean that you deserve to die; that's a fact I wish would be mentioned more often.

(Just to make things clear, of course America did the right thing intervening in the war, and the American soldiers are indeed heroes. But tragedy struck both sides, that's what I'm talking about.)
Yeah, I know what you're saying. And in some parts of the movie the film does show that much, but I do agree there could have been more empathy for the fallen soldiers on the German side. I mean, because empathy like that did happen, and the soldiers didn't want to be fighting the other soldiers. They knew they were just young men sent to do battle by their leaders against each other. Sometimes they were driven by machismo or really unfounded hatred and were more callous, but most of the guys I'm quite sure knew the realities of what was going on, that most of their enemies weren't in fact evil as their propaganda had tried to teach them.

I mean, like in World War I you had that Christmas truce that was completely against commands wishes between the British and Germans, where the soldiers stopped fighting on the front lines and sang and played soccer with each other and shared meals and stuff. Before command had forced them back into killing each other.

If you don't know what I'm talking about(and I'm sure some don't, you can read about it here) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_truce

This will be the most memorable Christmas I've ever spent or likely to spend: since about tea time yesterday I don't think theres been a shot fired on either side up to now. Last night turned a very clear frost moonlight night, so soon after dusk we had some decent fires going and had a few carols and songs. The Germans commenced by placing lights all along the edge of their trenches and coming over to us—wishing us a Happy Christmas etc. They also gave us a few songs etc. so we had quite a social party. Several of them can speak English very well so we had a few conversations. Some of our chaps went to over to their lines. I think theyve all come back bar one from 'E' Co. They no doubt kept him as a souvenir. In spite of our fires etc. it was terribly cold and a job to sleep between look out duties, which are two hours in every six.

First thing this morning it was very foggy. So we stood to arms a little longer than usual. A few of us that were lucky could go to Holy Communion early this morning. It was celebrated in a ruined farm about 500 yds behind us. I unfortunately couldn't go. There must be something in the spirit of Christmas as to day we are all on top of our trenches running about. Whereas other days we have to keep our heads well down. We had breakfast about 8.0 which went down alright especially some cocoa we made. We also had some of the post this morning. I had a parcel from B. G's Lace Dept containing a sweater, smokes, under clothes etc. We also had a card from the Queen, which I am sending back to you to look after please. After breakfast we had a game of football at the back of our trenches! We've had a few Germans over to see us this morning. They also sent a party over to bury a sniper we shot in the week. He was about a 100 yds from our trench. A few of our fellows went out and helped to bury him.

About 10.30 we had a short church parade the morning service etc. held in the trench. How we did sing. 'O come all ye faithful. And While shepherds watched their flocks by night' were the hymns we had. At present we are cooking our Christmas Dinner! so will finish this letter later.

Dinner is over! and well we enjoyed it. Our dinner party started off with fried bacon and dip-bread: followed by hot Xmas Pudding. I had a mascot in my piece. Next item on the menu was muscatels and almonds, oranges, bananas, chocolate etc followed by cocoa and smokes. You can guess we thought of the dinners at home. Just before dinner I had the pleasure of shaking hands with several Germans: a party of them came 1/2way over to us so several of us went out to them. I exchanged one of my balaclavas for a hat. I've also got a button off one of their tunics. We also exchanged smokes etc. and had a decent chat. They say they won't fire tomorrow if we don't so I suppose we shall get a bit of a holiday—perhaps. After exchanging autographs and them wishing us a Happy New Year we departed and came back and had our dinner.

We can hardly believe that we've been firing at them for the last week or two—it all seems so strange. At present its freezing hard and everything is covered with ice…

There are plenty of huge shell holes in front of our trenches, also pieces of shrapnel to be found. I never expected to shake hands with Germans between the firing lines on Christmas Day and I don't suppose you thought of us doing so. So after a fashion we've enjoyed? our Christmas. Hoping you spend a happy time also George Boy as well. How we thought of England during the day. Kind regards to all the neighbours. With much love from Boy.
I've got this stray cat that keeps coming around for the past month. It wants to be adopted. When I opened the door to go outside, I caught it sleeping against the door. It tries to invite itself inside and always comes up to me.

It's a cute cat, and I've always liked cats. It's a white cat with lots of grey patches and it's got unusual and bright orange eyes.

Anyway, thing is - at first I thought it was the neighbors cat. But it has no collar and our next neighbor is far away.

It's been looking dangerously underfed. I was pissed when I saw it's ribs starting to show through it's sucked in body, been preparing to take action and approach our neighbor, but now I'm convinced it's just a stray. Today I saw it out front as it came up to me, and I noticed it looks like it's starving to death.

I almost would like to keep it, but I don't know. It would need shots. How much do you think that would cost? My sister was a veterinarian at one point, I'll have to email her.

Anyway, I'll have to decide tonight, because it needs immediate care. I may take it to the pound in the morning.
I wish my sister wouldn't listen to music written by people who write television shows. Hanna Montana, Jonas brother, Idon't even know what the ****. It makes me hate her more than usual.

Omg, we're disney, be yourself, because you're an insecure teenager and we understand because we're... teenagers..... too?
Well, here's my reasoning.

So we have a bunch of American kids and a bunch of German kids killing eachother, right? Nothing strange here, that's how it was. But what piss me off a bit is that the death of a German soldier is just brushed off as if he was a rodent, whereas when an American dies suddenly the world stops. I realize that the series is from an American perspective, but what I miss here, as well as in nearly every Hollywood production on the matter, is that it doesn't appear like the German soldiers have any souls, like their deaths won't be grieved by their families back home, and I wish it would be made clear that they're just as much victims in the war as everyone else. Just because your commander is the biggest monster of our time doesn't mean that you deserve to die; that's a fact I wish would be mentioned more often.

(Just to make things clear, of course America did the right thing intervening in the war, and the American soldiers are indeed heroes. But tragedy struck both sides, that's what I'm talking about.)

I hear what you're saying, but Band of Brothers is called just that for a reason - it follows a band of close-knit soldiers and we see the war from their prospective. It isn't from a civillians view or a soldier from another countries view, it's from each American soldier that makes up Easy Company. It's meant to be personal, it's meant to portray their thoughts and emotions so when a buddy goes down in combat, it's hit them the hardest because he was close to them. The Americans in the series are at the frontline getting dirty and shot to shit and it's because of that that they don't feel much emotion for the Germans. If it was a documentry following all sides of the fight then it would show as much as it could, but because the show is meant to be through the eyes of the soldiers of Easy Company, you're meant to try and see it as they saw it.

However, towards the end of the series, as the fighting stops, you see them on friendlier terms with German infantry soldiers and officers, and it's at that time, if any, that they can relate to the opposition as humans.

Thats what I got out of Band of Brothers, anyway.
I've downloaded and installed a mod for my camera called CHDK, that adds a significant amount of features. Neat! Shutter speeds from 1/100k to 65" will probably be the features I use most, but it's very customizable. Anyone else played with this?
lol australia

[edit] lolstralia

[edit2] austlolia

[edit3] australilol

[edit4] I just remembered, back in 2003/4 I was the one who started using the [edit] tag. I'm proud that its usage has become so widespread :D

[edit5] australilol sounds like a pharmaceutical medication that gives you a silly accent and makes your ancestors criminals.
Oh by the way, I'm Que-ever. I meant to keep up the giddy noob act for longer, but after an hour it was no go.
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