Miscellaneous the Second

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**** yeah, two new cars and a shit load of online gamemodes on Burnout **** YES. ROAD RAGE ON-****ING-LINE WITH A GIANT ****ING SUV AND SOME NEW LIVERIES INCLUDING A NEW VAN PAINT JOB **** YES!
"Holy living shit."
i said after going to the bathroom and creating the human race.
I was just denied access to make a thread titled "Your funny wanking stories"
One time I was masturbating and my step mom walked in and finished me off :o
My 360 just RRoD after I had finally defeated the Apprentice with Yoda in Soul Calibur 4. God hates me.
My 360 just RRoD after I had finally defeated the Apprentice with Yoda in Soul Calibur 4. God hates me.

apprentice is easy with yoda. just grab until you cant grab anymore. Really. Don't even bother attacking normally. He'll knock you out of the air every time
Yeah that force explosion thing is serious bullshit, but yeah the best you can do is stay in his face and grab him. His high and mid attacks can't hit you, and you're immune to grabs so you should be able to close in most of the time if he isn't spamming the force explosion.
My internet will be next to none this week, so expect me to make next to none posts.
Some of you may say that's a good thing, the rest probalby won't care. But i will return, bigger douch then ever before.
I'm listening to Muse

Come in my caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave
No. It locked up in the middle of a game, I restarted and was stuck on the 360 logo, with a red checkerboard patter across the screen. The third attempt to power it on was a straight up red ring display. A few hours later it works fine. I've heard overheating can do this shit sometimes. :/
No. It locked up in the middle of a game, I restarted and was stuck on the 360 logo, with a red checkerboard patter across the screen. The third attempt to power it on was a straight up red ring display. A few hours later it works fine. I've heard overheating can do this shit sometimes. :/

Hit that mofo with some compressed air.
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