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I also think the quality of halflife2.net has risen but not because of the new stuff or anything.
Why can't I get myself to get my ass out of bed and go to classes? This is really getting me depressed but I just can't do it

I also think the quality of halflife2.net has risen but not because of the new stuff or anything.

the quality of halflife2.net rising? nonsense
Why can't I get myself to get my ass out of bed and go to classes? This is really getting me depressed but I just can't do it

the quality of halflife2.net rising? nonsense

It used to be worse.
I had a dream about Star Fox. :D

Holy shit the implications! A sign from Jebus surely! Profile changed appropriately
Pokemans ain't got shit on star fox, I just had a dogfight with Star Wolf!

Why do some people wank in there pants? Surely it would easier to go commando?

Apparently I have a freckle on my eye-lid. I just found out about it like 20 minutes ago when my girlfriend mentioned it...how have I missed it my entire life?
Maybe you just don't pay any attention when your eye lids are down.
I just got a job interview at my local Odeon cinema. The perks according to a mate are free entry to any film and 12 free friend passes a month. Sounds like my perfect job considering how much my girlfriend and I love the cinema. :E

Yesterday I got a flat tyre driving up a kerb to avoid an oncoming van. Took ages to fix but luckily it was sunny. It means I have to spend money getting it fixed or getting a brand new one. Yawn. Luckily, that job interview came at just the right time. Yay money!

Finally, all my mates gave me money to put into my bank account so that I can buy them tickets for Reading Festival on Monday. It means that for 4 precious days, I feel rich! Rich enough to do whatever I want! :E
Anyone remember that ray gun thread? I think I can sometimes feel it. Controlling it is where all the fun goes but it can be exhausting be daytime.
Just finished part of a CS:S video with Shamrock an Stigmata. I haven't lol'd so much in a while.

P.S. Shammie has the sexiest voice ever.
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Just doing a virus scan and no virus found =) Also annoyed cause Call Of Duty 2 won't install for some reason =@
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Also, google "ascii porn" > ascii porn site > "man love" link > the picture that veggies posted. rofl.
Also, google "ascii porn" > ascii porn site > "man love" link > the picture that veggies posted. rofl.
Also, google "ascii porn" > ascii porn site > "anime" link > the picture that qonfy posted. rofl.
I just got a job interview at my local Odeon cinema. The perks according to a mate are free entry to any film and 12 free friend passes a month. Sounds like my perfect job considering how much my girlfriend and I love the cinema. :E

Yesterday I got a flat tyre driving up a kerb to avoid an oncoming van. Took ages to fix but luckily it was sunny. It means I have to spend money getting it fixed or getting a brand new one. Yawn. Luckily, that job interview came at just the right time. Yay money!

Finally, all my mates gave me money to put into my bank account so that I can buy them tickets for Reading Festival on Monday. It means that for 4 precious days, I feel rich! Rich enough to do whatever I want! :E

I might be going to the Leeds festival again this year. Go there instead. Is the lineup announced on monday?
Alright... somewhat OT, but in response to the ಠ_ಠ thread, the only way I've found to manually input it in firefox without copypasta is to put the code
in the post field and then preview it. Unless there's some ninja-Het method of keyboard override that everyone is keeping silent about.
Very good. That whole thread should really have just been a discussion inside this topic; that's what it's here for.
It's easier to use microsoft word's insert symbol thingy.

Have to use the tunga font to get it though.
How? My method requires only firefox. Yours requires an entire other app and many more keystrokes/mouseclicks.
I'm playing kotor like it's my job

[Force Persuade] You want to pay me

That's pretty much 70% of my darkside points right there
Damn, I just read some of my earlier posts, and came to the conclusion that I wrote better english 4 years ago than I do know :S

eh...I said came
You also said "know" instead of "now", lending credit to your theory.

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