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But my computer is too damn shitty. Oh, and step one has already been taken care of...
1. Rape Alex
2. Steal His Steams
3. ???
4. Profit!

It's ze perfect plan...
1. Rape Alex
2. Sodomize father
3. Molest babies
4. F*ck an elephant
5. Sell crack
6. Go to Colombia
7. Start drug cartel/empire
9. Move to Antarctica
10. Polar bear army
12. Teach babies to do drugs
13. Strap bombs to babies = SUICIDE BABY GRENADE BOMBS
14. Staples them to gorillas
15. Unleash Hell upon the Atlantic Ocean
16. Report back to me in the Pacific Ocean at 0900 Hours
17. Play "Bloop" and "Slow Down" sounds recordings
18. Turns out to be mating calls, Jesus rises from the depths of the Pacific to resurrect the Giant Spook Man
19. Joy to the world Giant Spook Man's alive, my dick is stuck in a beehive
20. Polar bears
I just purchased some 'Rock "N" Roll' *extreme* bike chain lubricant, and I must say that it smells like nothing I've ever smelled before.
I just purchased some 'Rock "N" Roll' *extreme* bike chain lubricant, and I must say that it smells like nothing I've ever smelled before.

are you talking about masturbating with that shit? Just use some WD-40.
Crunk is crap and I bet a bunch of tacos the punk is not punk. Ah-HEH

The CD doesnt use any punk songs, and only one song on the CD is actually crunk. Thats why its awesome. All the bands just did their own thing, and they just had to stick with the "Punk Goes..." name.

Listen to the first song on this video, and you will see how awesome it is. Its kinda boring for the first 45 seconds, then it turns to pure win.


The Men in Black song is on that video also, and its awesome as well.
...have been dying from a LOT of one-hit crits in TF2 lately. It's really making me dislike the game.

The bike lube is for the other 'junk'.
The CD doesnt use any punk songs, and only one song on the CD is actually crunk. Thats why its awesome. All the bands just did their own thing, and they just had to stick with the "Punk Goes..." name.

Listen to the first song on this video, and you will see how awesome it is. Its kinda boring for the first 45 seconds, then it turns to pure win.


The Men in Black song is on that video also, and its awesome as well.

I'm a prick AH-HEH
I heard that everyone in London is either a prostitute or a queer. Confirm or deny.

Sounds like a lot of fun TBH
TF2 owns me. The pope was talking on TV and all I heard was, "Zeh uber ez fooly chaged!"

I'm trying to get a job at Amnesty to recruit new members. I just had a phone interview and I think it went to hell.
I went away for a couple of days, came back, and this place was funny as hell.

Maybe it's the backlog. I dunno. Maybe it's because I've been doing SRS BSNSS and locked myself out of the 'net for a while. Whatever.

It's good to be back.
Wohoo, I'm 18 tomorrow. Not that it remotely means anything to me at this point of my life anyway.
being 18 is the worst in canada (ontario specifically) because the legal drinking age in ontario is 19...nobody knows why, it's a retarded law that makes no sense. The legal drinking age in all of Canada should be 18. If you're old enough to live on your own and go off to university and drive a vehicle then hell, you should be old enough to drink.

Now, i have to wait till the end of june to hit up the bars with my friends. Most of them are 19 already so the next 2 months will be sorta crappy because i'll be left in the dust while they'll be bar hopping. :(

i feel bad for people in the states though....21?! lol wtf is that all about
we gonna run run run to the cities of the future take what we can and bring it back home
Last lesson of this term just finished. I have one 500 word crit to write by Monday, then I can go home and take an extremely early summer break (back at uni in October). Year 1 of uni was mostly easy stuff. Bring on year 2!

/starts new myth

once you measure it for the first time, it will never get any bigger
Smoked weed last night.

I used to not care about Mac v. Windows until I started taking classes at a community college and noticed that people who have them (Macs) are some of the biggest twats on the face of the planet.
1) Worked 8 and 1/2 hours today
2) Was miserable and shweatty
3) ???
4) $65 Profit
Getting my braces off and giong to a Foo Fighters concert tommorow.(I don't have a really funny thing about what I'm giong to eat first(though I suppose I could try to bite Dave Grohl's arm(actually, cross that(last time I touch something holy my face, hands, and feet melted off(I could make an ungentlmanly comment here(but I'm not going to)))))).
One final coursework down, three more to go.

I can almost taste freedom. And GTA.
Should be reciting my english tribute but instead find myself tapping along to bass heavy songs.
I used to not care about Mac v. Windows until I started taking classes at a community college and noticed that people who have them (Macs) are some of the biggest twats on the face of the planet.

Yeah, I knew this guy who was otherwise an awesome dude, but every time anything about computers came up, it was all "Macs are the best, for everything." I always wanted to say, "Whoa, dude, do you work for them or something??"
My friend got a mac and was all noobish about it. He then realized he could not play PC games, and has since been begging me for a shot at Portal.
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