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There was this HUGE 4/20 party (even though it's 4/19, I'm sure it'd suck having a party on Sunday with school being on Monday..), and I didn't go to it.. I could've got piss drunk (I've only ever been a little tipsy, a long time ago, I don't drink often), I could've got high as hell (it would've been a first time for me), I would've had SO much fun.. And I didn't go.. For some reason.. It was only like 2 miles down my road, too.. I could've walked.. I'm really regretting my decision right now.. I feel retarded...

EDIT: Oh, and it's even worse then that.. My birthday is April 21st, and this would've been a damn good way to celebrate it.. I feel shittier as time goes by.. F*ck..
Well, the clock just struck midnight and it's now officially April 20th here.

Right, I've got to go....
Tonight was the second night of three Grease performances. The crowd is reacting quite well, albeit tonight they were a bit tough. It was filled with high schoolers, so I'm thinking that's why some of the jokes weren't well received. I nailed my part yesterday; tonight's was... well, it was okay. I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it.

But man, is it all worth it. Three months of having no free time, putting up with insane hours and a nazi of a director... man it's worth it. To get on that stage, nail your solo and get a giant roar from the crowd. It's definitely a high. And that high stays with you for awhile.

It's really nice because I think people come into the place going, "Oh yeah, a high school musical. Whatever. I'll go to support our community," and then they get BLOWN AWAY by how good it actually is.
So I'm watching this movie eXistenZ and they keep talking about these things called bio-ports installed at the base of the spine.

Isn't that the anus?
"New Ports are sometimes a bit... tight."


This movie is totally a poster child for sweet sweet sodomy.
EXistenZ is the weirdest and stupidest movie I have ever seen and enjoyed.
I started playing Half-life: heart of evil.

No idea what the f*ck is going on, and what i'm supposed to do cept kill some general. also these zombies just won't ****ing die.
Been watching the 4PlayerPodcast feed. Brad has been playing F.E.A.R. for the past few hours. God, he screams like a bitch. Stuck on Interval 6 for the past 3 hours.


Edit: ****ing lol. He's using the remote bomb detonator to keep track of the number of scary moments. Mashing on that ****er lol.

*Alma screams* *scary Paxton Fettel voice* EEEEEEEEEEEEH OH JEEZ HEHEHEHE SHITF*CK. *clickclickclickclick* OH MY GOD I JUST SAW SOMETHING OVER THERE. *clickclickclickclick*
lol eXistenZ is ridiculous but i sort of love that movie
I just jacked off and my left testicle went up into my abdomen. What does that mean?
And of course there's the obligatory pink-named girl trying to get guys to hit on her.
He needs to pop in Urban Chaos: Riot Response and taze some penii. Also Condemned 32. For BEARS. D:
missjokergirl:i hate pikachu XD
missjokergirl:what an idiot. XD
missjokergirl:i'm too scared to check. XD
missjokergirl:awh... now i feel stupid for transfering to an art university XD
missjokergirl:damn it... and I only have Sprite! XD
missjokergirl:I mean... I HATE fruit... but I LOVE vegetables XD

Please make it stop.
Play with a bear.

Also ROLF at the Alma pop up. "Do do do do...WHAT OH ****. *faint crying in the background*
I just got back from a show at the gilman... It was a benefit show for some lesbian chick from Skanking Pickle who drank herself to death or something? Anyway, Bar Feeders played and a ska ensemble made up of members of Monkey, Skanking Pickle, and founder of Asian Man records played some covers, Bad Manners, Skatalites, etc. A couple other really bad bands... a jazzy group, which I think seriously had balls to play at the place (even though they weren't exactly my bag. Or good) And then some serious POS "band" that made noise at 120 decibles. Literally nothing coherent. I think they were still tuning or whatever, but it turned out to be their set? So I left early. The Bar Feeders guitarist was real nice, he let me buy a couple CDs even though they weren't exactly on the table. My ears are ringing so bad...
I am cynical, overly-critical, hypocritical, sad, depraved, modest and sometimes loving it :):(
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