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you should offer shelter to the 50 bums. It could be a tax break. Get them to cook and clean and give you hot sex.

You could be like one of those old cat ladies. You know the old lady with 100 cats in her house because she is so lonely and weird.

You'll be hobo man.
Guess what time it is? Yes, that's right. It's 04:13am and I'm finally printing off my folder. It equals 3501 words in total over 15 (double-spaced) pages, and is a mixture of two short stories, two poems, and a crit.
I still have to print off drafts, go to bed, and get up at 8:45am. ****.

EDIT: **** it, I'll do drafts tomorrow morning before I head out. Night all.
Guess what time it is? Yes, that's right. It's 04:13am and I'm finally printing off my folder. It equals 3501 words in total over 15 (double-spaced) pages, and is a mixture of two short stories, two poems, and a crit.
I still have to print off drafts, go to bed, and get up at 8:45am. ****.

EDIT: **** it, I'll do drafts tomorrow morning before I head out. Night all.

Been there. Enjoy it while you can.
I tried getting em all my second play through... missed by 3. I was pissed.

Also, son of a bitch. Why cant I ever have any original ideas. I was brainstorming for like the past two days on a project I wanted to do in 3D. I decided I wanted to make a scene where a woman is in a underground subway station waiting for a train. Shes in winter clothes, leaning on a support column, her bag (or purse/whatever) hanging off her left shoulder. She'd be a brunette, with her hair tied back. She would be listening to her ipod and reading a book.

So "pretty specific" I thought, "ill just look up some reference for women in winter clothes. Then lo and ****ing behold... this:


Thats exactly what I was envisioning, only in a subway station instead of outside. Sometimes its so aggravating knowing that no matter what your idea is, someones already done it.
My friend bought me a sacramentary last night. I have no idea why.
Skaadi, you make me look up more words than anyone else.

brb googling...

EDIT: Hmm... and you're sure you're not a priest?
So prom is coming up and like every year i tell myself theres no chance so i just give up. Then i was sitting there eating my lunch with a few friends when this girl comes up, very hot, and she is quite popular. She is also very funny and jokes a lot. She asked me out to prom out of no where. Now, i dont even know her, and ive always thought that her perspective of me is that im some kind of looser. So i was shocked...didnt know what to say because either A. She was joking and if i was serious i would have made a fool out of myself. Or B. She is serious, which was unlikely. I didnt know how to respond, so i just played it like she was joking and she got reallllly upset. Later on my friends were like "dude!! WTF??!" and i was like "calm down, she wasnt serious, she was just playing around" and they were all like "no dude...she asked you out you idiot..." and i kept denying it.

Now im having second thoughts :/

So prom is coming up and like every year i tell myself theres no chance so i just give up. Then i was sitting there eating my lunch with a few friends when this girl comes up, very hot, and she is quite popular. She is also very funny and jokes a lot. She asked me out to prom out of no where. Now, i dont even know her, and ive always thought that her perspective of me is that im some kind of looser. So i was shocked...didnt know what to say because either A. She was joking and if i was serious i would have made a fool out of myself. Or B. She is serious, which was unlikely. I didnt know how to respond, so i just played it like she was joking and she got reallllly upset. Later on my friends were like "dude!! WTF??!" and i was like "calm down, she wasnt serious, she was just playing around" and they were all like "no dude...she asked you out you idiot..." and i kept denying it.

Now im having second thoughts :/

Go to her/call her straight away and apologize and ask her to the prom before she asks someone else.
I got a job interview tomorrow at Hungry Jacks.. I tried avoiding working there at all costs but its becoming ridiculous not having a job and i desperately need money.
So prom is coming up and like every year i tell myself theres no chance so i just give up. Then i was sitting there eating my lunch with a few friends when this girl comes up, very hot, and she is quite popular. She is also very funny and jokes a lot. She asked me out to prom out of no where. Now, i dont even know her, and ive always thought that her perspective of me is that im some kind of looser. So i was shocked...didnt know what to say because either A. She was joking and if i was serious i would have made a fool out of myself. Or B. She is serious, which was unlikely. I didnt know how to respond, so i just played it like she was joking and she got reallllly upset. Later on my friends were like "dude!! WTF??!" and i was like "calm down, she wasnt serious, she was just playing around" and they were all like "no dude...she asked you out you idiot..." and i kept denying it.

Now im having second thoughts :/



Look, you need to ring her up, tell her your sorry and that you really like her and would love to go to the prom but thought she was a little out of your league and was joking when she'd asked you.

You need to say your really happy she asked you and you'd love to go with her if she'll forgive you.

Gentlemen, if you ever find yourself in a situation like our friend here, just say a semi-enthusiastic 'sure'. No-one can make fun of your for that if she is taking the piss; they would only do that if you gave a massive reaction.
Skaadi, you make me look up more words than anyone else.

brb googling...

EDIT: Hmm... and you're sure you're not a priest?

O rly? I'm disinclined to accept this statement.

But! Actually I'm having a lot of fun with it. I can practice my own mass at home now! And I so want one of those priest outfits too


Yes that's right, I have no life.

O rly? I'm disinclined to accept this statement.

But! Actually I'm having a lot of fun with it. I can practice my own mass at home now! And I so want one of those priest outfits too


Yes that's right, I have no life.


You should get a priest outfit, I'm sure we could put that to good use.
Had my junior prom on Saturday, was a little depressing to say the least.

I spent the day trying to see if I could grab any bud, but the cat that usually hooks me up is at work, and his sources only deal on a personal basis, so i'm shit out of luck.

I get dressed, go to my dates house, pick her up (picture taking abound), drive to a family-friend house (picture taking abound), then drive down to the hotel prom's at.

Valet the car, wait in line for pictures for way too ****ing long, i'm sweating my balls off. Right when we're next in line they force us inside because if not they'll close the doors on us, so they give us a card saying that we were next in line, and we go inside.

Sit down, talking to everybody on the table, watching the stupid shit they've planned for the night, go outside, get food, bla bla bla bla bla.

Lights go out and people start dancing, at which point I regret not popping a few rolls prior to showing up (was going to but my date flipped out when she found out my plans).

She goes off and starts talking to her friends. I go outside and hang with a friend of mine who feels like puking. Go back inside, just standing around with a few fellows, bored out of my ****ing mind, when my date runs up to me and gets me to dance with her.

Slow dance, leave her, get bored, dance with her once or twice, leave, get bored, slow dance, get bored, night is over.

Generally boring. I drop her and her friends off at a hotel, get lost for a bit, make my way back to where the prom was and park on the side of the road and strip down and change. Called up a friend to see what he was up to since he was supposed to go to this NUTS AS PARTY YO, and as i'm circling the hotel where the party is at to find parking, I see that everybody is leaving the hotel. SO much for nuts ass party.

Park a few blocks away, friend is leaving the hotel, we meet back up with my date and her friends, at which point my date decides she'd rather hang out with us. Her friends and her sister tell her to get her ass back over there as we're walking away, and as i'm about to tell her to go back because I don't want my ass handed over to her parents on a silver platter, my dumbass friend tells her "don't listen to them, just leave with us, ignore them"...

Oh boy.

So we walk around the neighborhood for a bit, go to this guys hotel room, I kick back a few beers and cash out a few bowls, all the while watching her stare pensively at this beer this cat gave her. Dumbass comes back and tries to give her a shot of vodka, at which point my dumbass friend starts yelling at me that I shouldn't have let him bring the shot to her when in fact I was yelling at the guy to just let her try a sip or two since she doesn't drink.

Her phone starts ringing like crazy, her sister and her sister's friends telling her to get her ass back there. SHe gives the phone to the same dumbass friend who ends up being a total ass on the phone. From what I gathered from him talking, her sister was crying her ass off for god knows why, so I have to call her and try to calm her down.

We go back to where her friends are waiting for her, and they're all yelling at each other, back and forth, drama abound, while my friend is being a total ****ing ass and telling the girls that they're stupid, dumb, bitchy, etc etc. At this point the girl I took is crying her ****ing ass off and yelling, while my dumbass friend is trying to make up some stupid excuse for why she left with us (he kept telling them that she couldn't deal with her sister...)

They refuse to get a ride back to the hotel from my friend, so I offer them a ride. They say they'll take it so long as they can get my dates sister to come with us. I run a block or so down where I see her sitting on the side of the road, in the middle of the pouring rain, crying. I have to sit there in the rain for 5-10 minutes talking to her, trying to make her feel better, so that she'll go with the rest of the girls (since I refused to give all but her a ride, as I didn't feel right leaving her alone in that neighborhood).

I convince her, sprint 5 blocks through the pouring rain to my car that I thought was for sure towed (wasn't), get my car, drive back to the hotel, all but the sister pile into the car as she's being stuborn again, so I leave one of the stronger and more mature girls with her to make sure she's ok, and drive the rest of the girls to the hotel (well, all but a friend of mine's sister, who was SUPPOSED to stay with them at the hotel, but figures "**** this, these girls are stupid", so I offer her a ride home). They all come back down with some drunk college kid in hot pursuit, screaming random drunken shit at the top of his lungs, so they pile in and I peel out, drop them off at a food joint, and leave.

So I drive my friend's sister home, and right as I pull into her house the dumbass friend calls me up and says to ask her if she wants to get something to eat with me and him, she says yes, we go to a food joint at 3 in the morning to get some chow, I drop her off at home, and then me and the dumbass meet up at a local boat launch and just talk about random shit till 5 o clock.

Not the best of nights... **** prom.
Junior prom was awesome. Senior prom sucked, my date was a total bitch.
Whoa, I haven't been in a situation with that much drama.... ever. But I guess I avoided all of my high school events.

Well, last week my group members started yelling at each other about writing down color change observations in chem lab and this girl looked like she was going to start crying. My life doesn't get much more exciting than that.
lol, sinkoman. Sometimes I wish I associated with more unreasonable people.
You guys had prom already? Mine's not until May 3rd. Looking like it's going to be a good time. Got a big group of friends going together, got a date (close friend who I don't get to see in person often), trying to piece together a kilt tux.. Good times.

Then, after prom, there's only 10 more days of high school. Ever. Last day of school my band is playing the senior assembly, and then we go home and never attend again. Weird feeling.

Next year I'm going to a pretty good university here (Grand Valley State), and already have my first year completely paid for.. Still have to sort out getting a job and a car, but life seems to be going pretty damn good.
I have scoliosis. Whenever I lean back in a chair, I'm supported only by my left back muscles (thoracolumbar fascia and laterals). If I try to distribute my back evenly across the chair back, I turn slightly right.

I need to workout my back muscles more.
Came back from a Foo Fighters concert last night.

No mere words can describe the sheer awesomeness of that night.
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