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I can't decide if I should smoke at lunch or after school gets out.

On the one hand, if I go at lunch, I can go and cruise with my sober friends afterwards and maybe get a chance to see the waterpolo game at school.

On the other hand, if I go after school, I can go and be fat and just relax and let all of my problems leave me.
Ennui: hahaha
Sliver: Me gusta juego tf2
Ennui: so is garrys mod your game, or what?
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: well what do we do now is there anything you guys talk about other than language and politics
Ennui: and DP stands for...?
Ennui: double penis?
Sliver: Politics are ew
Ennui: that's rough
Sliver: Double penetration
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: derex productions
Sliver: Why not double penetration
Ennui: haha i get it, derex is xered backwards
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: what does that word mean
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: no its just the name of one of my friends
Ennui: so are you excited about high school?
Ennui: next year's a big year
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: are u excited about preschool
Ennui: honestly if I could go to preschool again as a preschooler I'd be all over it
Sliver: Preschool sucked
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: well maybe if i could go back to highschool id be all over it as a highscholler
Sliver: Teacher was a huge bitch
GARRYSMODISMYGAME[DP]: yeah aint they always
Ennui: oh, so how old are you then?

I was being an asshole maybe but this kid doesn't know his ass from his face.
After school. Getting blazed at school is fun but kind of stupid.
Just kissed my girlfriend goodnight and she thinks she has tonsillitis...ah well, maybe ill get it.
thoughts from a high person:

i wonder if ipods come with a locator chip, the same that will one day be planted in our heads

why do cats raise their back when being pet. we get it, you want your back scratched...

does eye-candy have to look like an eye, or is there some candy that can see

if it werent for gravity, there'd be no books about gravity
Back when there was that storm last week, my uncle said that the Home Depot that he worked at had a foot of hail in the parking lot. Literally a foot of hail, no lie.
Girls are too complicated. Who wants to become gay with me and rule the world?
i have no job...starting to run out of money fast...i have applied many places but no one calls me back (i have no idea why), and gas prices are way too high and apparently will climb higher. Currently it's about $1.20/L. I heard it was supposed to climb up to around $1.50/L....i need my car as I'm taking 3 summer courses for the next 2 months to get to school and my school is about 53km away from me. So that's 3 nights a week over 100km of driving per day.

Do the people controlling gas prices have a conscience? Do they know people who are lower/middle class?

anyways, im done complaining for now...off to find a job!! (hopefully...)
Girls are too complicated. Who wants to become gay with me and rule the world?

"He's gay. But he doesn't call himself that.. He always says-"
"fucking lasses is for faggots!"

/layer cake quote
Something in my room has been smelling like coffee for the past week

...but I don't even drink coffee.
Do the people controlling gas prices have a conscience? Do they know people who are lower/middle class?



Oh god, you're too much Akira, you're too much!

EDIT: lol page stretch.
i have no job...starting to run out of money fast...i have applied many places but no one calls me back (i have no idea why), and gas prices are way too high and apparently will climb higher. Currently it's about $1.20/L. I heard it was supposed to climb up to around $1.50/L....i need my car as I'm taking 3 summer courses for the next 2 months to get to school and my school is about 53km away from me. So that's 3 nights a week over 100km of driving per day.

Do the people controlling gas prices have a conscience? Do they know people who are lower/middle class?

anyways, im done complaining for now...off to find a job!! (hopefully...)

How the **** can you not get a job in Canada? I can understand not getting a high paying job, but I can't walk down the ****ing side walk without seeing a dozen help wanted posters all paying at least $9/hour. If you want some better money, buy a pair of steel toes and show up at a construction site. Tell the foreman that you're a hard worker. If you want a lot of money, learn to be a millwright or a pipe fitter and move to Alberta.
lol i guess im a comedian...

i think it's just the area i live in...no ones hiring and when they do hire i apply, and they never call me back.

i guess i just have to keep trying
Girls are too complicated. Who wants to become gay with me and rule the world?

I understand what you are saying. You can't just be gay though. either you are or you aren't. At least that is what I FIRMLY believe. I sometimes am jealous because girls... they are dirty ****ing whores!!!!!!! I HATE YOU. I LOVE YOU!! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?? ONLY MEE


lol i guess im a comedian...

i think it's just the area i live in...no ones hiring and when they do hire i apply, and they never call me back.

i guess i just have to keep trying
Bug them. They are just people, and they can be made to feel bad if you put them on the spot. You are actually supposed to follow through after applying. Call the next day and ask for the manager, and ask him if he looked over your application.

Hi, this is Akira. I applied in person yesterday, and I was wondering if you had a chance to look over the application.

On an interview, avoid slang, and ask questions. Pretend like you are interviewing them. for example, ask him if the people like working there, and tend to stick around a while... (i don't know, think of stuff) :)
All my assignments are done, ready to be handed in first thing tomorrow. I feel like such a nerd, I usually hand them in at the last minute...

I have to pay 21000 SEK (about 3500 USD) in rest taxes!!! That is, I already payed like 50% in taxes when I worked, but then I hav to pay an extra 2100 SEK because of some ****ing stocks I sold last spring. I have absolutely no money to pay it with, I have to borrow money from my parents to pay taxes, can you believe it? **** this ****ing government, I'm moving to Monaco. Why the **** do they want my money anyway? ****ing thieves.

I have to pay 21000 SEK (about 3500 USD) in rest taxes!!! That is, I already payed like 50% in taxes when I worked, but then I hav to pay an extra 2100 SEK because of some ****ing stocks I sold last spring. I have absolutely no money to pay it with, I have to borrow money from my parents to pay taxes, can you believe it? **** this ****ing government, I'm moving to Monaco. Why the **** do they want my money anyway? ****ing thieves.

Heheh, gotta love the ultra welfare states.
Bulletin of the Swedish Marxist-Lenninist Communist Party


This breif message has been heroically perpetuated to inform fellow comrades of the aquisition and subsequent resdristribution of the petit-bourgesie counter-revolutionary formerly known as the taxman[Ironic! -ed]. May he serve as an example that everyone has their part to play in funding the party.

Break free from your chains and unite

Comrade Steelman

I have to pay 21000 SEK (about 3500 USD) in rest taxes!!! That is, I already payed like 50% in taxes when I worked, but then I hav to pay an extra 2100 SEK because of some ****ing stocks I sold last spring. I have absolutely no money to pay it with, I have to borrow money from my parents to pay taxes, can you believe it? **** this ****ing government, I'm moving to Monaco. Why the **** do they want my money anyway? ****ing thieves.

How's the free uni?
I got a scholarship that's going to pay the majority of my college. I should be able to earn the difference working.
Good Things now:
-One more week of lecture, before 2 final exams
-Can't wait for 4 months vacation!
-GPA will be a little lower due to aids and Statistics, but it's still decent (I'm expecting a 3.4)
-I get to complete my doctorate in 5 more years instead of 6 years or taking summer classes

Bad things now:
-I've been snubbed by my friend for the last time. I wanted her to come over to love/sechs her up but once again she's ignoring me. What a waste of a semester! I should have just moved on to greener pastures when she transfered to community college '_'

I guess there's always next year's freshmen.
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