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Freshmen? Why freshmen? Everybody else has already met you?

Now that I think of it, IDK why...

Maybe I feel I've become too much of friend towards the ones I'm attracted to.

Except the one who likes to stand me up constantly.
Just beat Wind Waker moments ago, it only took me... about two years.

Fantastic game, with a surprisingly decent ending/storyline for a game aimed primarily to a younger audience.

Now I need to go finish Ocarina of Time...
I'm watching Most Shocking on Tru TV(what a stupid channel name).

I am 100% convinced that Murphy's law is entirely real.

The odds that while a camera is filming one accident becoming the scene of a second entirely different accident that involves the first accident is really high.

For example... a car that crashes into a guardrail. The police officer is telling them to stop stop stop! As they stupidly back the vehicle across 3 lanes of speeding traffic. A car almost hits them. Now, that's to be expected considering the first accident is still causing a potential second accident. They get the car to the right shoulder however, and later as they are all on the right side of the road out of speeding traffic, a car skids out on the black ice and slams into the truck that crashed before, which in turn slams into a guy and sends him flying over the guard rail, still alive. He could have easily lost both legs.

But see, murphy's law in effect there, that at a later period of time of relative calm, another car skids on the black ice and the target happens to be the car that crashed previously.


Happened in another scene. A trooper and a tow truck were clearing an accident scene on an icy road near a bridge. The accident was in the grassy ditch median. The tow truck is pulling alongside the car to get ready to tow it, with a dog on the back. In the distance on the other side of the road, a car loses control and skids at ridiculously high speeds down into the ditch and up the other side slamming into the tow truck. The dog notices the car coming and actually lowers himself as if to brace for impact, and survives unscathed. The two drivers were alive, but had to be rushed to the hospital.

Another situation where one accident scene gets affected by an entirely different accident scene. I've seen soooo many situations that happened just like that, it's crazy. It's like after one accident, gremlins hang around just waiting to cause another bad accident to occur.
Furthermore, following encouraging growths in the export sector - Hetairia has decided to reform its economic policy, and, especially, its immigration policy. We will therefore soon be moving the hetairian community to halflife2.net in an attempt to open up avenues for foreign workers wishing to become citizens. The advance of the economy means that now, for the first time in years, hetairia is able to begin properly funding its welfare state, and thus the helpless need no longer seek us - we are coming to you.
What if halflife.net steals the jobs of hardworking Hetairians for less pay and longer hours?
I just finished watching the BBC the Office and I have to say that is one of the most brilliant tv shows I've ever watched. Ricky Gervais is a GOD.
I feel like shit, going to something that I absolutely dread then afterwards I'll feel fine and dandy again.

Well, at least that's what the optimistic portion of my brain is telling me.
I just reached six million healing points as medic this evening in TF2, and also got the Head of the Class achievement. I'm not sure how... I'm sure I switched characters partway through. Anyway, I also got Gray Matter the other night after an agonizing few rounds with sniper (I dislike playing that class, but have been cleaning up unattained achievements lately). The final kill to get the achievement was a scout in midair on top of the covered bridge in 2Fort.

<3 TF2
Turns out that training wasn't on (ie the thing I absolutely dread). So yes, I'm feeling quite fine and dandy :D
I'm looking for my copy of Diablo(first)...
I'm sure my sister has it she just does not care enough to look for it.....damn her...
I'm watching Most Shocking on Tru TV(what a stupid channel name).

I am 100% convinced that Murphy's law is entirely real.

The odds that while a camera is filming one accident becoming the scene of a second entirely different accident that involves the first accident is really high.

For example... a car that crashes into a guardrail. The police officer is telling them to stop stop stop! As they stupidly back the vehicle across 3 lanes of speeding traffic. A car almost hits them. Now, that's to be expected considering the first accident is still causing a potential second accident. They get the car to the right shoulder however, and later as they are all on the right side of the road out of speeding traffic, a car skids out on the black ice and slams into the truck that crashed before, which in turn slams into a guy and sends him flying over the guard rail, still alive. He could have easily lost both legs.

But see, murphy's law in effect there, that at a later period of time of relative calm, another car skids on the black ice and the target happens to be the car that crashed previously.


Happened in another scene. A trooper and a tow truck were clearing an accident scene on an icy road near a bridge. The accident was in the grassy ditch median. The tow truck is pulling alongside the car to get ready to tow it, with a dog on the back. In the distance on the other side of the road, a car loses control and skids at ridiculously high speeds down into the ditch and up the other side slamming into the tow truck. The dog notices the car coming and actually lowers himself as if to brace for impact, and survives unscathed. The two drivers were alive, but had to be rushed to the hospital.

Another situation where one accident scene gets affected by an entirely different accident scene. I've seen soooo many situations that happened just like that, it's crazy. It's like after one accident, gremlins hang around just waiting to cause another bad accident to occur.

You could be driving through a snowstorm when all of the sudden you come to a place with like 10 wrecked cars. It's just really bad road conditions right there, and people are driving too fast, since they have gained confidence in the driving conditions. THey had probably been driving at highways speed through the snowstorm for many miles when suddenly 20 miles an hour is too fast.

I was on the way to work one day, driving up to 80mph on the highway in a snowstorm. Yeah, I hate being late and don't care if I die if I'm going to lose my job.

after about 25 miles, I see brake lights everywhere. I slow down but think they are being sissies, so ASAP, I try to speed up past the 15 MPH they were going.

well, I couldn't get my car over 20 MPH without sliding everywhere. Then I see all these wrecked cars. Turns out one of them was a friend from work, and he had flipped his truck. (he was OK.)

Anyway, turns out it was an excused tardy that day because of the storm - so I didn't have to risk my car and my life after all.
Yeah but see the scenarios are different. They are not traffic suddenly jamming up and stopping... these are clear road conditions, no people suddenly braking or anything, and when the cars wipe out... they are almost magnetically drawn towards the people on the side of the road. I've seen at least 100 videos like that. It's surreal.
lol i guess im a comedian...

i think it's just the area i live in...no ones hiring and when they do hire i apply, and they never call me back.

i guess i just have to keep trying

I'm in Vancouver, and I just walked down two blocks near my house and counted no less than 5 help wanted signs on one side of the street.
Yeah but see the scenarios are different. They are not traffic suddenly jamming up and stopping... these are clear road conditions, no people suddenly braking or anything, and when the cars wipe out... they are almost magnetically drawn towards the people on the side of the road. I've seen at least 100 videos like that. It's surreal.

You said black ice in both examples, to be fair. Maybe I didn't explain it good enough, because the people that slowed down didn't wreck.

I know what you are talking about though. I've seen it on cops and stuff like that. people always wreck around police. And magnetically thought it seems, its because the police are there that cause other people to wreck. I know every time I get a cop behind me, I get all paranoid and tense.. You know? like they make people nervous and react suddenly, which can cause accidents.

In my area, there are ribbons tied to trees (signifying someone died in a car accident there) near some of the speed traps where cops hide.

so again. NO. Not murphy's law!! lol.

now what?
You said black ice in both examples, to be fair. Maybe I didn't explain it good enough, because the people that slowed down didn't wreck.

I know what you are talking about though. I've seen it on cops and stuff like that. people always wreck around police. And magnetically thought it seems, its because the police are there that cause other people to wreck. I know every time I get a cop behind me, I get all paranoid and tense.. You know? like they make people nervous and react suddenly, which can cause accidents.

In my area, there are ribbons tied to trees (signifying someone died in a car accident there) near some of the speed traps where cops hide.

so again. NO. Not murphy's law!! lol.

now what?

I think it's just that peoples' eyes are attracted to flashing lights. And when you move your head, it moves your shoulders a bit too, which are connected to your arms, which are connected to your hands. And your hands hold the steering wheel which is rigidly fixed to the steering shaft which in turn is linked to the power steering box which controls the wheel direction. The wheels transmit a sideways force between the road and the car causing it to aim towards what you are looking at.
I think it's just that peoples' eyes are attracted to flashing lights. And when you move your head, it moves your shoulders a bit too, which are connected to your arms, which are connected to your hands. And your hands hold the steering wheel which is rigidly fixed to the steering shaft which in turn is linked to the power steering box which controls the wheel direction. The wheels transmit a sideways force between the road and the car causing it to aim towards what you are looking at.

lol. nice explanation. I was with you at the first part "and when you move your head".

anyway, you just gave me an idea for a great fishing lure with a waterproof led flasher. Now I can retire richly with the foolproof fishing lure. I shall call it 'Dan's Theory',and it will be so effective, that it will be banned from fishing tournaments, and then I will go bankrupt and have to sell my mansion.
lol. nice explanation. I was with you at the first part "and when you move your head".

anyway, you just gave me an idea for a great fishing lure with a waterproof led flasher. Now I can retire richly with the foolproof fishing lure. I shall call it 'Dan's Theory',and it will be so effective, that it will be banned from fishing tournaments, and then I will go bankrupt and have to sell my mansion.

Fish are attracted to lights. That's why lures are silvery and flashy. That's also why some people fish at night with flashlights.
@ Azner - It's 2nd degree, not 2 degree. you know? I'm going to help you sound less (or more) like a foreigner from now on - if you don't mind. where are you from anyway?!
@ soulslicer - I laughed (thx)
@ Dan - yeah, that's what gave me the idea, when you said, 'people are attracted to flashing lights" I immediately was reminded of fishing lures how they shimmer and flash due to the sunlight and motion of the lure.

I wasn't aware of any type of flashlight thing, I guess they shine the light on their lure? (cannot watch video ATM)

anyway, so this further instills my burning desire to create 'Dan's Theory', and that I shall one day fulfill my dreams of doing absolutely nothing and being rich.

I'm not a fisherman, because I think it's just not right unless you eat the fish, (or the worm if you don't catch one) - and I don't eat meat anymore after taking a job at a slaughter house.
I'm not a fisherman, because I think it's just not right unless you eat the fish, (or the worm if you don't catch one) - and I don't eat meat anymore after taking a job at a slaughter house.

You should become a killwhatyoueatian.
I've never heard of that. Is that the same thing as a Eatwhatyoukillian? because if I accidentally run over someone... not hungry.

Don't worry. Other people will be. Food crisis and all.
guess what I learned today. I work in a chicken slaughter house now and I learned that there is a guy that blesses each and every chicken right before they are shocked with electricity, have their heads cut off, feathers ripped out, guts eviscerated, blood drained, soaked in icy water, and then chopped into delicious edible morsels. Doesn't that just make you warm and fuzzy inside.
Only if I stuff my face with as many chicken feathers as I can get a hold of before they go into the scalder.
guess what I learned today. I work in a chicken slaughter house now and I learned that there is a guy that blesses each and every chicken right before they are shocked with electricity, have their heads cut off, feathers ripped out, guts eviscerated, blood drained, soaked in icy water, and then chopped into delicious edible morsels. Doesn't that just make you warm and fuzzy inside.

Its enough to make me hungry.
I can't deny that underneath that grotesque exterior lies an amazing layer of edible flesh simply referred to as 'meat'.
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