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I stuck my dick in a jar of cranberry jam once. Never tasted quite the same after that.
You people are so crazy. I have never even thought about that.

I can't wait till you try it. I mean it is kind of guaranteed if you just had the thought pop in your head now.
Don't use isopropyl alcohol to wank.

F*ck you, Willie.

Anyway, so I thought I was going to be starting school today, but my Art Design teacher calls me up and I have a two day Adobe Illustrator course. Pretty cool. Just came back from the first day.

Yay! Learning!
I can't wait till you try it. I mean it is kind of guaranteed if you just had the thought pop in your head now.

Why would I do it if all of page 136 was about how horrible and evil it is?

Though... I can guarantee that... I did think about it some time ago...

D: Listerine burns my mouth so much D:

It's a type of mouth wash

Mix it half and half with Act or a generic fluoride mouthwash. That's what I do. Reap the benefits of both anti-plaque/germs, and fluoride cavity protection.
I got drunk, threatened to kill 3 men, and had a friend yell at me for being bitchy about girl troubles.

I feel like a douchebag.
anyone figured out how to always have that epic orgasm that leaves you momentarily retarded?


I think the trick may be to injure yourself before-hand.

You know when you hit your knee a certain way and the pain is very great, and you can't bend your leg for a little while, as you whelp in pain. Anyway, when you are injured ilke that, your body releases a chemical to ease the pain. Endorphins. The same chemical is released when you have an orgasm. So maybe I got the juices flowing when I hit my knee. I had a monumental life-changing orgasm not a half hour after banging my knee so ****ing hard into the table that I had to limp over to my bed and lie down for a moment.
You have to orgasm while simultaneously drilling a hole through your cranium and into your cerebellum. It's great.
anyone figured out how to always have that epic orgasm that leaves you momentarily retarded?


I think the trick may be to injure yourself before-hand.

You know when you hit your knee a certain way and the pain is very great, and you can't bend your leg for a little while, as you whelp in pain. Anyway, when you are injured ilke that, your body releases a chemical to ease the pain. Endorphins. The same chemical is released when you have an orgasm. So maybe I got the juices flowing when I hit my knee. I had a monumental life-changing orgasm not a half hour after banging my knee so ****ing hard into the table that I had to limp over to my bed and lie down for a moment.

hahaha i know exacly what you talk about, although i never figured out how to do it everytime. It happens at random for me. Momentarily Down-Syndrom is awesome!
anyone figured out how to always have that epic orgasm that leaves you momentarily retarded?

I find the trick is to have a second and third orgasm immediately after(literally 10 seconds or so after each previous one). Waaaay more intense than the first one. Debilitatingly intense.

I do it when I can, but I'm always worried about inflammation issues if I do it too much, so I'm not always doing it.

The trick is:
I don't know how it'll work while having sex, but when masturbating after your first initial release, wait like 10 seconds, then... more furiously this time go at it again and enjoy the second one. The same for the third one too. I don't remember if I've tried going for a fourth yet. And if you don't believe me, just try it... because it works. If you can't get it right off the bat, maybe there's something wrong with you, or you're just not doing it right... Learn to masturbate better.
A normal conversation on msn:

Austin C. s?ger:
I like it when Asian women shit on me

Strogg- s?ger:

Strogg- s?ger:
i enjoy scat pornography

Austin C. s?ger:
So is your sister

Strogg- s?ger:
she would gladly take a shit on your chest

Austin C. s?ger:
I also take interest in parrot porn

Strogg- s?ger:
i guess

Austin C. s?ger:
Occasionally baboon porn

Strogg- s?ger:
only if you cut its limbs off first ofcorse

Austin C. s?ger:
Then you can do it from behind without struggle

Strogg- s?ger:
totaly, while its taking a shit

Austin C. s?ger:
Then wipe teh shiz on your face as a moustachio

Strogg- s?ger:
and then piss in someones hair while they sleep

Austin C. s?ger:
And then cut off a walrus' titz

Strogg- s?ger:
which eventualy results in dogporn

Austin C. s?ger:
Possibly 2 GRLZ 1 KUPP

Strogg- s?ger:
more like 2 elephants 1 wide open mouth

dont ask...
Whats left to ask?

Im about to call a game developer to see if I can bring my job application to the next step. What should I say? Ive never called up before for a job, and I dont want to seem like I am pushy or anything. Should I just ask if they "received" my application and then hope they forward me to whoever handles employment?
Yeah, I would just say I was calling to confirm that they received my application. Pretty easy to go from there if they give you the opportunity.
They just hired two of my friends, should I mention that? Or should I just wait and see if they bring it up themselves (we all just graduated from the same school, so they may ask)?
TollBooth Willie 184
Krynn72 123
Raziaar 89
KineticAesthetic 86
VirusType2 67
Ennui 61

damn spammers
I'm sitting here listening to my Russian friend regale me with his tales of 'womanizing' from the past weekend :hmph:
Yeah really. He just fuels my desire to hang all the white people from a tree with razor wire and beat them like a pinata.
But he was Russian. Mark my words, no good will come of this.
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