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Tell him it wasnt you! The fate of all the world depends on it!
I'm feeling so incredibly depressed today.
Cheer up raziaar!
I just made 32 animated gifs. Im le tired.

Anyone know if spoiler tagging images makes them not load until you open it, or if it loads them all anyways? I kinda want to avoid making people load 82 megs from in a post in the image dump if they dont want to.
Oh well, sucks for all you guys. And my website's bandwidth, but w/e.

Also, Anyone else think we need a separate "Helplife2.net" subforum? We're being overrun.
Oh well, sucks for all you guys. And my website's bandwidth, but w/e.

Also, Anyone else think we need a separate "Helplife2.net" subforum? We're being overrun.

yes, we need a helplife2.net section
I'm allowed to post lots here. It's my second favourite thread. I was here at the beginning.

I finished my Illustrator course, and made this really creepy image. I'll post it later.

School tomorrow, first day.

Where's Darkside?
Darkside said hes bored of hl2.net. Plus he got himself a jerb. He still lurks though, and ive seen him post in a few threads.
Darkside said hes bored of hl2.net. Plus he got himself a jerb. He still lurks though, and ive seen him post in a few threads.

Yes. He posted in the Scientology Protests thread.


I like that I can miss someone who didn't like or know me.

Here it is

Sorry for the quality, it's a scan.

Illustrators not for image editing newb. its for illustrating.

on a completely un-related note, I'm sneezing so much lately
Been tidying my garden at home the past couple days (it's been gorgeous sunny out here), and today we're taking the bathroom door off, paint stripping it, and putting it back on before someone needs a pee :E

Be back later with amusing pictures of people pissing themselves.
Been tidying my garden at home the past couple days (it's been gorgeous sunny out here), and today we're taking the bathroom door off, paint stripping it, and putting it back on before someone needs a pee :E

Be back later with amusing pictures of people pissing themselves.

Are the members of your family not capable of peeing with the door open?

I seriously don't remember ever closing the door while I peed until I turned seven or so.
Simultaneously have a feeling of both high and low self-esteem.

I'm also self-centered.
on a completely un-related note, I'm sneezing so much lately

me too. (I just sneezed here) It was weird because I had to sneeze but couldn't, right when I someone said that the cow pic made them stop sneezing. (I have to sneeze again... BAD)
I'm guessing it had tea tree oil in it. That would sting.

Tea tree oil is the best thing to masturbate with, I'm not even trolling, once you get used to the sting, you'll never masturbate with anything else.
I'm completely done with all of my finals and heading home from school today :D

Before I leave I have to clean my room though D: my roommate have already taken out 12 trashbags FULL of garbage, our room was basically a pile of shit.
Funny thing, I always new Ennui was in NC, but then I always though he was in the UK at the same time. Oh yeah about that funny part.

No, the European aspects of my character (liberalism, affinity for cigarettes) are far outweighed by the Southern ones (everything else).
Even cow tipping? 'cause you know, I always thought we southerners took pride in beating cows with spiked dildos until they fall over.
I've never been cow tipping but I imagine I would take to the practice with great enthusiasm given male company and a fair bit of alcohol.

Mostly I just love southern food and southern people.
Currently in a lengthy procession of mood swings.
I have 5 F's right now in school because I haven't done any of my work. Hopefully I can bring them up before the Quater ends. :X
F for Fantastic? That's great ZT! :D

Just be glad they weren't Ds as in ," 'D'on't get your hopes up for a high paying career".

Or Cs as in, " 'C' you next semester".

I got a 'G' on my report card once, and I was like wtf? That's not even on the grading scale.

The instructor responded with, "Yeah, I know. It stands for 'G'et the f*** outta my class." ;(
Today I woke up and had dinner. My sleep pattern has been effectively destroyed. I am now nocturnal.
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