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maybe she'll suck YOUR pretty hard another day.
but yeah, this rain really sucks, not like I'd be doing much anyway though :/

sucks hard.
Where did your daddy go?
He abandoned you when you were only seven years...
(Seven yeeaars ooold)
And living on the streets is cold,
You beg for and money,
You beg for food and loove,
You beg for food and care, agaaiiin...
Finally Friday, so sleepy and tired. Need to catch up with the lady, smoke some crack and play some TF2/GTA4
I have two finals tomorrow: 9 AM-noon and 7-10 PM

Tomorrow's Saturday.

Why :(
I'm tired of working 9-11 hours a day, 6 days a week, having only Sundays off.

I called in and took the day off. SWEEET FREE LIFE. So many possibilities, yet I think I'll sit in my chair and eat pie. work on some more music, get some cleaning done, watch a movie, then sleep for as long as I can possibly stand it.

Days off are the best. I want to be a bum, but with a nice house and cool stuff.
To go bowling tonight (the circumstances will be dire, I'll need to get prepared and get to the city within like half a ****ing hour) or not.

There's basically one reason why I would.
To go bowling tonight (the circumstances will be dire, I'll need to get prepared and get to the city within like half a ****ing hour) or not.

There's basically one reason why I would.


; )

Requesting pix in rapid sequential order accompanied with sound.
Talking to the missuz on the phone. The phone means she's too far away to slap around :(

Hey hl2dotnet, I'm back.

For a while.

Then I've got to get back to working.
I just got back from a small get together. And I'm really tired. And I have to get up in eight hours to travel for two hours. And that's not cool. And I'm going to fall asleep typ
I'm going to run 1km now. After which I will eat , study abit of economics, and watch IronMan. I can't wait.

This thread has become more like a blog. It should be renamed hl2.net public blog.
I'm so tired. I could fall asleep at my ke- oh, someone already made that joke. Damnit.
Currently eating an ICE-COLD Tortilla De Patatas. Ridiculously tasty in this hot weather.

Also in other news my family has prevailed against a nest of mice. Final mice death toll: 6
I just had the weirdest night ever.

So I pick up a friend of mine and this girl, we'll call them Race and Ems, and we drive down to a local park and smoke a bowl.

We then drive to this dudes house, I pick up about 100mg of morphine, and we drive down to another park, while Race crushes up the morphine. We park, he makes the lines, me and Ems bang 'em, makes another, bangs another, we leave because things start getting kinda sketch.

At this point this dude Chrad calls up Ems and starts being all emo about some random ass shit, saying something about how he has no friends, and how he needs to talk to Ems.

Ems tries to get rid of him by saying she's going home, at which point he starts being all pissy and says his car broke down right infront of his house. I start getting sketch on things, because god damn, how CONVENIENT for this man's car to break down right infront of her house while he's talking to her about his problems.

But I figure, whatever, she knows him well, so it can't be that bad, until he starts getting defensive, and says he's been smoking crack. Here's where I figure "**** this" and tell her i'm not taking her home tonight. I talk to the guy for a bit, tell him that if he needs a friend, i'll talk to him (he really sounded rather sincere), at which point he starts yelling at me that he has a gun, and that if I have a problem with him, that well... He's got a gun.

I figure **** THAT, even though Ems and Reece start telling me that he's probably just tripping out from the crack, and has nothing on him. I figure, ok, whatever, and tell them i'll make a pass by her house in the car first before dropping her off, just to be sure she can get into the house safely (For all I knew he wasn't really outside of her house).

I drive by, and he's sitting on the roof of his car infront of her house in a hoodie. Had a bad feeling so I just left. We make one more pass, and as i'm slowing down to actually talk to the guy, I see he's comming at me with a ****ing hammer, and punch the gas out of there.

I damn near went to the police, but instead dropped reece off and went to the local marina with Ems to figure out what to do (I really really REALLY didn't want to call the cops JUST yet, since I didn't know 100% what was going on).

I call up a friend, Nick, and tell him I need to talk to him, so me and Ems meet up with him and a few girls he's hanging out with. The girls are talking to Ems while Nick keeps telling me to stop being so damned indecisive and just call the cops.

I tell him "no, I just want to figure out what's going on before I involve the police", at which point he tells me that the guy waiting outside (we told him his name) her house apparently killed her father or something, and that I should just get the police to swing by her place and arrest him for disturbing the peace (since he was shouting at her house while we were gone, we heard him over the phone).

She insists on NOT doing this, and that I just take her home, because according to her, I just didn't "know" this guy well enough. The girls try to convince her otherwise, while Nick suddenly has a change in attitude and tells me to just ****ing drop her off, and that he'd go with me, that this guy won't shoot me.

So we leave, this guy Ryan follows us there, and once we get there we tell this other cat that was waiting with Chrad we're just dropping Ems off and leaving (because I trust that this other cat, who's 100% sober, wouldn't let anything happen to Ems. Ems called him to be sure that everything was safe at her house).

Guy tells me to park and get out because Chrad wants to talk to me, just as Nick sees Chrad on the side of the road with boxing gloves on, and tells me "OH, that's not the murderer guy, I know this kid, he's a dumb punk bitch, if he lays a finger on us my brother will kick his ass, he knows my brother pretty well". I park, get out, and ****ing Chrad is outside waiting with boxing gloves on, a shirt tied around his face, and his apparently fat blubbery self wobbling all over the place. I look and see he's got a hammer in his left pocket, at which point my confidence just sorta drops. I dunno if it was the ganja and morphine combo or if I was just scared shitless, but my arms started shaking, especially cause this other asshole that's sober is videotaping the whole thing and laughing his ass off.

I come up, Chrad apparently knows Nick, greetings are exchanged, I see that Chrad is really nothing more than an emo punk fat kid that, especially considering that I was on Morphine, could probably hold my own against, but i'm still scared as hell because I don't know if he's really got a gun or what. Nick cracks some jokes with the guy, which pisses me off (Chrad goes to me "Ha, I was gonna stab you with this hammer", and Nick just goes "Bra, why not just use a knife or something?"), Chrad tells me he was going to punch my ass because I made him wait for 2 hours or something, bla bla bla, he's really pissed, I tell him "I'm sorry man, but you have to understand, you told me you had a ****ing gun, I was ****ing shitting my pants".

Asshole with the video camera begs Chrad to punch me. Chrad tells him "no, unless you give me more coke", at which point dickwad with camera goes "no **** that" and leaves.

I take some folks home, drop Nick off with his ride home, get home, Reece calls me. He tells me he just got off the phone with Chrad, and that Chrad understands why I was ****ing scared shitless of him, bla bla bla.

I am a pissed mofo right now. Nick kept telling me that I was over-reacting, but Reece tells me it was entirely understandable since I didn't know Chrad and he told me he had a gun waiting for me (Chrad even told reece, "I guess I can understand why he'd be scared, my bad man, i'm sorry, bla bla bla").

God dammit, the Morphine was so much damned fun until this whole shit happened. It was a total buzz kill, I felt 100% sober once I started shitting bricks, and didn't feel morphed out again till I managed to relax.
Are you making stories up again sinko? ;)

haha! fun night... i gotta go get ready for mine :)
I just had the weirdest night ever.

So I pick up a friend of mine and this girl, we'll call them Race and Ems, and we drive down to a local park and smoke a bowl.

We then drive to this dudes house, I pick up about 100mg of morphine, and we drive down to another park, while Race crushes up the morphine. We park, he makes the lines, me and Ems bang 'em, makes another, bangs another, we leave because things start getting kinda sketch.

At this point this dude Chrad calls up Ems and starts being all emo about some random ass shit, saying something about how he has no friends, and how he needs to talk to Ems.

Ems tries to get rid of him by saying she's going home, at which point he starts being all pissy and says his car broke down right infront of his house. I start getting sketch on things, because god damn, how CONVENIENT for this man's car to break down right infront of her house while he's talking to her about his problems.

But I figure, whatever, she knows him well, so it can't be that bad, until he starts getting defensive, and says he's been smoking crack. Here's where I figure "**** this" and tell her i'm not taking her home tonight. I talk to the guy for a bit, tell him that if he needs a friend, i'll talk to him (he really sounded rather sincere), at which point he starts yelling at me that he has a gun, and that if I have a problem with him, that well... He's got a gun.

I figure **** THAT, even though Ems and Reece start telling me that he's probably just tripping out from the crack, and has nothing on him. I figure, ok, whatever, and tell them i'll make a pass by her house in the car first before dropping her off, just to be sure she can get into the house safely (For all I knew he wasn't really outside of her house).

I drive by, and he's sitting on the roof of his car infront of her house in a hoodie. Had a bad feeling so I just left. We make one more pass, and as i'm slowing down to actually talk to the guy, I see he's comming at me with a ****ing hammer, and punch the gas out of there.

I damn near went to the police, but instead dropped reece off and went to the local marina with Ems to figure out what to do (I really really REALLY didn't want to call the cops JUST yet, since I didn't know 100% what was going on).

I call up a friend, Nick, and tell him I need to talk to him, so me and Ems meet up with him and a few girls he's hanging out with. The girls are talking to Ems while Nick keeps telling me to stop being so damned indecisive and just call the cops.

I tell him "no, I just want to figure out what's going on before I involve the police", at which point he tells me that the guy waiting outside (we told him his name) her house apparently killed her father or something, and that I should just get the police to swing by her place and arrest him for disturbing the peace (since he was shouting at her house while we were gone, we heard him over the phone).

She insists on NOT doing this, and that I just take her home, because according to her, I just didn't "know" this guy well enough. The girls try to convince her otherwise, while Nick suddenly has a change in attitude and tells me to just ****ing drop her off, and that he'd go with me, that this guy won't shoot me.

So we leave, this guy Ryan follows us there, and once we get there we tell this other cat that was waiting with Chrad we're just dropping Ems off and leaving (because I trust that this other cat, who's 100% sober, wouldn't let anything happen to Ems. Ems called him to be sure that everything was safe at her house).

Guy tells me to park and get out because Chrad wants to talk to me, just as Nick sees Chrad on the side of the road with boxing gloves on, and tells me "OH, that's not the murderer guy, I know this kid, he's a dumb punk bitch, if he lays a finger on us my brother will kick his ass, he knows my brother pretty well". I park, get out, and ****ing Chrad is outside waiting with boxing gloves on, a shirt tied around his face, and his apparently fat blubbery self wobbling all over the place. I look and see he's got a hammer in his left pocket, at which point my confidence just sorta drops. I dunno if it was the ganja and morphine combo or if I was just scared shitless, but my arms started shaking, especially cause this other asshole that's sober is videotaping the whole thing and laughing his ass off.

I come up, Chrad apparently knows Nick, greetings are exchanged, I see that Chrad is really nothing more than an emo punk fat kid that, especially considering that I was on Morphine, could probably hold my own against, but i'm still scared as hell because I don't know if he's really got a gun or what. Nick cracks some jokes with the guy, which pisses me off (Chrad goes to me "Ha, I was gonna stab you with this hammer", and Nick just goes "Bra, why not just use a knife or something?"), Chrad tells me he was going to punch my ass because I made him wait for 2 hours or something, bla bla bla, he's really pissed, I tell him "I'm sorry man, but you have to understand, you told me you had a ****ing gun, I was ****ing shitting my pants".

Asshole with the video camera begs Chrad to punch me. Chrad tells him "no, unless you give me more coke", at which point dickwad with camera goes "no **** that" and leaves.

I take some folks home, drop Nick off with his ride home, get home, Reece calls me. He tells me he just got off the phone with Chrad, and that Chrad understands why I was ****ing scared shitless of him, bla bla bla.

I am a pissed mofo right now. Nick kept telling me that I was over-reacting, but Reece tells me it was entirely understandable since I didn't know Chrad and he told me he had a gun waiting for me (Chrad even told reece, "I guess I can understand why he'd be scared, my bad man, i'm sorry, bla bla bla").

God dammit, the Morphine was so much damned fun until this whole shit happened. It was a total buzz kill, I felt 100% sober once I started shitting bricks, and didn't feel morphed out again till I managed to relax.

I bet you were on DOG once he alsways picks up Hawaiian junkies that skipped bail :p
I totally wnet bowling, then to a party. I scabbed a lot.;

I totally just walked in the door.

Rooooses in heeer eyes.
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