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I sit here with my hat on
Watching MuscleCar
Listening to some Russian rappers
Preparing to quiz myself on the Russian alphabet

Boring weekend.
I sit here with my T-shirt on
Watching the internets
Listening to the Carpenters
Preparing myself to go out to my friends' house.

To play Sins of a Solar Empire.
I sit here with jeans on
Watching the time pass
Listening to some Amon Tobin
Preparing to leave with some friends
I sit here with remote in hand.
Watching SpongeBob Squarepants.
Pondering whether to play play Sam and Max Episode 1.
Or to call her instead.

God, someone ****ing kill me please.
I failed myself at my quiz as I couldn't recall what 7 letters looked like.
****, I banged the last of the morphine last night, and now my nose is an itchy bitch.

My mouth still tastes like ass from the drip too :angry:
Just watched the last episode of Band Of Brothers, been watching the series for the past few weeks.

Came so close to crying when theyre doing the interviews at the end of 'Points'.

'Grandpa were you a hero in the war?', and grandpa said 'no...but I served in a company of heroes' *lip curls*
Look out world, Krynn is back on the internets!

Im cold. Why is the north so cold?
Hey Krynn, that russian guy now hates you, and he thinks that's an actual pic of you :D
No, he started rambling on about how you were a bald **** with no job.
Hey Krynn, I was wondering if you remember passing by shitty Valdosta GA on the way to Connecticut? That's where my uni is. :E

You did road trip there right? Did you take I-75 north? It is the only Interstate that runs North/South from Florida I believe.
Hey Krynn, I was wondering if you remember passing by shitty Valdosta GA on the way to Connecticut? That's where my uni is. :E

You did road trip there right? Did you take I-75 north? It is the only Interstate that runs North/South from Florida I believe.

You mean I-95?

I took I-4 to I-95 and that took me all the way to New York. Wasnt really a road trip, me and my dad decided to just do the whole drive without staying a night anywhere (took aboot 22 hours D: )
Let's see.. last night was a blast. We all got silly drunk and several of my friends stood in this girl's kitchen without clothes on.

It was the gayest moment I've ever experienced, and I was in the other room. :|

Epic games of flip cup, beer pong, RAPE.

It was.

Several men standing naked in someone's kitchen.
There is always rape involved in that kind of thing.
Good thing you weren't in there.
Last night was amusing, but also got me extremely angry

One of my ex-friends started abusing me over MSN and steam... once again... I just told him too go suck a dick. and blocked him, then he started using other people too get my messages through. LOL.

also, its the same guy I made a thread on, a couple weeks ago...
I totally wnet bowling, then to a party. I scabbed a lot.;

I totally just walked in the door.

Rooooses in heeer eyes.

To elaborate.

Eventually did go bowling, was rather enjoyable. Went back to a mate's place, had some pre-drinking and went off to an open house party which was still in the early awkward stages. Managed to scab a few drinks, more people arrived, became somewhat fun.

Walked home and talked to people on MSN until 3:30 in the morning. Feeling like shit at the moment.

Bad elaboration.
Just got off GTAIV
Back to listening to Ya Rap Long Remix

I wish I were in Russia :/
My cousin is camping my main PC so I can't get at my English assignment. Bastard.
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