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"Yawn" is only four characters. Thus I cannot simply say "Yawn" in a post.

It might be possible to put asterisks around it to indicate an action, but at the moment I desire to simply say it.

Putting a full-stop at the end of my "Yawn" would work, however it would add an extra emphasis to it, and would appear to sound shorter than I desire.

Going for the long "Yawn" with multiple "a"s would work, as I could add as many "a"s as I would like, and it would also add the emphasis of an elongated Yawn, much like a person does. However, it would not be spelled correctly, and thus irritate me to the bone.

Another idea in order to get away with the 5 character limit would be to add "5char" to the end of my post. However, it would take away the emphasis of the simple word "Yawn" away, and act similar to a period.

It would be possible to put the word "5char" in a colour of the same background as this colour scheme, thus rendering it invisible to the casual user. However, it would appear as a lighter colour on people's monitors set to display the Blue theme. Thus it would not be entirely compatible.

Similarly I could set the word "5char" to be the colour of the background colour of the Blue theme, thus, again, rendering it invisible to half the users. Similarly, however, it would not be entirely compatible, something which I am not satisfied with.

Some sort of character in very small text might work, but similarly to using "5char" or a full-stop, it would still be visible and take away the simplicity of just saying "Yawn".

One final option would be to type out the word "Yawn" into a photo-editing program, or take a screenshot of the word, and then save this image and upload it. This could then be used to portray the word "Yawn" on its own, without interfering. This, unfortunately, would take too long.

Having not found any methods of simply saying the word "Yawn" in my post that I was entirely satisfied with, I then realised that I have already exceeded the five character limit, and thus able to type the word "Yawn" at any point and hit reply. Therefore, I decided to simply announce that I was going to say it, much like Windows Live Messenger announces a message with the phrase "XXXXX says:".

Thus, I would like to announce that I want to say the following word:



edit: bugga

also, juhana reminded me of the russian national anthem, listenin to it atm. We used to have to sing that every morning at school lol
I'm knackered.

I had a busy enough weekend, getting minimum amount of sleep and far too much um... sex. Too much acitivity happening in general, really. It took me 7 hours to get from Cambridge to Manchester on Friday (bloody Cross Country, or whichever service left me sat at March for an hour and a half). Then I got minimum amount of sleep (with just over 2 months worth of catching up to do :naughty:) followed by my "friend's" leaver's do the following night. Then it took me an age on Sunday to get back, and yesterday I decided I'd go out, ended up cycling for about ninety minutes in total and not getting back until past midnight. Then, of course, there was work again. So yeah, completely knackered.

Sleep/Movement ratio is too low.

Requiring nourishment.
I'm leaving tomorrow (to Friday) to be a camp counselor for 6th graders . Hopefully they mind me (yeah right). Either way, it'll be a lot of fun.
Brethren of HL2.net

I have come to you today to gain some knowledge from your endless wiseness. People talk about how marrage is the most important day of your life. We all know thats bullshit, we all know that the true important day in a mans life is the day he gets pussy for the first time. Dont get exited, i dont have it yet, but its in my sight. So dear brothers, how does one, long lusting for the treasure, prepare oneself mentaly to gain his ultimate goal (saturday) ? Its pretty much set up...shes sleeping over at my house, and she told my friend she would have sex with me some time ago.

I think i got it under control, the problem is the pressure...this is the FIRST TIME for me folks. How did you guys do your first time? Was it an embarresment? Im afraid im going to panic and not perform well at all "oh my god, its in..:ITS IN...FINALLY....AFTER ALL THESE ..YEA..a.s:ad.td......." *lies shaking on the ground*
Brethren of HL2.net

I have come to you today to gain some knowledge from your endless wiseness. People talk about how marrage is the most important day of your life. We all know thats bullshit, we all know that the true important day in a mans life is the day he gets pussy for the first time. Dont get exited, i dont have it yet, but its in my sight. So dear brothers, how does one, long lusting for the treasure, prepare oneself mentaly to gain his ultimate goal (saturday) ? Its pretty much set up...shes sleeping over at my house, and she told my friend she would have sex with me some time ago.

I think i got it under control, the problem is the pressure...this is the FIRST TIME for me folks. How did you guys do your first time? Was it an embarresment? Im afraid im going to panic and not perform well at all "oh my god, its in..:ITS IN...FINALLY....AFTER ALL THESE ..YEA..a.s:ad.td......." *lies shaking on the ground*

30 bucks says he gets nothing.
My joints hurt really bad. Mostly my knees, hips, legs in general, wrists and elbows. Going up and down the stairs or running is pretty painful. Can't weight train almost at all because my joints start hurting. It's been getting worse. Meh..
My joints hurt really bad. Mostly my knees, hips, and legs in general. Going up and down the stairs or running is pretty painful. It's been getting worse. Meh..

or joint worms
Well, there's plenty weird with ther joints of my fingers, but then again, I've got hypermobility.
I came very close to kicking the crap outta some kid whom sits next to me in study.
If he says one word to me tomorrow, I think I'll show him just how close he came today.
... we all know that the true important day in a mans life is the day he gets pussy for the first time.

It's the most important day until it actually happens, and then it means **** all. You'll have forgotten about it by week's end. Unless, of course, you **** it up really bad, in which case you'll be impotent for the rest of your life. So... have fun with that. :)

Seriously though, it's not a big deal. Unless she's a total bitch she won't be expecting anything amazing from your first time, and it gets easier after that. Just keep thinking... BOOBIES!

(Christ, what the hell am I doing handing out sex advice...)
I came very close to kicking the crap outta some kid whom sits next to me in study.
If he says one word to me tomorrow, I think I'll show him just how close he came today.

It's that Gangster Rap music you've been listening to. Don't prove everyone's parents right about it being a negative influence. I'm too tired to be creative and say something funny here
Showed Digi a 4PlayerPodcast videos of Brad and Nick playing The House, Digi requested a link, I gave it to him. I <7 you Digi Wigi.

[digi] says:

Chase_Inner peace through inner babies says:

[digi] says:

Chase_Inner peace through inner babies says:
rape her

[digi] says:

I came very close to kicking the crap outta some kid whom sits next to me in study.
If he says one word to me tomorrow, I think I'll show him just how close he came today.



Man, I highly recommend watching the "Spook Man" from Call of Cthulu. It gave me a jump, but I laughed cause they kept coming across him.
Man, I highly recommend watching the "Spook Man" from Call of Cthulu. It gave me a jump, but I laughed cause they kept coming across him.
R.I.P. sweet prince. ;(

****ing lol'd at "Niko sails to freedom." How do they come up with this shit?


/buys tickets

edit: Armin van Buuren the worlds No. 1 DJ is coming to Perth, WA for one night only, performing at Metro City Nightclub. Brisbane and Melbourne have been sold out in one week of ticket sales being opened
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