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Since this is the misc thread...

Where did the term 'bootleg' come from? It makes no gorram sense.
Since this is the misc thread...

Where did the term 'bootleg' come from? It makes no gorram sense.

From the liquor ban period in America. I've just forgotten the name. People would smuggle liquor attached to their leg under their trousers. I guess boot leg trousers would be more baggy, and better for hiding stuff under?
Hah, fair enough. I don't think concealing a camera down your boot would give a very clear picture, though.
Hah, fair enough. I don't think concealing a camera down your boot would give a very clear picture, though.

Usually, when bootlegging a music performance, you put a high quality microphone wire down your leg, and when the lights go out, you pull the (preferably) HQ stereo microphone out of your pants leg. works especially well when seated - otherwise you may prefer just to have it somewhere else - like up your sleeve or something. and, try not to move around or make a lot of noise. lol.

I've listened to bootlegs before where the guy next to him (or nearby) makes a lot of racket. WOOOHOOOOO !!! (drunk guy)

I just eated a shit ton of eggs, potatoes, corn, and raisin toast. Unfortunantly, I ate too much and I intententionally throwed it up. So ****. I won't do that again.
I just eated a shit ton of eggs, potatoes, corn, and raisin toast. Unfortunantly, I ate too much and I intententionally throwed it up. So ****. I won't do that again.

I don't believe you.

Pics or it didn't happen.
What sort of spam is tolerated in this thread, do you thinks?
I just fixed four holes in my teeth. It's not fair. I spend three minuted every morning and every evening brishing my teeth, I use dental floss every day and take flour tablets after every single meal, and yet I get so much caries . This is the last year the government pays for my dental care too (I'm turning 20 next year), so I'm really worried about it (this shit is expensive). I feel like I'm doing everything I can already.
I just fixed four holes in my teeth. It's not fair. I spend three minuted every morning and every evening brishing my teeth, I use dental floss every day and take flour tablets after every single meal, and yet I get so much caries . This is the last year the government pays for my dental care too (I'm turning 20 next year), so I'm really worried about it (this shit is expensive). I feel like I'm doing everything I can already.

Stop eating
I just fixed four holes in my teeth. It's not fair. I spend three minuted every morning and every evening brishing my teeth, I use dental floss every day and take flour tablets after every single meal, and yet I get so much caries . This is the last year the government pays for my dental care too (I'm turning 20 next year), so I'm really worried about it (this shit is expensive). I feel like I'm doing everything I can already.

maybe eat less sugars, and rinse your mouth after eating when on the go. also - do you smoke? You don't look like a smoker, but anyone with dry mouth (like smokers) is more susceptible. If so, you can get smokers toothpaste (even if you don't smoke) Rembrant? It keeps from drying out your mouth. The saliva in your mouth is great in destroying germs and neutralizing acids.

I guess cavities are mainly caused by sugars and acids, so cut back on those types of foods - especially sodas, which contain much of both, and they can also stain your teeth since they usually have caramel or food coloring.

might also try a pre-brushing rinse

also, teeth whiteners can damage the enamel on the teeth, leaving them vulnerable. Also, don't brush too hard or use abrasive toothpastes, for the same reason. Use a soft toothbrush.

Hope that was helpful my friend
maybe eat less sugars, and rinse your mouth after eating when on the go. also - do you smoke? You don't look like a smoker, but anyone with dry mouth (like smokers) is more susceptible. If so, you can get smokers toothpaste (even if you don't smoke) Rembrant? It keeps from drying out your mouth. The saliva in your mouth is great in destroying germs and neutralizing acids.

I guess cavities are mainly caused by sugars and acids, so cut back on those types of foods - especially sodas, which contain much of both, and they can also stain your teeth since they usually have caramel or food coloring.

might also try a pre-brushing rinse

also, teeth whiteners can damage the enamel on the teeth, leaving them vulnerable. Also, don't brush too hard or use abrasive toothpastes, for the same reason. Use a soft toothbrush.

Hope that was helpful my friend
It was, thanks. I think the cause of the problem is that I eat about 10 fruits a day, and that's a lot of sugar. But on the other hand, I haven't been sick for eight years, and I think that has a lot to do with the fruit. I think the key is to use floss more, I've been a little lazy with it.
"Yawn" is only four characters. Thus I cannot simply say "Yawn" in a post.

It might be possible to put asterisks around it to indicate an action, but at the moment I desire to simply say it.

Putting a full-stop at the end of my "Yawn" would work, however it would add an extra emphasis to it, and would appear to sound shorter than I desire.

Going for the long "Yawn" with multiple "a"s would work, as I could add as many "a"s as I would like, and it would also add the emphasis of an elongated Yawn, much like a person does. However, it would not be spelled correctly, and thus irritate me to the bone.

Another idea in order to get away with the 5 character limit would be to add "5char" to the end of my post. However, it would take away the emphasis of the simple word "Yawn" away, and act similar to a period.

It would be possible to put the word "5char" in a colour of the same background as this colour scheme, thus rendering it invisible to the casual user. However, it would appear as a lighter colour on people's monitors set to display the Blue theme. Thus it would not be entirely compatible.

Similarly I could set the word "5char" to be the colour of the background colour of the Blue theme, thus, again, rendering it invisible to half the users. Similarly, however, it would not be entirely compatible, something which I am not satisfied with.

Some sort of character in very small text might work, but similarly to using "5char" or a full-stop, it would still be visible and take away the simplicity of just saying "Yawn".

One final option would be to type out the word "Yawn" into a photo-editing program, or take a screenshot of the word, and then save this image and upload it. This could then be used to portray the word "Yawn" on its own, without interfering. This, unfortunately, would take too long.

Having not found any methods of simply saying the word "Yawn" in my post that I was entirely satisfied with, I then realised that I have already exceeded the five character limit, and thus able to type the word "Yawn" at any point and hit reply. Therefore, I decided to simply announce that I was going to say it, much like Windows Live Messenger announces a message with the phrase "XXXXX says:".

Thus, I would like to announce that I want to say the following word:


You could just make it transparent. I did forget the colour code though Kupoartist knows it.
Its Gone D:
I will Clone myself. I can do more things at once. I'll have a update system to plug our brains into each other like a network.

I will go to work, while I sleep. I will have sex, while I am shopping. I will have sex using my two dicks for double the pleasure. I will play a video game in the headrest while I drive. I will sleep while I drive.

I will annoy you with double the posts, and they will be twice as funny. For some reason.

I experience two things at once.

Our brains are connected via a very long, cordless USB cable. Or we could use one of those old really long stretched out spiral telephone cords so we could stretch into the other room.
I will Clone myself. I can do more things at once. I'll have a update system to plug our brains into each other like a network.

I will go to work, while I sleep. I will have sex, while I am shopping. I will have sex using my two dicks for double the pleasure. I will play a video game in the headrest while I drive. I will sleep while I drive.

I will annoy you with double the posts, and they will be twice as funny. For some reason.

I experience two things at once.

Our brains are connected via a very long, cordless USB cable. Or we could use one of those old really long stretched out spiral telephone cords so we could stretch into the other room.

You would get alien cancer at the same time
Wow Azner got the 2500th post! congrats man!

also, if duddits is duddits, then should Sulky be doddits?
Sat here at work, I contemplate life, staring out of the glass to the open air beyond, my mind traveling far further than my eyes ever could, past space itself and into the void beyond, wondering and pondering the very existence of the universe itself, curious as to how it works. Questions about the cosmos and the metaphysical distract me from my duties. I delve further into the philosophies, questioning the questions we ask, asking why we ask. Wondering why I should even doubt my role in humanity.

But I never get very far, because I'm not very clever.
God dang awesome! :D

I got an A in the class that does not give A's, English.

And an A in Sociology (we had to read Wicked).

3.44 GPA gogogo!
Very slow.

Know what that means?

It means Willie is giving everyone roofies!
Hai guyz.

I got into an arguement with a friend today over how/why the song чёрный бумер (Black BMW) represented post-Communism materialism in Russia (he thought it did).

He was like "Hows that Communist music?"
I'm like "Communist music?"
"Yeah, your Russian stuff?"
"How is Russian hip-hop and rap Communist?"
"Whats the name of the song your listening to?"
"Black BMW"
"Black BMW's represent materialism in a post-communist country"
"How about an American rap song about being rich with hoes and lambos?"
"America isn't post Communist"

At this point, I realized any arguement would be futile and walked away.
Tbh, i was just scrolling down skipping several posts, but then I noticed the back of a nearly nude woman and had to scroll back up. Is that the stupid mod that replaces the ugly Oblivion models with hot women, but then ****s them up by giving them anime faces?
Tbh, I dont even know. I guess the tbh part stuck out to me. I dont even know what the rest of your post/posts were about, nor how long the tbh chain was in effect.
Tbh, i was just scrolling down skipping several posts, but then I noticed the back of a nearly nude woman and had to scroll back up. Is that the stupid mod that replaces the ugly Oblivion models with hot women, but then ****s them up by giving them anime faces?

tbh, Yes. :_:

There's so much talent in the Oblivion community, but 90% of it is wasted on wapanese crap or SEXY SEDUCTRESS GOTHIC "Heavy Armor".

Morrowind's the same, but the good to bad mod ratio is not as bad as Oblivion.
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