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It's like listening to a god damn sermon. They better play Fatal Frame 3 after this, Brad is so awesome when he screams.
Some reason my shirt got wrinkled into a fashion that clearly said "π > 1" which is true! (That's the pi symbol).
It's like listening to a god damn sermon. They better play Fatal Frame 3 after this, Brad is so awesome when he screams.

I wonder if anyone is actually listening anymore.

And yes, they'd better, I've never actually seen a live show before.
That little homophobic kid is hilarious, hope they don't ban him. Oh yeah, live shows are usually amazing.
That little homophobic kid i s hilarious, hope they don't ban him. Oh yeah, live shows are usually amazing.

Ehehe yeah I've found that a lot more entertaining than the show itself. He's mavesucks or something now isnt he?
Yeah. Third incarnation. I love how every time someone makes a homophobic remark he freaks.
Oh God I missed it. Did the dude say they were going to start finally?

EDIT: Apparently not.
Why the hell not? lol at Icebreakers advertising also.

Edit: Nevermind, Brad won't shut the hell up is why.
Hahahaha I saw that, what did you say/do?

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Ugh 10 more mins and I give up. Why the hell are they still talking?
Because they are white people. Why won't one of them put the headcrab on their crotch? It's a simple request. I mean really.
4:24jtv:This room is in slow mode and you are sending messages too quickly. You will be able to talk again in 55 seconds.

wut. I typed one thing!
Found out an hour ago that a relative once thought murdered is now alive!!!


i'm web-arranging airline tickets atm! :D :D :D :D

Gonna be a good three months ahead

I can't spell the word without looking at the title.


But I digress, 4playerpodcast is starting to grate on the nerves. PLAY THE GAMES DAMMIT.

Oh snap, I guess that was a freudian slip or something. My typing's been really really bad lately, I have no idea why.
I've been very very busy in a lot of ways for a long time, and there are certain tasks I told myself I would put off until I had a spare moment - checking and responding to messages on Facebook, for example, or indeed on Halfspacefacemybookdotnet. I'd just like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who's sent me a private message, a friend request, or a profile message, and has not received a response. I honestly intended to talk back to you some time but bah.

Slept at a friend's house after a night of shenanigans yesterday. At 4 AM I decided to go off into his backyard while everyone else was asleep, stand there and have a good wank under the night sky. Satisfying.
I just came back from rick rolling people in the park with my friends. Twas quite funny. We did it in a newsagents as well. The shopkeeper didn't get the whole premise of "rick rolling" and chased us down the street with a wooden pole. Good times.
Godammit, I hurt myself...again....

Jaw muscles are contracting and shizz....uh...f*ck.
my car smells like wet dog/weed.

i really need to clean it asap
I had fun/wasted a hell of a lot of time today reading Image Dumps II and IV, rather than doing Physics revision. Oh the joy.
I had fun/wasted a hell of a lot of time today reading Image Dumps II and IV, rather than doing Physics revision. Oh the joy.

I've done that before. And took a break and had lunch.

It's not a waste of time if it's fun.
who's bright idea was it to create an image dump?

i love them
Mine. I take full credit for it.

And if anybody wants to challenge me for that claim, then I back down and you did it.

If I get a set of boiled netch armor made before this game's modding community goes under, I can die happy.
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