MP7-PDW...the dinky gun?


Jul 4, 2003
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Sure it looks nice...but the bullets don't have punch. The armor piercing bullets do work (20 layers of kevlar) but rounds like that punch tiny holes through bodies. A combine soldier could easily shrug off ten or so rounds.

As a PDW weapon (Personal Defense Weapon), this makes a great secondary weapon, but hardly something you'd use in pitched battle. Anyone else agree?
maybe but in the videos i did notice when he used it it was ether used to give suppressing fire and when he did kill it was a close range take barricade video for example
Does this have anything to do with Half Life 2 at all?
Its just a model... It has nothing to do with its shooting charactaristics.
the OICW would be much stronger etc, and those explosive cannon rounds moreso.
i guess that will take the role of "strong rifle"
mp7 is wait, its great. This is 2005-2010 so who knows, could be a newer model of the mp7 that fires .45 rounds.

Im just freaking glad they didnt put in an MP5 and an m16....

I think the weapon system they have is very original.

The one thing that i do hope for though is a stronger pistol. Dont get me wrong, i love the usp match, ill probably use it most of the game. But every hl game has had 2 pistols...glock, revolver/desert eagle.

I think a good high powerd pistol they could have added would either be a .357 revolver....or maybe a .357 Glock. YES glock makes .357 pistols.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
the OICW would be much stronger etc, and those explosive cannon rounds moreso.
i guess that will take the role of "strong rifle"

Omg, the M29 would fire right through you.
yea and a Glock .357 or .380 would leave a coconut sized exit wound.

One rifle i would have liked to see in HL2 is the AK5. Its a eurpeon rifles, and hl2 is in europe. No games use the AK5 im pretty sure.
Why have a H&K USP Mach in the game?

Cause then you have some lowpower weapon to use.

Who the **** cares, you get a better weapon later, would you rather run around with a unlimited-ammo-gauss-cannon
The Mp7 is nice but mp5 is nicer.. have some of you seen gordin kill someone with the usp in some movies?
Originally posted by Zyphria

Sure it looks nice...but the bullets don't have punch. The armor piercing bullets do work (20 layers of kevlar) but rounds like that punch tiny holes through bodies. A combine soldier could easily shrug off ten or so rounds.

As a PDW weapon (Personal Defense Weapon), this makes a great secondary weapon, but hardly something you'd use in pitched battle. Anyone else agree?

if your speaking has plenty of power at close range....its more of a specialised type weapon than something you would take to battle with you.

perfect for wasting aliens ....

a bullet may make a tiny whole.....but remember ..thats all it takes sometimes.

sounds like a pretty powerful weapon at realativly close ranges actaully.

edit: this makes me think of all the people that say a glock is weak...becuase they play CS.

All it takes is one bullet in real life.
Originally posted by Think
The Mp7 is nice but mp5 is nicer.. have some of you seen gordin kill someone with the usp in some movies?

MP5 is crap. Its the most over rated submachine gun and is probably used in every modern first person shooter. Im glad there is no MP5.

Valve knows this too....they didnt add the 4 weapons that are used in every game.....berreta, mp5, m16/m4, m249. Nobody wants to freaking use the same guns in every damn game.

They made it perfect. I only know 1 game that has the MP7 and the OICW.

Why have a H&K USP Mach in the game? Cause then you have some lowpower weapon to use

dumbass its not like its a .22 ..... Come to my house and let me shoot
you in your chest with a 9mm. After that you can tell me its low power.

Its so funny how people think the only guns ever made are the ones in CS. Anything else is inferior and stupid to some of you guys.
Re: Re: MP7-PDW...the dinky gun?

Originally posted by crabcakes66
if your speaking has plenty of power at close range....its more of a specialised type weapon than something you would take to battle with you.

perfect for wasting aliens ....

a bullet may make a tiny whole.....but remember ..thats all it takes sometimes.

sounds like a pretty powerful weapon at realativly close ranges actaully.

edit: this makes me think of all the people that say a glock is weak...becuase they play CS.

All it takes is one bullet in real life.

Not nessecarily, that bullet would have to be in the heart or the brain. Yeah or hit a vein.

But it requires that you can hit. Which the glock sucks at, you would barely be able to hit from a distance of 5 meters.

Ridic, come to my house and bring an Egon or Gauss gun, then i'll show whats low power.

Edit: Dumbass
Your a ****ing moron. You dont know dick shit what your talking about. I have a glock 17 and i can hit 10 ring at 75 yards and 8 at 100.

Nobody on earth is gonna take a 9mm round to the chest or stomach without kevlar and still be standing. Even if you survive, you on your ass. But this is a game so i wouldnt want that uber realism.
Re: Re: Re: MP7-PDW...the dinky gun?

Originally posted by FISKER_Q
Not nessecarily, that bullet would have to be in the heart or the brain. Yeah or hit a vein.

But it requires that you can hit. Which the glock sucks at, you would barely be able to hit from a distance of 5 meters.

Ridic, come to my house and bring an Egon or Gauss gun, then i'll show whats low power.

Edit: Dumbass

if you have no experiance with firearms other than games i suggest you keep you dipshit opinions to yourself.

stand 25 feet away from me......and see how many shots it takes for me to drop you.

edit: BTW glocks are very accurate..
No name calling people or this thread is having a one way trip to closey country...

(yeah I know I'm not a moderator. But I do beleive I'm God sometime, and that's basicly the same)
Originally posted by dawdler
No name calling people or this thread is having a one way trip to closey country...

(yeah I know I'm not a moderator. But I do beleive I'm God sometime, and that's basicly the same)

I cant stand people who think they know about real life from playing games.......

These kiddys need a reality only takes one bullet to kill somone.
Re: Re: Re: Re: MP7-PDW...the dinky gun?

Originally posted by crabcakes66

edit: BTW glocks are very accurate..

yes they are very accurate. Like i said i can shoot very well with mine.

i dont know what that guy was talking about...5 meters lOls
Originally posted by crabcakes66
I cant stand people who think they know about real life from playing games.......

These kiddys need a reality only takes one bullet to kill somone.
Doesnt even take that with modern weaponry :)
Excuse me i do have experience from firearms.

I have trained in the Glock 18(cant remember if it was model C)

Full Auto could barely hit anything. Distance was 10 meters i believe, it hitted 2(3) times(it hitted the side of the target with half a bullet)

Semi Auto was a lot better, but moving to higher distances, it showed nearly impossible to hit. I think i got 2 hits on 15, 2 hits at 20 and 0 hits at 25.

This was all part of some military training i got, iniatially i was supposed to only shoot blanks, because i'm under the age of 18, i knew someone at the station, and i got to try the glock with live ammo. And some gun i couldn't reckonize, and then a M4(i believe). Both using blanks.

Of course this could as well be my sight(I normally practice with animal hunting guns, i'm pretty good at it as well), but i do know other people in military, saying the glock is pretty weak, considered other weapons.

Of course i can't speak for the other models, i have heard that 21C is an extremely powerful gun, but i know the Glock18(C?) is not.

crabcakes, and it can also take 30 shots. You only die if your vital parts stop working. And normally they wont stop working, for being shot in the foot, the arms, even the stomach. Although shock can lead to it, if you get that. Edit: Of course if you get shot you would normally loose blood, so yes you do die if you dont get the bloodleak stopped.

so 1 bullet kills = bullshit.

Edit: The 5 yards thing was just to let people understand that the glock18 is really nothing worth compared to it's competitors
i dont believe you at all.....

the military dosnt use glocks. You need a class 3 (or Class C) license. If there was military personal the sights would have been set properly. Like i said, i cant get 7 out of 10 shots in the 10 ring(bulls eye) at 75 yards. There is not much skill to aiming when standing still either. I guess breathing patterns but i dont believe you.

so 1 bullet kills = bullshit.
HA. You would not be moving if you took any bullet in the stomach. You could take a .22 in the stomach and you would be mortaly wounded. You know brain and heart arnt the only orgins to aim for.

BTW A lower left kidney shot to someons back is an fatal wound and most of the time kills you in 1 shot.

if you got shot in the chest or shoulder and didnt die right away you wouldnt be willing to fight back. Maybe if you got shot in the arm you could continue, but not in the chest. 9mm up and its too much of a blow. Especialy hollow point rounds at close range.
Full auto? Not the last time i checked :p

30! you watch to many movies and play to many games.......

Id like to see somone survive being shot with 30 non-lethal rounds!!!!!
Ridic, i don't know what our military use. But it's not hightech as the US military.

The fact they still use M4 should prove it. We barely have people using m16's

Besides thats the only thing left, so if you don't believe me, fine then don't.

The only thing i know was that i got to try out 3 firearms before the rest of the stock was moved to a new military depot, where they were supposed to store it all.

Again it might be my sight its wrong with, it was not breath, i started each events of the shooting when i had topped my breath, and we do not learn heartbeat control here.

One thing is sure, i couldn't hit 25 meters away, and i could using other weapons.

crabcakes, with the proper medic it will be possible, but he would probably loose the part of the body he was shot at. 30 shots in the stomach no, but he might be able to survive if it was in the leg.
Again it's hard, but it is possible.
One thing is for sure, one shot is not enough. unless you hit very critical.

Edit: ridic i might not be able to move, i might not survive either if i'm hit in the stomach. But it is possible. again it all depends on the weapon, but unless it's mortar rounds you should be able to survive a shot, atleast in the arm or in the leg(unlikely for mortarrounds :p)
Well considering you have never been shot dont say you could get shot in the stomach and take it.....

When i was shot in the shin with a .22 it had so much force i though it felt like my leg had a freaking apple sized hole in it...of course it was barely a worse wound then a bb gun. Guns have so much force man. You dont take bullets in the mid section and have enough stuff to shoot back.

Hehe, of course it would suck if it was like that in a game. That much realism isnt needed.
I didn't say you would be able to fight after being hit.

No i have never been hit with real life weapons, and i am glad for that.

But i can see you survived that .22, so that proves my point. You might not be able to survive with a hit to the stomach by that, but i'm talking generally.
I'm pretty sure the US army do use the glock 18c full auto because it was purposily made for the army
Originally posted by FISKER_Q
I didn't say you would be able to fight after being hit.

No i have never been hit with real life weapons, and i am glad for that.

But i can see you survived that .22, so that proves my point. You might not be able to survive with a hit to the stomach by that, but i'm talking generally.

sure, but i dont know what would have happend if it was in the chest. I hear .22 rounds go like half way through your chest so they dont kill you, but in your would fly right through your liver or whatever it hit. Even though you could survive a .22 to the chest, i wouldnt expect to be able to with a 9mm round. If it didnt kill you, youd probably be on the ground untill someone got to you.
Originally posted by peasoup
I'm pretty sure the US army do use the glock 18c full auto because it was purposily made for the army

I believe the us army uses barettas.
Cops use Berretas. They have special rounds where there is this space in the bullets. They cause more pain and are illegal if a civilian has them.
im talking about chest hits.....witch is where people will most likley aim.

especially at a distance.

survivng 30 .22 rounds in the mid torso.....i dont think that is possible

Glocks are know for there accuracy....its possible you were not lining up the sights right.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
im talking about chest hits.....witch is where people will most likley aim.

especially at a distance.

survivng 30 .22 rounds in the mid torso.....i dont think that is possible

Glocks are know for there accuracy....its possible you were not lining up the sights right.

shit 30 .22 rounds....that would make you swiss cheese!!

BTW, the navy seals use Sigs, p228 or p226. I think this pistol will grow into more military areas. It seems like a pretty good pistol though i have not fired one, only seen them in magazines and stores.
with pistols anything beyond 20-25 metres is potluck.

i read some articles the nypd and military have done with bullet paths through flesh. they also used pigs and gelatinous bodies.
wierd how different some paths are from seemingly similiar bullets.
some tumble through others take out a chunk in the middle, some straight through, less damage.
the nypd one was for hollow points, they said that many police have been shot by people with fatal wounds. (the dum dums are much less likely to penetrate the body fully making it safer for eveyone else, while causing much more damage to person)

the HK prototype (whats its name? , the big one with scope [not the PDW]) would be a bit unwieldy. cool tech but i dont think its ready yet.

my weapon of choice for primary weapon would be a g36 variant.
those crazy krauts make fine weaponry.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
One rifle i would have liked to see in HL2 is the AK5. Its a eurpeon rifles, and hl2 is in europe. No games use the AK5 im pretty sure.
That's a nice rifle, I've shot with one of those, good accuracy and not too much recoil. The downside is that it's pretty heavy :)

And I've never seen that one in games either, only as replacement models for some half-life mods like CS and FA.