My Dad Is Just Plain Nuts


Sgt. Duffy

Im 13, and have never played an M-rated game up until August 3rd. After I dunno how long of waiting, I finally got to play Doom 3 and it scared the shit outta me. And guess DAD bought it for me. He was convinced this was such an awesome game,( and he loved the original Doom, which is you know, pretty cool considering the fact he despises most videogames) that I just had to play it, because I too, loved the original Doom and he didnt want me to miss out of it (He never told me why he bought it for me..Im just guessing here)

Well, guess what?! I log into my email, and all of a sudden, he says a co-worker, a 50 year old woman (my dads 57, BTW), told him that she never let her 15 year old son glance at an M-rated game. She gave him a couple links, and he emailed them to me. They described ESRB ratings, and how violent games can alter kids lives. Make them mass serial killers. Deprive them of sleep (actually, thats really true...). Hell, even make them want to join the Army (which I've been wanting to do since...well..for my entire child-hood) So, he told me he's looking at this, and there are approximately 20,000 deaths every videogame.

Some how, this convinced him to not let me buy any more M-rated games. He'll still let me buy FPS's..that are rated Teen and have the SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF DEATHS. Im really not making a point here, so Im gonna stop, because the more I type, jeeze, just the angrier I get...atleast theres girls, Duff, atleast theres girls...
Just be glad your parents don't beat you.

Or make you go to church.

....Either way both are worse. I'm sure you can pay some 18 year old 5 bucks to buy it for you. Quit complaining and don't make pity-me posts.
true, and the forums are kinda busy with HL2 release or not threads. No offence but this isnt a great time. If you want come here everyday and see how much we are enjoying HL2 because we are older than you :rolleyes: this is big boy shit :farmer:
poksmote said:
Just be glad your parents don't beat you.

Or make you go to church.

....Either way both are worse. I'm sure you can pay some 18 year old 5 bucks to buy it for you. Quit complaining and don't make pity-me posts.

Nuh uh, both..what I really dislike about you guys is that theres pity-me posts all over.. WHY CANT I GET HALF LIFE 2 A DAY EARLY? THIS SUCKS! Well, I'll stop cause I can already tell someone is about to flame me..
That must suck my friend. I really cannot understand parents who do this type of thing, my parents were always great when i was a kid, any time i wanted horror films or whatever my mum would just go to the videostore and get them for me. There wasnt any question of whether something was suitable for me or not, my parents just didnt give a shit i guess, and i'll do the same for my kids.
Let's make a bet that in , oh, 5 years her son is a drug addicted freak/ in jail and you'll be normal if your folks let you continue playing M rated games. Really - kids don't flip out because of games - the flip out because they're insane already. Let the lady know that she'll be her son's first victim. :p
damn that really sux for u the greatest game ever then someone had to send a email
Maybe you should be REbanned if you just like flaming people elephant. Be a little bit ****ing nicer.

Anyways, just get a friend to buy it for you Duffy, I mean, does your dad go through every single game that you buy? I'm sure you can hide it from him or something. That's what I used to do with all the porno mags and stuff I used to have before I became legal age.

Hell, get a bum off of the street to buy it for you. You just KNOW you have to get this game, any way you can :)
This thread is the equivalent of a 13 year old going to a car forum and whining because John Law won't let him drive a car.

HL2 is targeted at people 17 years and over. It's not my problem if your dad (being a reponsible parent) won't let you play. I couldn't care less.
my parents' have bought me maybe 2 games IN MY LIFE. and they were all for christmas. so don't expect me to cry that your dad won't buy you anymore M rated games....
iamaelephant said:
This thread is the equivalent of a 13 year old going to a car forum and whining because John Law won't let him drive a car.

HL2 is targeted at people 17 years and over. It's not my problem if your dad (being a reponsible parent) won't let you play. I couldn't care less.
Tis a fair point and i agree. Especially being just 13, thats well below the age to play, i recommend worms 3D or perhaps Diddy Kong Racing or Super Monkey Ball :)
My advice: Tell your dad just what you've told us and about what a double standard it shows. Make an argument for the fact that you aren't going to go killing people just because you do in video games. It's worth a try anyways. You might just prove that you can handle it, and possibly get up a notch in your dads eyes. However, don't push it too far if he won't budge, then you'll just come off as a whiney kid :). Even if he doesn't emediately cave in, if you make a well reasoned argument and then back off for a while he might rethink it later and change his mind.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Im 13, and have never played an M-rated game up until August 3rd. After I dunno how long of waiting, I finally got to play Doom 3 and it scared the shit outta me. And guess DAD bought it for me. He was convinced this was such an awesome game,( and he loved the original Doom, which is you know, pretty cool considering the fact he despises most videogames) that I just had to play it, because I too, loved the original Doom and he didnt want me to miss out of it (He never told me why he bought it for me..Im just guessing here)

Well, guess what?! I log into my email, and all of a sudden, he says a co-worker, a 50 year old woman (my dads 57, BTW), told him that she never let her 15 year old son glance at an M-rated game. She gave him a couple links, and he emailed them to me. They described ESRB ratings, and how violent games can alter kids lives. Make them mass serial killers. Deprive them of sleep (actually, thats really true...). Hell, even make them want to join the Army (which I've been wanting to do since...well..for my entire child-hood) So, he told me he's looking at this, and there are approximately 20,000 deaths every videogame.

Some how, this convinced him to not let me buy any more M-rated games. He'll still let me buy FPS's..that are rated Teen and have the SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF DEATHS. Im really not making a point here, so Im gonna stop, because the more I type, jeeze, just the angrier I get...atleast theres girls, Duff, atleast theres girls...
im 13 too
ask him why he bought doom 3 for you then
and ask him when he was exposed to things that would be in a mature game (unless you know he wasnt exposed to those kinds of things)
if you tell him that people let their kids play m rated games at early ages then it might change his mind a bit
also, esrb is like the media, they exaggerate everything
ask him if he has seen any kids that are like the media says they are (irrisponsible, arrogent, vandals, obsesssed with causing pain and chaos)
then tell him that esrb is like the media
dunno, just some suggestions
Sgt. Duffy said:
So, he told me he's looking at this, and there are approximately 20,000 deaths every videogame.

**** that bullshit. :rolleyes:
ne0_shiny said:
also, esrb is like the media, they exaggerate everything

Actually they don't, they judge it the right way, 13 year olds shouldn't be able to play M rated games anyways.
20,000 deaths? Where did they pull taht statistic from?

Never mind, I won't ask, but that number is a complete load!

Anyways, just direct him to links of professional, (or professional looking) sites that explain how games can HELP a child, and how games have nothing to do with the sypmtoms you described, (well, mabye besides sleep deprivation, I stayed up all night playing Guild Wars :E .)
show him the real research that prooves that violent video games are directly related to LESS violent people.

I did a ten page research paper on this topic last's around here somewhere...
iamaelephant said:
It's not my problem if your dad (being a reponsible parent) won't let you play. I couldn't care less.

no one said it was your problem.. why post if you couldn't care less? it's one thing to make a point but you seem to have some negativity goin' on
Wow...I wonder if me being 15 means i'm a little ignorant whiny bitch...cause i may have to leave the forums ;)
Be a bit nicer people, if you don't like his post, then don't respond, because you're post is then just as useless as his.
anyway...that really sucks Duffy...
pft, you guys here all sound like a bunch of pussies, no offense :p
Im 16 now and play whatever i want..... but at some stage i was like.... 10 and playing whatever the hell i want. And im probably the least violent person in the world, im even considering going to live in a buddhist temple for a month or so (just for the experience).
so i r'ckn if your 13 and your dad doesnt let you play... well, it really sucks to be you :p
L337_Assasain said:
Wow...I wonder if me being 15 means i'm a little ignorant whiny bitch
No, thats just coincidence. :D

Duff, maybe you can get your Dad to play HL2 a bit. Explain to him that its not a game of killing, but of surviving. Maybe he'll be impressed enough at the quality of atmosphere that he'll be all for it. (and, from what I understand, the game starts off rather nonviolently)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Actually they don't, they judge it the right way, 13 year olds shouldn't be able to play M rated games anyways.

100% totally agreed. The game is M for a reason.
What now? all i cold draw from your post is your going to live in a buddhist temple,or something.
your dad's a douche, he is going to sensor all these games from you, which will result in you becoming a game freak in your adulthood because you want to make up for the missed time playing all the cool m rated games:/He is just making things worse, incredibly worse.
Your dad probably let you play Doom 3 because he was watching over you while you played it. Maybe he just doesn't have the time or want to watch you play a game he doesn't like.

Also you 4 years under the M-rating age limit. Thats a LOONG time. You're dads just being a responsible parent. If i were you i'd respact him for that.
Yeah so they should rate HL2 "T" I guess then? I mean hell, chopping people in half and shit like that shouldn't recieve a "M" rating should it???
americans are pussies at things such as censorship and parental control
20,000 deaths a game? Wow....that's a lot of dead kids out there then. I mean, if game companies are responsible for basically murdering 20,000 people per title, we should just shut them all down right now!


It's 17+ for a reason, you're young, even though you might not have a problem distinguishing reality from a game, not everyone can at your age. I played Doom 2 when I was about 10-11 years old, I turned out fine, because I knew it was fake and you can't blow people away in real life, also the graphics were very far away from realistic looking. These days with new games and's getting closer to realistic looking and there's more interactivity.

However who ever told your dad video games **** up kids lives and make they do things like shoot others, is totally wrong. Games don't make you do that, a ****ed childhood because your dad used to make you suck his dick when you were 5, is what messes you up and makes you go on a homicidal rampage in highschool because you're a 250 pound fatass and the kids make fun of you.
rrm said:
americans are pussies at things such as censorship and parental control

I guess you missed the kids dressing up like terrorist and shooting a school up.... :rolleyes:
ok, heres some sources to back up your claims:

Independent Digital Software Association
Video Games and Youth Violence: Examining the Facts
-Official and highly documented study, VERY useful for showing the FACTS.

IDSA: Key Facts and Research about Video Gamers
Shows the facts, age groups, how many people really play these games, etc.

National Geographic
Video Games boost Visual Skills[/b]
-handy to show some positives of playing FPS

I also have my 10 page research paper on hand, hard copy, so I'd have to type it if you want that as well...