My mom thinks that marijuana makes ur teeths fall out

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Don't mushrooms last like 4 hours, though? That's the main thing for me, if mushrooms are shitty for me, I'd have to endure it for a long time, if Salvia is bad, it's just 10 minutes. I'm not even going to worry about weed, I've never ever seen any person ever freak out because of dope, the worst I've seen for weed is a huge puke, but that's because the person smoked like 3-4 joints to himself... At school.. then he had Gym class..

It's kinda the double edged sword though. Even though saliva only last 10 can literally seem like days. No joke, the only time it really effected me( it doesn't for some reason) I thought 3 hours had passed in the span of about 15 min.
I've done salvia many times and the longest I was out of it has only been for a little over 5 minutes. After that I just feel kinda "different" for about 20 minutes, but I'm completely aware of whats going on. But yeah, on salvia it can seem much much longer than that. All sense of time can get comepletly lost.

I don't know why everyone else is advising agaisnt it, I don't see it as being that bad at all. In fact, I enjoy it a lot. I've had strange and awesome trips with it and like I said earlier, I'm only waiting for the day that I get a bad trip so that I can truely see what it is that scares people away from it.
Uhhh... Drug thread? I know it didn't start that way but people are talking about experiences and giving advice, which Munro said is not allowed.
Urgh, trust a report to take me straight to a drug thread just after I've watched Requiem for a Dream. Damn you, irony.

I'll leave another mod to decide whether this is lockable or not. Personally, I believe in freedom of speech, so I'll just wave my walking stick around ambiguously and mutter something about kids these days.
I'm just going by the logic Munro posted in the last big drug thread.
Oh. My. God.

Vegeta is the narc!
Actually, wouldn't this thread be illegal? I mean, we are talking about narcotics in this thread, and people are, from what I'm seeing, giving advice and promoting the usage of illegal drugs, which is promoting crime, and therfore illegal?

I'm not talking about the reasons that they are illegal, though. I'm just going on the fact that they are illegal, and have no opinions on whether they should be or not whatsoever.
Nope, not illegal. It's slightly murky territory but this sort of discussion is OK at least in the USA. Admitting to past drug use has no precedent of being prosecuted at all, and free speech means we can pretty much say whatever we want about doing drugs (IE it's perfectly legal to say SMOKE WEED! to a police officer afaik).

Vegeta, thus far this thread has gone nowhere other than a bit of personal philosophy and friendly, knowledgeable cautioning. I think that posting in it here, PMing me, reporting the post, and leaving several messages on my AIM away message was possibly overkill. I know how to do what I do :) This thread is a long shot from the Psychedelic Experiences thread.
I've tried hashish once, but I don't think I will try drugs again. It's so unnecessary to take the risk of getting caught when you can just drink alcohol instead.
You can legally be high in front of a police officer and not get arrested. Only way they can do anything is if you physically have the drugs on you.

however they have an internal possession law for minors and alcohol, which is retarded
I've tried hashish once, but I don't think I will try drugs again. It's so unnecessary to take the risk of getting caught when you can just drink alcohol instead.

simple possession isnt that severe of a crime, it's trafficing that'll land you in jail ..if caught with that hash you'd probably have it confiscated and told to run along (the cop would probably smoke it later on) ..cops cant be bothered to go after people who have a few grams on them, it's a misdemeanor at best (at least in canada) ..however if you're carrying a duffle bags worth of pot all separated into bags of equal weight well then they could nab you for trafficing or possession with the intent to traffic, they'd have to prove that though
Uhhh... Drug thread? I know it didn't start that way but people are talking about experiences and giving advice, which Munro said is not allowed.

hey guys, I've got a coat hanger and an easy bake oven, how do you make a bong from it
Yo momma is soooo stupid...she thinks marijuana makes your teeth fall out!
Vegeta, thus far this thread has gone nowhere other than a bit of personal philosophy and friendly, knowledgeable cautioning. I think that posting in it here, PMing me, reporting the post, and leaving several messages on my AIM away message was possibly overkill. I know how to do what I do :) This thread is a long shot from the Psychedelic Experiences thread.
I never PMed you...

And I'm absolutely positive that Munro would not approve of this thread.
I never PMed you...

And I'm absolutely positive that Munro would not approve of this thread.

How about you just leave it up to him if he ever sees this thread and you gtfo. Stop being little the "I'm gunna tell" kid no one likes.
I'm not... All I'm saying is that this thread was starting to look exactly like the kind of thread that Munro said we weren't supposed to discuss. I was pretty sure Ennui wouldn't do anything about it, so I figured I'd post in here in attempt to get people to be careful about what they post next before Munro found it and got angry, maybe even infractioned because he warned you all beforehand.

And there's no need to be offensive, buddy. Let's try and act mature.

Edit: Just look at this thread:

He specifically says that sharing experiences or giving advice is NOT ALLOWED. Both of those things have occured in this thread.

Ennui, please pull yourself together and do your job correctly. It's incredibly obvious that you don't want to close the thread because you do not agree with Munro's rules. You can't just tell me "let me do my job" when I've just pointed out that this thread is breaking the rule Munro has stated, clear cut, no questions asked.

You're incredibly disappointing.
So guys, my weed's wearing off, I'm out of bud, and my dealers are dry.

Can anybody hook me up?
Well, it's one thing to post saying "Watch what you say guys, remember what Munro said..", but it's another thing to contunie posting about it and then going to Ennui when he already knows how to take care of it.
Munro himself is a drug abuser.

And that drug is power.
There's nothing wrong with this thread, I'm closing it because Vegeta derailed it.

C'est la vie.
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