New Binks

tokin said:
How much new footage are in these videos? Is there new footage in both of them?

Only in the ravenholm one. I would say it's about an extra minute or so more than the e3 footage.

Anyways both vids were awesome. Can't wait for the game.
tokin said:
How much new footage are in these videos? Is there new footage in both of them?

There are only new footage in the Ravenholm video.
Just new footage in the Ravenholm video. You'll love it, trust me :D

EDIT: Poo I got owned.
tokin said:
How much new footage are in these videos? Is there new footage in both of them?

No new stuff in the tenements video, there is in ravenholm. But you can hear the stuff Breen says in the tenements vid on the telly
tokin said:
How much new footage are in these videos? Is there new footage in both of them?

Theres only 1 second of new fotage in the apartment one. I'd say maybe minute and a half in the Ravenholm video, the only 'new' thing that is in it is the pick up stuff without manipulator.
Dedatorv said:
Theres only 1 second of new fotage in the apartment one. I'd say maybe minute and a half in the Ravenholm video, the only 'new' thing that is in it is the pick up stuff without manipulator.

We knew that Gordon could pick up soda cans, although only few of us saw him ever pick anything up up to this video.
Finally finished downloading the apartment video and I'm very impressed. The sounds that the floor boards make, the very atmosphere is astounding.

I can't wait.
I finally watched the Ravenholm movie...

Feath said:
Finally finished downloading the apartment video and I'm very impressed. The sounds that the floor boards make, the very atmosphere is astounding.

I can't wait.

Yea, the sound design is really top notch. It reminds me of the first 30 minutes of Doom 3, with all the radio chatter and environmental noise.

Can't wait to see if HL2 can eclipse Doom3's soundscapes.
Feath said:
Finally finished downloading the apartment video and I'm very impressed. The sounds that the floor boards make, the very atmosphere is astounding.

I can't wait.

I know exactly what you mean :D ............

Valve should release an Official Trailer Showing the finished Product. :cheers:
Anyone else think this is a big coverup for the lack of a pre-load?
Feath said:
Finally finished downloading the apartment video and I'm very impressed. The sounds that the floor boards make, the very atmosphere is astounding.

I can't wait.
Agreed. The atmosphere in Tenements is simply astounding! I still can't believe how realistic the graphics look.
wonkers said:
Anyone else think this is a big coverup for the lack of a pre-load?

Its possible, theres still 2 hours and 30 mins left before we can sign off on it for today, but things are a little quiet.
good link

Guys, its in another language, but the download speeds are nice.
GO to
and look for the vids. only took me like 8 min for each. :cheers:
Kazuki_Fuse said:
After Stalker? Man after seeing those movies that's the most detail in a game bar none.

agreed, After Looking at the reflection on the Doors again.

I would say:
"It's not just one of the single most atmospheric games ever created, but it's also quite simply one of the best. WOW :cheers:
im lovin how you can pick up objects and toss them (ie the barrel)
and not just with the manipulator
downloading them off of fileplanet right now. i tried signing up for stupid fileshack and said my email is already used, so i get them to email me my username and password, but nothing comes. so i just found them on fileplanet. i hate their waiting lines, but they do have pretty good service. considering signing up for that payed subscription to get things without lines ;)
Damn, those zombies pop up from nowhere, you turn around and it's right there in your face. Freaks me out.
I noticed the Zombies threw stuff at Gordon too. That's cool . . . enemies picking things up in the environment and using them as weapons. Makes sense.
redrain85 said:
I noticed the Zombies threw stuff at Gordon too. That's cool . . . enemies picking things up in the environment and using them as weapons. Makes sense.

Yep, now the big question is what smarter enemies will be able to do, since zombie is kinda on the low side considering the I.Q.

I always go for the telekinetic superalien that throws boxes at you, although people say I ripped that from Stalker I've been saying that before they announced that there will be such monsters in stalker.
Since these are like super early footage I wonder how much the game has changed? >.<

I hope that picked up objects don't look like they're floating in front of you like that...

But other than that.. these videos are awesome!!! I hope they release more.
Wow , the apartment scene just made me smile. I want to play it now , alot. The voice over the loudspeaker was awsome.

'a [criminal] has been located in your apartment sector. cooperation with the civil protection team will earn you a ration reward.'

So much like 1984 or even it reminded me of a Warsaw ghetto circa 1945. And then realising that Gordon was the criminal. God game anticipation ++++++
This game is going to rule no matter what. Valve knows how to make that perfect gameplay feeling and it's back and even better in HALF-LIFE 2 ! Woo! 1-2wks for GOLD date i bet!
So, what's the fastest way?

I think it's split between the torrents and the direct dl from 3dgamers.
just watched tenaments. im very impressed. one problem though: ever since i downloaded those last 2 new ones (trainstation and gman speech) my audio dosent synch up right with the bink video. anyone else have this problem or know a solution?
I want to hear the transcripts of what the Combine are saying over the radio... :O
93 minutes to wait, not to mention the download time :(

Oh well, new binks!!!!
i just finished ravenholm. that new gameplay was amazing. now im going to go watch it a few more times.
DrEvil said:
This begs the question: Where the hell is the hl2 preload?

Gabe: "well, we were making those new binks, and accidently leaked the source again... plus we have a beta for CSS out now, if you havent noticed... so its going to be a little longer getting HL2 out the door :cheese: "
The only thing that pissed me off in the ravenholm bink was taht both shots from the .357 missed! i wanna see the damage it does being as its my favorite gun in the first game. (most likely the second too). Other than that i loved it, downloading tenements now.