New Binks

Loke said:
OMG! WTF! SHADOW BUG!!! Damn you Valve!!

*cancelling pre-order*

oh uh! Another one :p (look at where his his hand shadow falls when his hand is supposed to be against the wall).


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KagePrototype said:
Actually, I think it says "miscount" detected i.e. there's more people than there should be in the block.

Yeh your right, Sounds suspiciously like one of the AT&T voice synthesis actors though!
Loke said:
OMG! WTF! SHADOW BUG!!! Damn you Valve!!

*cancelling pre-order*


Anyway - yeah. In high-res with everything looking so damn awesome, the shadow bug looks miserable. Jeez, valve FIX IT!
Someone said:
oh uh! Another one :p (look at where his his hand shadow falls when his hand is supposed to be against the wall).

Wow the shadow bug I could have lived with, but thats just wrong. Seriously I hope they fix it, I'll be honest though I haven't noticed the shadow bugs until someone points them out, but I still hope it gets fixed.
You guys are being too picky... I didn't notice the shadow bugs but you people always seem to ruin other people's HL2 experience. :O

Sheesh people, think before you complain. They are EXACTLY the same as the ones from E3. They have none of the changes seen in the new trailer.
meaning no duh the bug is present, because it was recorded back then.
McFace said:
Wow the shadow bug I could have lived with, but thats just wrong. Seriously I hope they fix it, I'll be honest though I haven't noticed the shadow bugs until someone points them out, but I still hope it gets fixed.

Let's bombard them with mails to fix it.

Hopefully, they might get fed up and fix it - somehow.
Gorgon, when you have the Ravenholm BINK video, please take some pictures.

Thanks alot.
Why can't Valve just realease these on Steam like they did last summer? Worked much better that way IMO.
There's new footage! Isn't anyone else really excited? NEW FOOTAGE! Woo.
I'm not sure this is ok, but I've got both binks, and I could upload them
to usenet if this isn't a legal/copyright problem. If it is, someone here
let me know... I won't do anything until this is clarified.

A2597 said:

Sheesh people, think before you complain. They are EXACTLY the same as the ones from E3. They have none of the changes seen in the new trailer.
meaning no duh the bug is present, because it was recorded back then.
Very true, good point.

.........still waiting on my downloads....
New footage... looks like it... 4 mins left till i can see it !! \o/ :D
Got the Tenements video now... And I'm so impressed I don't know what to say.

Still about 2 hours more till I can watch Ravenholm. :(
Bah, I gave up on the direct downloads. Either they wouldn't start for a long time, or they were capped at 100K/s . . . what BS. And you couldn't resume them if they stopped part of the way through.

Thank god for BitTorrent. :D
Yes, Ravenholm is new footage, basically slapping the shit out of zombies with the Manipulator and crowbarring some headcrabs. Nothing we haven't seen before, but it has lost none of its awesomeness.

The shadow bug has already been fixed. Search the info from valve thread for gory details.

It's getting close, guys. What will people bitch about once the game is out?
I guess this explains that split second flicker in the E3 video :D
Wow - those are the best wood textures in a game. Seems like valve's strongest point is hi-res textures.
I was really hoping that they would have shown the car smasher in the extended portion of Ravenholm. I remember it looked like it definitely could have fit into that area.
With all these new binks coming out, HL2 just has to be this >.< close to going gold . . . it has to be! LOL. :bounce:
GorgeousOrifice said:
It's getting close, guys. What will people bitch about once the game is out?

Once the game is out, i doubt ill visit these or any other HL2 forums again, ill be busy havin my fun.