New Binks

Behold! A screen!

Where'd that chick go?


  • Hl2.JPG
    56.8 KB · Views: 410
KillaH said:
i hate fileplanet for a reason:

i needed to download a patch for an old game like one from '97-'98
i found the patch at fileplanet click on download see servers, :eek: :eek: :sniper: :sniper: :flame: :x wtf all ten servers have 400-500 slots all servers are full all servers have minimal 50 min wait damn it not going to download that patch here.

you're not going to say to me that 4000-5000 people want to download the patch of the old game at the same time they just fill up those servers by there own computers
These lines are not waiting for the same file .. they are simply downloading different files from the same server
Alright heres ONE real quick one:
(its a jpeg so it might be a little fuzzy)


  • drunkard.jpg
    85.1 KB · Views: 413
Damn.....every time I try to download a torrent its always way slow. Like 5kb/sec. I don't know why.
Joeslucky22 said:
Alright heres ONE real quick one:
(its a jpeg so it might be a little fuzzy)

Freakin shit! - look at the suitcase - it looks like it's....real. :O
Direwolf said: says its a few hour wait but it really isn't.
Yeah, at first it said the download would start in over 300 minutes, but then it dropped down to 0 in about thirty minutes.

These waiting lines on FilePlanet and FileShack are BS . . . they're faked just to get you to pay for a subscription with the site. :flame:
Mattigus said:
Behold! A screen!

Where'd that chick go?

It appears to be the girl in the hallway (easier to see when in motion as you can see the ponytail better).


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redrain85 said:
These waiting lines on FilePlanet and FileShack are BS . . . they're faked just to get you to pay for a subscription with the site. :flame:
I have downloaded several files from FP and I found their estimates were always very good.

Half an hour ago they predicted a 45 min wait. Now they predict a 15 minute wait.
Finished downloading both of em. In the apartments one you can hear the combine beating up people right after they broke into the room, you can also clearly see the glass door and how well they look, also at the end of it you can see someone in the room(Before it would cut off right before you entered).
please be nice and leave your torrents open when they finish.
Gorgon, can I use your pics in the news post? :)
Parrot of doom said:
Don't forget to keep your torrent client open when you have finished downloading.
Or just use the direct download option... it's faster...
Can anyone hear what Breen is saying on the TV? I think it's different from the train station one.
Someone said:
Actually thought that person sitting may have been the G-man when I first watched it, but I don't think so

Looks afro to me :cheese:
I think this is what the announcer is saying.

"Attention residents, An intruder has been detected in your block, Cooperation may result in a ration reward"
[INHALE]damn does anyone have a http / ftp mirror ? i dont do torrents and i dont like to wait 644543 minutes because it's almost midnight here and i got school tomorrow[EXHALE]
Lobster said:
I think this is what the announcer is saying.

"Attention residents, An intruder has been detected in your block, Cooperation may result in a ration reward"

Actually, I think it says "miscount" detected i.e. there's more people than there should be in the block.
Interl@ce said:
[INHALE]damn does anyone have a http / ftp mirror ? i dont do torrents and i dont like to wait 644543 minutes because it's almost midnight here and i got school tomorrow[EXHALE]
Same situation here. Maybe the game preload will start any minute now as well... Ah, the advantages of being Europeans! :E