New Videos.. When!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter SD1
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gawd damn!

Valve best not be taking the piss. and guiny best not be taking the piss. Cos if they are i will personaly die. But my family will avenge me. So watch out!
Have faith in Lord Newell. He will soon answer our prayers.
where did that come from :>~
Guiny didnt say anything all that offensive. so lets just leave it ok. Much simpler
All hail Lord Newell!
Or maybe I'll just go have lunch...
its dinner where i am. But its still a very apetiseing idea. so i think i will go too.
Originally posted by :>~
guinny stfu spammer

Yet, another one.

Mark where do you live. It's just lunch time for me over here.
Nottingham, UK m8

And i aint taking any sides :>~, i just want the forum to be a nicer place.

I just ran into this, not cool.


Originally posted by geeK
I joined valve's channel at quakenet...

This is the log from my question.

(18:08:41) ((
(18:08:41) —› now talking in: (#valve)
(18:08:41) ((
(18:08:41) —› topic: (yes, BT users are experiencing problems, there is nothing we can do, go call the BT, thanks)
(18:08:41) —› set by: (Q) on (Saturday June 28 2003 19:46:45)
(18:08:41) —› users: (47), Ops: (8/17%), Voiced: (1/2%), Regs: (38/81%)
(18:08:41) —› join synced in: (0.161) secs
(18:08:41) ((

(18:08:41) -Q- [#valve] Valve Help channel on ! Remember to read the topic.
(18:09:12) (geeK) Will the new hl2 videos be released today ? Any operator :D
(18:12:49) —› join: (d0cc3l) (
(18:12:49) —› mode: (Q) sets (+v d0cc3l)
(18:13:22) —› join: (magic`) (oesi@hw|
(18:14:02) (@Aph3x) geeK - no it won't be released today

The HL2 vids will NOT be released today.
Originally posted by tHEmaCHInE
I just ran into this, not cool.


It's an unofficial Valve channel, what's said there may not be totally true.
ill believe gabes email to me over some aphex dude.
u know i have been waiting so long i am beggining not to care about this video. I may as well go bk to re-watching the ones we have atm. They keep me faily busy.

I have a theory. Valve were planning on releasing the HL2 videos from E3 today. But becuase people now expect all this new stuff they have decided to include something new.

Thats just what i hope nehow. Although it might take another day or so still. Thats what i will tell myself if it dont come out todaY! ;)
God i love the smell of bull shit in the morning :p
yeah for some reason some ppl like to become very negative, about a patch relaese or a demo or even a movie. Not sure why that is but all we can do is just wait and see what happens. bah!
nar its exciting its excelent its..........

actualy yeh its quite depresing. 10:06! Sleep time!
I really wouldn't hold them to a date for vid releases. I mean, as excited as everyone is, these are basically just the vids we've all seen before, in better quality. I'm excited to see them released, but I'm not picky about when.
I can't wait, the videos were really crummy, the direct feed will be nice.
I demand they are released today, or I will strangle Gabe with a large power cord.
Duct tape here. hold his hands down!!

wait a sec, this sounds a bit on the gay side, let him go!
Originally posted by Apos
I really wouldn't hold them to a date for vid releases. I mean, as excited as everyone is, these are basically just the vids we've all seen before, in better quality. I'm excited to see them released, but I'm not picky about when.

They do contain new footage though, which is always a good thing.
tick tack tick tack tick tack tick tack tick tack tick tack tick tack tick tack...b000000000ring;(
Originally posted by LPC
lol... Valve never confirmed this, 82ross is right. it was just a speculation, and now everybody started to believe it... LOOOL. you guys crack me up

they did
SD1, your on a gaming forum during the middle of summer. You need a life as well.
I think certain people's brains might explode when the vids do arrive though. :rolling:
I have a life, a very fun one thankyou very much. But it isnt doing much atm so i may as well make a joke. Is that ok with u?

Yes?/No? - I dont care