Next week valve will give us a surprise, I wonder what?

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November 24, 2004, 5:00 pm · valve

The changes in this release are directed at reducing the problem some users are experiencing with sound stuttering. The sound stuttering is not indicative of a sound problem, sound stuttering is only a symptom of texture thrashing on your video card or AGP memory. For information on how to reduce texture thrashing visit this link on our support site:

This update will fix sound stuttering that users were experiencing that would last for longer than a few seconds during normal gameplay. This update will also eliminate this same behavior following a quicksave or autosave. There will still be a short pause while the autosave happens, but not the more drawn out stuttering behavior.

We are still investigating another performance problem on some hardware, which will manifest where the game is getting into a state where performance drops to less than 5 fps and does not recover or crashes.

Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community.

saw it here:
3 things to give thanks for during this day. (heheh)
- stutter fix
- source sdk
- a suprise
Just say if it is half-life 3. omg. That is something beyond our expectations. People will be humping Valve till the day they die. lol.
dystorsion said:
New CS:S models.
yeah thats a good point considering theres only 1 choice. Saying that theres gonna be moaning now theres no HL2DM or HL3 annoucement, duh! :angel:
Kamakiri said:
Just say if it is half-life 3. omg. That is something beyond our expectations. People will be humping Valve till the day they die. lol.

For the announcement "Yeah, we'll be making it... Some year."? If they say they're gonna have it done soon, it shouldn't be something to be all that happy about, since it wouldn't be much better than Half-Life 2.
video card

hmmm, me wonders what other words they generate links to.
you guys don't know anything! it can 1 of 2 thing or possibily both

1. the super high quality ATI maps valve is making.
2. DOD Source being released.
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
you guys don't know anything! it can 1 of 2 thing or possibily both

1. the super high quality ATI maps valve is making.
2. DOD Source being released.

That's in my sig. If you are wrong, i don't know what i'm gonna do, but.. i'm gonna do something. :dork: :cheese:
It is not Day of Defeat:Source. They don't have a beta yet. They don't have an alpha yet. They don't have the code even ported over to Source from GoldSrc yet. It's not going to be out for a long, long time. Trust me.

Edit: How do I know this? Because the DoD team worked on HL2 and then they worked on CS:S. Don't believe me? Waldo, PickItUp, and others are featured in the closing credits of HL2 and the credits for CS:S. They only now get to work on DoD:S.
I keep suspecting it's DoD:S despite all the evidence to the contrary- but hell, it wouldn't even count as a surprise as we know it's going to turn up fairly soon (in comparison to a HL2 expansion or sequel).

As for that damn patch, really didn't help the stuttering issue. I honestly doubt it's entirely down to texture thrashing, because lowering quality doesn't help too much, I've got 256 megs of video RAM, and the asynch sound command fixes it entirely.
maybe its more sotry... maybe thats just me hoping. GOD DAMN CLIFHANG!!!!


anyways, probably more CS:S content imo...or MORE STORY!!!
I was thinking either DOD:source, ATI maps that valve was talking about, or a small chance of hl2 mp.
like I've posted in the other dozen threads about this, I think it's either DoD:S, HL2DM, or new CS:S models and the missing maps. I doubt it's DoD:S since we haven't seen any screenshots or anything, I'm positive it isn't TF2, so I think it's almost certainly HL2DM, and maybe an addon pack for CS:S, though I don't think they'd say it was a surprise if it was the addon pack. That'd be more of a big patch than anything.
Could care less about DOD: Source, meh!
I hope it's HL2 MP or an update for CS:S
It says "for the comunity" so they proberly the mod community. I wouldn't get my hopes up to much
Well, if they were really cool and wanted to give a SUPRISE, then how bout some stuff over TF2. :)
Yeah, I sorta hope it's Day of Defeat: Source as well. Counter-Strike: Source is pretty awesome, but it's just not my bag. HL2DM would be interesting, but it would be ashame that all those mod teams out there getting excited about their HL2DM mod would be outta luck. The SDK hasn't even come out yet, though, so how much time could they have possibly wasted on mods already? heh
Methias said:
The SDK hasn't even come out yet, though, so how much time could they have possibly wasted on mods already? heh
a lot.
theyve had enough time aybe they finished hl3 too
Maybe that is what they've REALLY been working on for the last 6 years...They finished HL2 in 3 years, and did Half-Life 3 in the other 3!

I doubt it. I think its the old maps from 1.6 that will be ported to CS:Source...
From News and Announcments Dated October 26

I am betting on this as being the so called "surprise".

Erik Johnson popped in over at CS-Nation and dropped some information about the next major content update to CS:S.

We're working on porting some more of the classic maps right now, currently de_prodigy is in the works. We'll be releasing this as quickly as they are completed.

We're also working on one original map, which will begin internal playtesting this week. This still means we have a fair amount of work to do on it.

We're also working on two updated player models.
Most of this is scheduled to be released in the December timeframe.

NOTE: that in one week from wed is Dec. 1rst. Too coincidental for me to be anything else but the "surprise"
Maybe they'll add the features we've seen from the original teaser video's and demo's into the game this time. *water tentacle* anyone. :D
The CS:S update wouldn't really be a surprise though, would it? I'd be disappointed, anyway.

Combine vs. Resistance would be more interesting to me than simple deathmatch. Anything TF would be great. ATi maps i'm not so fussed about. I have a 9800 Pro, but with the amount of RAM in my computer I have enough trouble with the game as it is.