NO HL3 or other 3d games

[Born][nBk] - this is a polite request to calm it down, and get your finger off the caps key when posting :)
They wouldnt win and even if they did developers will probably sue them for screwing them over
Mechagodzilla said:
Haha, that's so dunderchunced. That's like saying that you invented the camera, so now you own every film on earth.

Hey, um, I invented the concept of "storing things on disks." Now I own everything that has ever existed!
British Telecom (BT) tried to do this with hyperlinks on websites.. Never went anywhere.

Music industry has it all the time, nomarks claiming to have made songs years before.

It's just people who are trying to get in on it without actually having any talent.. A good lawyer will simply prove the patent doesn't cover current technology and methods.

The only real problem that can come from this is people will go patent crazy and try grab a piece of the pie.


Oh and some of the posts in this thread make me laugh, some of you are taking things FAR too seriously.. Beating people up? lol silly sods :p
Cypher19 said:
EVERYONE READ THE PATENT: According to the way it is worded, the technology only applies to a camera moving around some origin point, such as in some modelling programs, which are not being targeted by the lawsuit. This guy WILL lose the lawsuit anyways, because a) the method of projecting 3D vectors into 2D space was already developed (read: projection matrices) and b) 3D graphics were being done before 1988 (perfect example: I believe it was the movie "Young Sherlock Holmes" in 1985 that had 3D graphics in it)

Correct, this patent is for a 3D rendering METHOD. If I read the patent correctly, this is an extremely common method that is used for 3D graphics (probably why all these companies are being sued), and I even learned this method in computer graphics in college. Now I'm no patent lawyer, but for some reason I'm under the impression that patents on methods or procedures have a much shorter lifespan than those on physical objects. I don't think that you can renew a patent like this for very long before it becomes public domain. As this patent is apparently from 1988, it probably holds no water. This method would have entered into the public domain in the 90s at the latest. I think this is just a last ditch effort to get some cash by some bankrupt schmuck who was too stupid to realize what he had and didn't take advantage of using it when he had the chance. A few of these companies will probably settle out of court with the bastard for a few million dollars so he can live the rest of his life without having to do any real work.
Lol If Making Games Is Your Job Then Worry About Your Job You Dumb Ass Hahahahah Your Smart!!!!!!!! Use The Head Thats On Your Neck Not On Your Dick
If they win, game devs will create something that's very simmilar to 3d, but it differs in some very minor way.
ok, thats enough, I think you need some time to chill out.
Star wars IV, V and VI had no 3d in it. This is the second time I report you.
LOL born i bet your some 40 year old still leaving in your perants house living in the basement on the computer 24/7 LOL (idiot)
starmonkey, dude just ban that moron.
you warned him before
Mikademius said:
Star wars IV, V and VI had no 3d in it. This is the second time I report you.

haggie said:
LOL born i bet your in some 40 year old still leaving in your perants house living in the basement on the computer 24/7 LOL (idiot)

Abdi said:
starmonkey, dude just ban that moron.
you warned him before

Guys, he's already banned, he was just a troll. :)
I did before I made my last post!
I have to admit I have only read the first 3 pages, but don't get all upset - there's no way in hell 3d games will go. It just won't happen. The guy with the patent will end up either a) dead b) having his case thrown out or c) getting a huge sum of money to STFU.

There's no way 3d games/movies can be stopped. Just ain't gonna happen folks.
I was just thinking, how can a moron just go and try to sue the entertainment industry and actually win? impossible, no chance of winning
I don't buy it, we had vector 3d games as described in the patent WAY before this patent was filed. Maybe they were the first with the brains to patent it but they did NOT invent it. Just shows how screwed up patents are.
failure to properly defend patent for an extended period of time=public domain.
iamaelephant said:
They do seem to have a good point - this is very bad. Why are you silly Americans always sueing each other?
because we can...sad, isn't it?
Off topic: OMG that ban was funny! Way to go Starmonkey! (Star wars using cgi in the 70's! Rofl!)

I hope what you are all saying turns out to be true; that if a patent isn't enforced it will eventually become public domain. If not, well to the gaming companies I say: Move to Canada! ;)
I hope the judge pulls a "F^ck you, You should have said something YEARS ago, don't be a little bitch" on that company.
why can't kool mcsmith just die already

argh I hate dips like this

these are the type of people that need to be castrated
benpatient said:
failure to properly defend patent for an extended period of time=public domain.


Ain't gonna happen... la la la la la... it ain't gonna happen. It's like someone coming along with a patent for a cathode ray tube and deciding nobody is allowed a television/monitor anymore. Just ain't gonna happen.
Hmm... I've got tutorials I did on my website about how to program 3D graphics using those techniques described in the patent, hope they're not gonna sue me :naughty:

This stuff has been public domain for ages now. Have these guys ever contacted any of the companies infringing their so-called patent to ask them to stop? Their just money grabbing f**kfaces. This technique is also described in countless books.

The arcade machine Battlezone by Atari was using this same technique (in 1980) a full 6 years before this patent was filed!
theres been cases like this years ago, not 3d mind you but simular problems... and in all cases they were thrown out..

the case will not win
All those companies are gonna throw so much money at getting some good lawyers IF the court case happens.
I hope the game companies sue mckool smith and then hang the ****ER!!!
Boo said:
I believe it comes under a design patent and so is out of date :X

Yes, the patent maybe out of date, but I think he's suing for everything that was created while the patent was still valid, i.e. every 3D game published by those companies up to 2002.
mrlangenakker said:
yes it will be the gamers that suffer most of all

That won't happen man, we've got Microsoft on our side.
Like it or not, MS = teh win
"well assholes, the games are still technically 2d because computers cannot display depth, thusly go **** off now"

-bribed judge