Old games you'd love to play in SOURCE

Dangerous dave, shadow knights, or any other romero ancient game that has nothing to do with 3d graphics.
jonesey2k said:
Aliens VS Predator 2 !!! That game rocks sooo much on the Lithtech engine!!!
On source it would OWN all games.. IMO

First one was better I reckon, much more atmospheric.
Be interesting to see, although maybe the Doom 3 engine might be better for it. Dunno.

Umm, Sensi Soccer? :thumbs:

Hard Drivin' - love to see that re-made
Or Stunt Car Racer :p

Sorry, bringing out all the Amiga classics that are way overdue a remake... Heh
Quake 2

Quake 3


Also would be cool to see Starfox

Even Tekken or MK would be interesting

Shit any game would be cool.
Heretic and Hexen would be awesome too! Those were great games in their time.
I would like to see the half life mod "science and industry" redone.
Invisible Maze: Source...I dunno...

Mario Party 4: Source...lol...

Oh, Snowboard Kids: Source...that would be teh awesome..
Deus Ex, Deus Ex Invisible War, Unreal 2
Since System Shock 1 & 2 and AvP are better suited for Doom 3 engine, I'd choose Blood, Realms of the Haunting, Syndicate, MDK and Ultima 7.

Edit: Well, I just got suckered into posting into a thread nobody ever reads. Duh.
Duke Nukem for ever , lol they have changed theire engine so many times, who says they wont now change it to be the Source engine?

and also MANIC MINER!!! god that game owned yuo!
I would love Tic Tac Toe Source ... Patty Cake Source and ... Hop Scotch Source ... :afro:
coleslawjoe said:
Super mario bros 1: source. and also duck hunt:source

duck hunt owned

This guy knows what he's talking about. Make Duck Hunt: Source now, Valve.

what about

Skipping rope Deluxe :Source??

i mean relistic Rope rendering!!!
Codename Eagle.

I shit you not. Me and my friends used to have so much fun with this game online just messing around. It wouldn't be hard to make I don't think, but I guess we will have to see when the SDK comes out. Someone should make it though ;)


If anyone is sersiously interested, contact me and I will help. If you need the full game to check it out, PM me :)
Yeah, I'd love to see the original Blood on soruce. I'm almost tempted to start a MOD team for it... but I dont know how to code, model, skin, or anything that would really help a MOD out. lol

And System Shock 2 would definetly be awesome.
X-com: Apocalypse (if only for better visuals and an RTS with great physics).
DigitalAssassin said:
Turbo Turkey Puncher 3: Source!

Well..... It would definitely be a HIT!!!

Sorry -- Bad pun.

Goes and hides in a corner.
Soooo many good old games I'd love to see on source.
the AVP games. maybe SHOGO. Maybe if we're talking non pc games: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
List (In no actual order):
Every Sonic Game
Doom 3
Tetris (Haha, type in "Impulse 101." Imagine the possibilities!)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Metroid games
Postal 2
The Sims (Heh heh....)
Half-Life (I mean COMPLETE remade)
Grand Theft Auto series
Halo 2
Black and White
Silent Hill series
Resident Evil series
Medal of Honour series (At least Frontline. I just wet myself)

There's more, but I won't bore you!

FoB_Ed said:
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight 2

I don't consider Jedi Academy part of the dark forces series, because you don't play as Kyle Katarn

Yeah, I'd like to see thoes as well as Deus Ex, Tron 2.0, Sam and Max, a fallout game :D
Mad Dog said:
Any Rainbow Six game, Thief (screw Thief 3), Perfect Dark (and by extension, Goldeneye), and MechWarrior.

Why the F not? MechWarrior: Source. It's not like MS will be making a new MW game anytime soon : [

I feel your pain. It's true. Rally round MP1 and the soon-to-be MP2!
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark

That's it really...I guess.