PC Gamer UK Score

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Feath said:
Hey !!!!!!Scrot!!!!!!, are there new screenshots on the DVD? The screens imply that there are.

EDIT: It's nice to be able to mistype someone else's name for once.
ya seriously just post the pics on the internet its not like they are going to hunt you down or nothing... gosh stupid companies these days...

merc said:
ya seriously just post the pics on the internet its not like they are going to hunt you down or nothing... gosh stupid companies these days...

Actually I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Just HOW EXACTLY is this possible...no scans anywhere (i dont mean this site)
No additional info anywhere...
No pics from that damn dvd anywhere...
As i said earlier, scorps got his mag today, only cause hes in love with the postman...
mortiz said:
You're trying to tell me FarCry offered new elements of gameplay? hahahahahahah please, that's insulting.

FarCry was one of the most generic FPS's I've ever played, it wasn't open ended at all, unless by open ended you meant it had large draw distances. There was only ever one route through FarCry, and even the outdoor levels were very linear.

Even Half-Life 2 has FarCry pipped in the graphics department, so don't try telling me that FarCry received a high score because it was something new.

FarCry deserved an 89 or 90 in my opinion for its crappy and buggy multiplayer.
Its single player gameplay is great but no where near as great as hl2 is going to be
The Mullinator said:
Actually I wouldn't be so sure about that.

i would, all he has to do is email the pictures to someone to put up a torrent or something of it or just randomly start posting pics all over the internet on different forums and stuff... its not like they arent going to stay off the internet forever

Irs2k3 said:
Finally something usefull from scorps ! Thanks dude !

Now something from HL2 review :thumbs: ...

Ok I’ve got a bit more time on my hands at the moment so I will type a small bit out but you should still go and buy the mag. I have had other things to do you know.

"It was all in that moment when I laughed. I couldn’t believe it was quite this good. I chuckled in muddled disbelief. My nervous fingers reloaded the level, knowing that I had to see that breathtaking sequence one more time. It was then I knew for certain: Valve had surpassed not only themselves, but everyone else too. Half-Life 2 is an astounding accomplishment. It is the definitive statement of the last five years of first-person shooters. Everything else was just a stopgap. Half-Life 2 is a near perfect sequel.”

I don't want to write to much because I want people to buy this excellent mag.
Thanks a lot Scrops ! Really nice from you !

I guess this is enough for me...

one final Question :

is Jim Rossignol is the man who reviewed HL2 ?
people arent going to buy the damn magazine because every other magazine is going to have a review up in the next week or so it really doesnt matter...

this is gettin better an better...
not sure how much longer can i take it...
Scorps said:
Ok I’ve got a bit more time on my hands at the moment so I will type a small bit out but you should still go and buy the mag. I have had other things to do you know.

"It was all in that moment when I laughed. I couldn’t believe it was quite this good. I chuckled in muddled disbelief. My nervous fingers reloaded the level, knowing that I had to see that breathtaking sequence one more time. It was then I knew for certain: Valve had surpassed not only themselves, but everyone else too. Half-Life 2 is an astounding accomplishment. It is the definitive statement of the last five years of first-person shooters. Everything else was just a stopgap. Half-Life 2 is a near perfect sequel.”

I don't want to write to much because I want people to buy this excellent mag.

Damn those are some strong words! Especially comming from a PCGamer mag... I'm impressed already and I havnt even played it! Thanks Sir!
I don't want to write to much because I want people to buy this excellent mag.
you work for them or what u gettin comission man
metal6501 said:
I don't want to write to much because I want people to buy this excellent mag.
you work for them or what u gettin comission man
Could he not just like them and not like doing illegal things?
well scans are not allowed on this site...but he can post scans on other site and give us a link here. It is allowed isnt it?
Shuzer said:
Hey Scorps, did PC Gamer UK get any new media (screens in the article, etc)? Just curious

There are a lot of new pics on the DVD but i'm not going to start sending out their exclusive screens and get in trouble because they lose revenue as people wont need to buy there product.
I'm going to buy the magazine because I'll probably be reading it a lot between when I get the magazine and release, although, hopefully not.
Are there new pics on the dvd scorps, one of them would settle the argument wouldnt it? :O
metal6501 said:
what illegal things you mean mullinator?
Well you can't just type up the whole article and post it on the internet.

You can legally display quotes as long as you don't show too much of the article.
Irs2k3 said:
Thanks a lot Scrops ! Really nice from you !

I guess this is enough for me...

one final Question :

is Jim Rossignol is the man who reviewed HL2 ?

That's not what he asked. He meant new pics INSIDE the review. Not on the dvd. Inside the paper.

Hmm maybe your response means NO, no new pics inside the paper :)
Scorps said:
Ok I’ve got a bit more time on my hands at the moment so I will type a small bit out but you should still go and buy the mag. I have had other things to do you know.

"It was all in that moment when I laughed. I couldn’t believe it was quite this good. I chuckled in muddled disbelief. My nervous fingers reloaded the level, knowing that I had to see that breathtaking sequence one more time. It was then I knew for certain: Valve had surpassed not only themselves, but everyone else too. Half-Life 2 is an astounding accomplishment. It is the definitive statement of the last five years of first-person shooters. Everything else was just a stopgap. Half-Life 2 is a near perfect sequel.”

I don't want to write to much because I want people to buy this excellent mag.

best thing i ever read :naughty:
See this doesnt make sense... I'm a PCGamer US subscriber... and we just got our issue like a week or two ago. Now were in for another one this week WITH HL2 REVIEW??????

First : Friggin Sweet
Second: Thats prob why there on Dec issue and its not even October yet.
Scorps get on IRC right now....

/server -m irc.quakenet.org -j #halflife2

Im op there so look for me ;)
DrPowers said:
See this doesnt make sense... I'm a PCGamer US subscriber... and we just got our issue like a week or two ago. Now were in for another one this week WITH HL2 REVIEW??????

First : Friggin Sweet
Second: Thats prob why there on Dec issue and its not even October yet.

In regard to the US PC Gamer I've heard there a big variety in when people get it, so some people get it maybe 2 weeks before you do. Anyway, yeah according to PC Gamer US there's a new issue out soon with their HL2 review. When I say anyday they probably mean the first subscribers will start getting it anyday.

Of course this thread is referring to the UK version, which is a different mag.
Reason why i take in this info with skepticism is that the interview with the PC gamer guy said that the reiview had minor spoilers because you cant tell the review of the game without some and so when scorps says there is no new info, i seem to find doubt in that.
Well [Matt] on the IRC channel seems to have been given some sort of information that has convinced him that Scorps is telling the truth 100%.

And yes I would trust [Matt].
From a member on our boards who has an issue:

Here's some select quotes:

"This very european city is populated by frightened and desperate American immigrants, and sits under the shadow of a vast, brutalist skyscraper that is consuming the urban sprawl with crawling walls of blue steel. It's a powerful fiction. City 17 is one of th emost inventive and evocative game worlds we've ever seen. The autocratic and vicious behaviour of the masked Overwatch soldiers immediatly puts you in a high pressure environment. People look at you with desperate eyes, just waiting for the end to their pain, an end to the power of the mysterious combine..."

"But even with Gordons sinster silence there are reams of dialogue. It is spoken by bewilderingly talented actors and animated with almost magical precision."

"Combine police take less kindly to tin cans being lobbed at their shiny gas masks"

"You can even use it to grab hovering combine attack drones and batter them into tiny fragments on the concrete surfaces"
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