Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version


Two queers holy shit.

You are both probably drunk and thus your words are meaningless and empty.
What the hell is that cardboard thing supposed to be?
It looks like it was halfway to becoming one of those Dr. Who robot things.
F off; I was identifying what was being constructed. No dickness intended.
It looks like it was halfway to becoming one of those Dr. Who robot things.
Yes it is a dalek, you bastards :(


People seemed to work it out when they saw it, though. Let me tell you dressing up as a dalek gets you mad chicks.
want to point out that the person being violated in the second to last photo shares my name but just a little bit misspelled; feel almost as if it is my own violation being posted on the internet

was Zoey for Halloween and it was a p. good costume but will not post pictures

fixed this post for you

Popular Demand.
Zoey pics now.
Yes it is a dalek, you bastards :(

People seemed to work it out when they saw it, though. Let me tell you dressing up as a dalek gets you mad chicks.
90% of what I know about Dr. Who I learned from a string of PvP comics about a year ago. The other 10% from SciFi channel episode previews. Not really a pop culture thing in the States; awareness doesn't extend very far outside the nerd subculture level. Good to hear that it works over there. Hopefully the chicks don't stay angry for long :)
Awesome picture my friend just sent me from days back home


Feels so long ago :(
Is that picture from Angel Island?

Nope, abandoned airforce base on the outside of diamondhead facing downtown Honolulu. Used to live in Hawaii, just moved to SF a few months ago.
Nope, abandoned airforce base on the outside of diamondhead facing downtown Honolulu. Used to live in Hawaii, just moved to SF a few months ago.

Ah, your location threw me. It looks similar to the abandoned buildings on Angel Island. Cool place to check out.
Also the drummer from the Free Credit Report commercials.

Every time I look at your drawing thread, I will now imagine this as your face.

Me and girlfriend at Cardiff's "turning on of the lights" thing. We were right at the front, and our friends all got autographs from the cast of MERLIN!
She has her hood up because Barny the dinosaur was on, and she hates people in full-body costumes.
IIRC my friend's left eye is quite significantly worse than his right one, due to wearing hair over it like that, Van_Halen.
IIRC my friend's left eye is quite significantly worse than his right one, due to wearing hair over it like that, Van_Halen.

When I had it like that it was out of my eyes. I had my bangs long enough that my hair was off to the side. And I have since got it cut short. :P