Possible IGN story 12am PST...

everything was scripted in the e3 demos. EVERYTHING there was no A.I. if you killed the combine during some sequence the door still kicks in. or so i heard.
and ect. this game doesnt really sound so great or look so great. and now most games have physics. i've lost a ton of interest in half life 2. far cry looks better. so does stalker. im not trying to bash half life 2. but -_-... just doesnt catch my attention like it did when i first heard about it.
this line from the article disturbs me greatly.
The game just reached alpha a few weeks ago and is content complete.

Guys.... Listen to my mental talk. We all saw the first screens of HL2 (Last year) and they were much better than now. So what if the screens are not that beautiful as last year, we know that the engine DOES GIVE YOU SUCH QUALITY AS LAST YEAR'S SCREENS. Maybe settings were graphically downgraded for these screens. We all saw the binks, they were much more beautiful than the screens we see now.

Conclusion : The engine renders great quality graphics (END)
lol there goes most of my interest in half life 2. out the window swhoosh! gone.
this was ran in an x800 xt so.. its not downgraded...

hl2 wont have good graphics. maybe hl3 who knows.
this is pointless, we will see the true power of source on e3
Sure you looked at the other pictures? I will go find a bad picture of an otherwise impressive game like say Max Payne 2 , then Im going to declare the whole game is ugly. Better yet if I had a game from an old build of Max Payne 2 , BRILLIANT.

this isn't just one bad screen though, this is a whole slew of the newest media and it is utter shit. Every bit.

Yes, there are scripted sequences that actors will carry out at a logical time. It doesn't mean the city will still be entirely flat buildings with bump-mapped window ledges, though.

The ledges and other details aren't even bumpmapped though. it is just one big fugly flat texture.

I think your standards are just a tad too high.

My standards are up to par with what we should expect these days. If hl2 doesn't match games like Thief3/Doom3/FarCry, which it obviously doesn't, then it is sub-par.

And a last note on the windows. The event where the strider shoots out the windows is obviously scripted. You can tell by how those particular windows look different from the others before they are shot out that they were scripted to be shot out, as the car was scripted to explode. Yes it is a feature in source, but the point was it will only be possible if the mapper intentionally makes a window breakable, and it's obvious that 90% of them are not breakable since they are just a flat texture.

Also, making a object such as a window breakable is not new. They could have done it in hl 1.
Just got done watching the new Doug Lombardi video interview on ign insider. The only new info is that they hope to be announcing the exact date sometime during e3.
Sergio and Valved Ray, how about we argue about this AFTER E3 when we get to see the new video's on x800 :D
ValVed RaY said:
this was ran in an x800 xt so.. its not downgraded...

hl2 wont have good graphics. maybe hl3 who knows.
How about we wait until the game is actually released until we make the assumption that HL2 has sub-par graphics?

Your loss afterall.
Those are pictures from one of the most recent builds. That's pretty much exactly how the finished game will look. Look at beta pictures of Far Cry and it looks basically the same as the finished version.

Why are people convinced when it's released suddenly the graphics will be far better than what we've been shown?
the video:
its the same content in the article
nothing new is mentioned
other than the fact that doug says "we will announce an exact date at e3"
its just Tal standing in an orange room talking with Doug
no gameplay footage or anything crazy like that

ValVed RaY said:
this was ran in an x800 xt so.. its not downgraded...

hl2 wont have good graphics. maybe hl3 who knows.

it was ran on a 9800xt 3.4ghz machine.
I booted up the 3.4GHz Radeon 9800XT equipped machine and waded into Half-Life 2.
i agree with everything sergio is saying. looking at the city 17 it just looks like rectangular boxes buildings like in hl1 with a bid texture over them. the characthers and objects have detail. but the levels look flat. the shadows dont seem good. lighting is just ugh. its not a good imppresion. then you tell me to look at the old. e3 videos. pftt all scripted. that leaves me with not much expectations for half life 2.
ah for god's sake this is going to end up locked because of the weird noises being emitted by Sergio, can i slowly and clearer reiterate a point that needs to be broguth home..... THEY ARE SCREENS NOT THE FINAL BUILD OF THE GAME, NOT THE GAME RUNNING, SIMPLY SCREENS!!!

Stop theorising about things you do not understand and passing your tortured ideas off as fact, it sucks. You seem to clearly anti HL2 that your posting boggles me.

Say something valuable or contribute, until then shut the hell up.
Guys.... Listen to my mental talk. We all saw the first screens of HL2 (Last year) and they were much better than now. So what if the screens are not that beautiful as last year, we know that the engine DOES GIVE YOU SUCH QUALITY AS LAST YEAR'S SCREENS. Maybe settings were graphically downgraded for these screens. We all saw the binks, they were much more beautiful than the screens we see now.

Conclusion : The engine renders great quality graphics (END)

The first screens were decent. The nice shader effects carried it all the way though. Everything else about the graphics were lackluster.

But here is the point. Newer media is a more accurate representation of the game than older media. The new media is worse, so it is obvious that for some reason or another the graphics have seriously declined from last year. You can't deny new media in favor of the old. There is no logic in that. You wouldn't if the new media was better than the old, would you? no. Be reasonable. These screens are up to date representations of the game, and the game is no where near what it used to be. It's obvious.
can you please wait untill you know something by fact mr valved ray mr omg I am getting my ass banned a year ago before you open your mouth.
Can all you peoplel please just wait till e3 to judge the game either good or bad graphically? Like has been said before it's pointless to judge a game by a few screenshots.

Edit: Evil beat me to it.
yeah true i totally agree with you about the buildings ValVed RaY, but the thing that doesnt make sense to me, is that why would ATI have a show with their new card running the HL2 videos if the video's are going to have old looking graphics? So im expecting maybe a slight improvement in the graphics come E3.

Also, why on earth would any game company, let alone someone with so much pressure on them such as Valve, downgrade the graphics a few months before release?
Sergio said:
The first screens were decent. The nice shader effects carried it all the way though. Everything else about the graphics were lackluster.

But here is the point. Newer media is a more accurate representation of the game than older media. The new media is worse, so it is obvious that for some reason or another the graphics have seriously declined from last year. You can't deny new media in favor of the old. There is no logic in that. You wouldn't if the new media was better than the old, would you? no. Be reasonable. These screens are up to date representations of the game, and the game is no where near what it used to be. It's obvious.
these screenshots where LEAKED, ask munro. valve had no intentiones to publish these screenshot as high reso material. they where just magazine fill for smaller images 2 by 3 cm big or fuzzy background images they use to fill in the otherwise bland background.
ValVed RaY said:
this was ran in an x800 xt so.. its not downgraded...

hl2 wont have good graphics. maybe hl3 who knows.

It keeps getting better. There was AI in the E3 demos, but I mean if youre type of posting is the new trend I suppose I could start making things up too.

HORRIBLE arcitectural detail!

It cant even do interiors.

I think the engine is broken!

Ill go play this , at least it has realistic color and water rite!

Unfortunatley pictures alone cannot depict this feature of this fantastic and better game!
ValVed RaY said:
this was ran in an x800 xt so.. its not downgraded...

hl2 wont have good graphics. maybe hl3 who knows.

Are you referring to the IGN article? It was played on a 9800XT.

Edit: nevermind, I was beat to it a long time ago
umop said:
Are you referring to the IGN article? It was played on a 9800XT.

Edit: nevermind, I was beat to it a long time ago
and the screenshots that you see are not taken from that machine.
Sparta said:
yeah true i totally agree with you about the buildings ValVed RaY, but the thing that doesnt make sense to me, is that why would ATI have a show with their new card running the HL2 videos if the video's are going to have old looking graphics? So im expecting maybe a slight improvement in the graphics come E3.

Also, why on earth would any game company, let alone someone with so much pressure on them such as Valve, downgrade the graphics a few months before release?

When they do the demonstration. It's not going to be some random person doing random things. it's going to be either scrippted/planned w/e
It's going to show you the best things about the game. the cool looking parts. and try to hide all the uglyness. that's not wrong. if you are doing a presentation by all means make us gasp. but the screenshots have it. the game just doesnt look that visually stunning.
It's amazing the double standard you guys have. If I were to praise hl2 for it's graphical prowess you would all follow suit. But if I look at a multitude of new, ugly screens and say the game is looking rather ugly at this point, you tell me to wait utnil the game is released, or wait until e3 to judge.

I will be around to catch the new e3 stuff, and if it looks amazing I will be right here on these forums praising it, and if it looks as ugly as it does now, I will be here to say I told you so.
going back to the whole graphics have got worse thing.....how the **** could they possibly have made the graphics worse? They would have had to remove their work, what possible reason would they have to take away incredible looking stuff, plus it would be a lot more work.
If the game really does look shitter than what is expected of it, don't you think something would have been said in any of the articles?
Sigh. Sergio is obviously our old friend of many many accounts and names. Does he ever tire of this farce?

And the game will certainly look as good as the e3 videos, so no worries about this or that random screenshot.
I will be around to catch the new e3 stuff, and if it looks amazing I will be right here on these forums praising it,

When pigs fly.

and if it looks as ugly as it does now, I will be here to say I told you so.

Under yet another a different name, no doubt.
ValVed RaY said:
When they do the demonstration. It's not going to be some random person doing random things. it's going to be either scrippted/planned w/e
It's going to show you the best things about the game. the cool looking parts. and try to hide all the uglyness. that's not wrong. if you are doing a presentation by all means make us gasp. but the screenshots have it. the game just doesnt look that visually stunning.

Actually after watching the barricade video again, i just noticed something. the windows REFLECT! :D that's why lots of them look bland, they're reflecting the sky. Just before the player chucks a grenade at those combine, watch the windows on the building opposite and you'll notice the reflection changes.
Sergio said:
It's amazing the double standard you guys have. If I were to praise hl2 for it's graphical prowess you would all follow suit. But if I look at a multitude of new, ugly screens and say the game is looking rather ugly at this point, you tell me to wait utnil the game is released, or wait until e3 to judge.

I will be around to catch the new e3 stuff, and if it looks amazing I will be right here on these forums praising it, and if it looks as ugly as it does now, I will be here to say I told you so.

you sure do have us over a barrel.
Sergio said:
I will be around to catch the new e3 stuff, and if it looks amazing I will be right here on these forums praising it
And let me whip your but until it shines as a punishment for disbelieve! C’mon let me do it... I want to! *flexes leather whip*
Neutrino said:
God you people are hopeless. As I said before, just wait till e3. We just don't know how the game is going to look at this point. But you only have like 3 days to find out.

Oh and if you concerned that all the windows are just textures look at this pic:


that was from 2003.

i hate to say it but all the new screen shots are pointing to graphical downgrades.

i dont think e3 will show us the final hl2. ati will definately be showing only parts that a graphically advanced even if not in the final hl2. and valve will proballly show the gameplay.

we all know the gameplay will be great, but will the graphics?

all the screenshots in the past month or so havent been breathtaking. the ones from 2003 e3 were amazing on so many levels.

kinda makes you think why gabe would run the x800 at WinHE2004 on hl2, with the old strider clip we have all seen. im guessing because the old stuff obviously looks better than the new stuff.

only the final game will show us what hl2 will look like, i doubt e3 will.
e3 is all about getting your game in the media, airwaves, peoples mind.

pray the final game looks like the videos and screenshots from last year :D :D
Murray_H said:
If the game really does look shitter than what is expected of it, don't you think something would have been said in any of the articles?
not really, you can get fired for that kinda stuff.
but we do have screenshots to see for ourselves.
it's all a matter of oppinion really, my oppinion is that it doesnt look great.
what is your personal oppinion though :hmph: