Post your pics (Gentlemen only)

Should the Dark Elf finally post his picture :p

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Farrowlesparrow said:
Don' the UK.

It does not mean peace.
hahaha now that i know not to do that, if i ever visit the UK, i'll do it just to piss people off(not sure if it's something bad in holland or not, no one seemed pissed when i did that... although they were eyeing all the ice tea cans i was carrying around :P). what's it mean?

v= victory? that's the bullshit the kurds try to pull in turkey.

P-Lo said:
Dude I'm wearing a FF t shirt right now. \m/ >< \m/

hah niiice. i should get a picture of the back of it. pretty much NO one here in the US has the same back that i have ;) since i got that shirt at the concert in amsterdam, it has europe outlined in red, whereas here, it's just the US outlined in red... w00t.
What are the chances that there will be a thread soon, with the title ....hi im Farrowlesparrow....and i have a vagina? :E
bliink said:
A problem.

There are 4 or so girls here, and the thread for girls pictures is at 70 pages.

there are about 14900 guys here, and this thread is on 11 pages...

spot the difference? :P

We're all shy and gentlemanly, we prefer to tell you how beautiful you are then post our own pictures. :imu:
what the heck, might aswell...

Me and my ex-wife, miami vacation 4 years ago.
When god made me, he broke the mold, so not to curse the world with more of me.

(closing to a year old pic btw)
Jackal hit said:
hahaha now that i know not to do that, if i ever visit the UK, i'll do it just to piss people off(not sure if it's something bad in holland or not, no one seemed pissed when i did that... although they were eyeing all the ice tea cans i was carrying around :P). what's it mean?

v= victory? that's the bullshit the kurds try to pull in turkey.

Heh, ice tea...We have that. I guess it can be ok, but tea is relaly meant to be hot :) Especially here, at this time of year.

Anyway, if you do the V sign the other way round (So your finger nails are facing towards you) then it does mean peace(I suppose it could mean victory as well actually). The way you were doing it is very much like sticking up your middle finger. It orginates from the lovely wars we used to have with France. If and English bowman was captured by the French, they would cut those two fingers off (as they were the fingers used to draw the bow string) so they wouldn't be able to shoot anymore. So, when the English won a battle, were standing a distance away, or at least, didn't get caught the bowmen would stick those fingers up in defiance and insult to the French.

Badger... I feel so sad that you said that. ;(

The weather may seem grim at times, but the people ain't....and we aren't all pretty boys either. I mean that in every sense of the word that isn't nice!

(Scandal :O)
Rar. T´was only kidding mate!

On all the occasions I´ve been tup North, I´ve enjoyed myself immensely.

Northern lasses are fun :)
what's wtih all these non-OT people invading the forum? or are they just new.. lured by the prospect of looking at hautte min?

posted this before, it's one of the few digital pics i have of myself.. just too lazy to scan my other pics. it's me from a couple of years ago hard at work (actually, i'm about to fall asleep.. martian laser altimetry isn't as exciting as you'd think).

and no, my real name isn't timmy, nor am i particularly little.
Omg its Lil Timmy, but bigger, and not called Timmy.
L to the T


Never seen that pic before, it´ll go nicely with that recording of your vioce you did :P
Wow timmy, you look like The Rock. :O

Actually, there is something about your expression though...

ComradeBadger said:
Rar. T´was only kidding mate!

On all the occasions I´ve been tup North, I´ve enjoyed myself immensely.

Northern lasses are fun :)

Don't I know it. I would say the same about the south...but I won't :P

Nah, apart from London and the posh areas(Most areas it seems) of South England people are alright. Most are just so uptight though.
You should have come to ECTs FLS.. was so much fun, even Munro !!!1

Yeah, there are quite a few uptight people, but thats the older generation :)
ComradeBadger said:
L to the T


Never seen that pic before, it´ll go nicely with that recording of your vioce you did :P
oh, ha, i forgot about that.. hows about you post it for me! :)

edit: the rock????
Yeah Timmy, the rock. Its only a slight resemblance. Its just your bone structure and expression.

I would have gone to ECTS if I'd actually recieved the pass.
Here's a pic I took recently.
I look angry because that was the point. :|
Saying Lil'Timmy looks like the rock is like saying Betty Boo looks like me in the picture below
Then I'm right :O

I'm not saying he looks the same, its just a couple of slight similarities. Obviously he looks different, but that doesn't mean he can't remind of of him in a little way. Its like someone saying I look like a cockney gangster out of a Guy Ritchie film.
Razor said:
Saying Lil'Timmy looks like the rock is like saying Betty Boo looks like me in the picture below
well.. i mean to be honest.. it's not that much of a stretch..
FLS, Chris got in, becuase he was on the list, even if he didn´t have a ticket :P

I think I´ll take lots of pics of me an mates on friday :)

Perhaps make a new thread :D
ComradeBadger said:
FLS, Chris got in, becuase he was on the list, even if he didn´t have a ticket :P

I think I´ll take lots of pics of me an mates on friday :)

Perhaps make a new thread :D

Oh really? Well damn...:|

:D Nevermind eh.
We´re gonna have a staff get together soon anyway, if me and t´other Chris get our way :)
ComradeBadger said:
We´re gonna have a staff get together soon anyway, if me and t´other Chris get our way :)

Ah, good good...Any ideas where? :D

Down south, would actually be means I can get a nice mini holiday :)
Lil' Timmy said:
i mean it in every way you can possibly imagine!

Anyone that thinks i look like Betty Boop needs help :hmph:.

I'm a 6 foot 6, 210lb guy for goodness sake.
Lil' Timmy said:
teh hawt. i'll start suggestively harassing you in PMs shortly.

All homo-erotic pictures of you and suggestive messages will be immediately passed on Comrade Badger :frown: ;)
the joke intended, it would have to be, noone is that ignorant...
i wana know why people always try to look hardcore lol. Never smile, most of the time look away
ShanBoi said:
i wana know why people always try to look hardcore lol. Never smile, most of the time look away

:) I smile, but I didn't on that picture because I was taking it for my art. I also took the photo myself. On a camera without a timer, its quite hard to do that. So I had to push the button and quickly jump backwards (against the wall :().