Prayers for you.


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.


Drama whore/Atheist neophyte.

Dude, if you get offended by someone's good will, then... damn... stop breathing.

I know it's well meant, but it's like... how can I put this... it's just... offensive.

I don't know, maybe it's the mode of expression, rather than the good will itself. If they just said "Good luck" that'd be fine, but...

Actually come to think of it, if I were doing something and the usage of "I'll pray for you" was in the context of "Good Luck" I don't think I would really mind. I'm more offended when it's like "Oh, you're an Athiest/Buddhist? I'll pray for you."
They can many things that are more helpful than just simply praying for you.

by the way was that convert to Christianity thread deleted?
I say let them waste time on prayer. I'll steal their cookies while they're kneeling. Doesn't offend me, as much as it reminds me WHY I'm not a believer...
I pray for all of you.

"Oh dear lord, mighty ultimate being in the sky and infinite space beyond, I beseech you to grant favor on my fellow forumites. Though they may have sinned, and grave sins they may be, I beg of you to grant them wisdom in their posts and with a count that will rise, rise to the heavens to reach you!"
I find it amusing that they're going to sit there 'praying' to a giant man in the sky for me, and I'll probably steal their cookies like Firenbrimstone.
'I'm going to pray for you' is someone's way of saying 'you really need help'
in a condescending way. Don't care for it at all.
Another thing that I find offensive is thanking God for your food. Seriously, why?! You worked for the money to buy that food. If anything, thank the supermarket for stocking the food, or thank the farmer who grew the food. God didn't have a fucking thing to do with it.
Another thing that I find offensive is thanking God for your food. Seriously, why?! You worked for the money to buy that food. If anything, thank the supermarket for stocking the food, or thank the farmer who grew the food. God didn't have a fucking thing to do with it.

I don't know about you, but my food comes in the mail, postmarked with a return address of Heaven.
i'm not religious, but i'm not evil.. so i don't respond whem someone says that to me.
on the other hand when Mormons come to the door, GOOD TIMES.
"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.

Drama whore/Atheist neophyte.

Dude, if you get offended by someone's good will, then... damn... stop breathing.
Seventh day adventists also go door to door. 'Sorry, I'm in the middle of a blood-offering' j/k
It doesn't offend me as much as it makes me feel REALLY uncomfortable.
Another thing that I find offensive is thanking God for your food. Seriously, why?! You worked for the money to buy that food. If anything, thank the supermarket for stocking the food, or thank the farmer who grew the food. God didn't have a fucking thing to do with it.

I think the idea is that God willed for you to have food, so you have it. It's because of him you have food. Because of him, there was soil and water to grow the crops with and so on and so forth. People believe God is the creator of all things on this earth so that food you will soon shit out also was made by him. It's not really that hard of a concept to understand.

I'm usually flattered when people say they want to pray for me. Unless they're just saying that and then don't do it. Maybe it's different for me because I'm a Christian, and it's not as much of a "I pity you" thing. But anyways, I appreciate it.
Drama whore/Atheist neophyte.

Dude, if you get offended by someone's good will, then... damn... stop breathing.

I know it's well meant, but it's like... how can I put this... it's just... offensive.

I don't know, maybe it's the mode of expression, rather than the good will itself. If they just said "Good luck" that'd be fine, but...

Actually come to think of it, if I were doing something and the usage of "I'll pray for you" was in the context of "Good Luck" I don't think I would really mind. I'm more offended when it's like "Oh, you're an Athiest/Buddhist? I'll pray for you."
I think the idea is that God willed for you to have food, so you have it. It's because of him you have food. Because of him, there was soil and water to grow the crops with and so on and so forth. People believe God is the creator of all things on this earth so that food you will soon shit out also was made by him. It's not really that hard of a concept to understand.

Listen, you go pray and let God will you some food. I'ma head over to my local supermarket and just buy food. God isn't going to cut coupons for me, so... gotta do it myself.

Seriously though; you do your thing, I'll do mine. You being condecending by saying "It's not really that hard of a concept to understand", won't make me want to run out and find salvation, I assure you.

If that's how your God teaches you to be, well... thanks, but no thanks.

~I'll pray for you.~ *cough*
I think the idea is that God willed for you to have food, so you have it.

So basically you're thanking him for not smiting you like all those people in poor and impovrished areas ? how come when its beneficial its his will but when it isnt its just "human suffering".
I think the idea is that God willed for you to have food, so you have it. It's because of him you have food. Because of him, there was soil and water to grow the crops with and so on and so forth. People believe God is the creator of all things on this earth so that food you will soon shit out also was made by him. It's not really that hard of a concept to understand.

Of course. But it doesn't make any sense. Why do you love your parents? Because your mom pooped you out, or because they took care for you for at least 16 years with everything that you need? Hadn't your mom and dad ever decided to have you, you would never have been there to care about it, now would you?

Even if there is a God, he deserves no credit for anything. He created the earth, big whoop, but it's mankind that made earth a place worth living for humans. If it were completely up to God, mankind would live in caves still. Had God NOT created earth and mankind, we would have never been here to care about that.

It makes no sense to thank God for your food when it's mankind that deserves the credit. Even if you're religious.
This picture is needed.

I don't care if people pray for me but I was really pissed when my aunt died (suicide) and someone said that he will pray for her, it was like - she will burn in hell, you know...
Listen, you go pray and let God will you some food. I'ma head over to my local supermarket and just buy food. God isn't going to cut coupons for me, so... gotta do it myself.

Seriously though; you do your thing, I'll do mine. You being condecending by saying "It's not really that hard of a concept to understand", won't make me want to run out and find salvation, I assure you.

If that's how your God teaches you to be, well... thanks, but no thanks.

~I'll pray for you.~ *cough*

I wasn't trying to tell anyone to go pray in thanksgiving for their food, or convert them in any way, shape, or form. That wasn't my intention.
I was trying to explain the idea of thanksgiving. But seriously, even children understand it.

I probably came off as condescending,, it happens.

mindless_moder said:
So basically you're thanking him for not smiting you like all those people in poor and impovrished areas ? how come when its beneficial its his will but when it isnt its just "human suffering".
Am I thanking him I'm still alive and have all these things? Indeed. Those poor and impoverished deserve them more than I. As for human suffering, I can't explain any sort of solution to the problem of evil or human suffering. I just don't know.

What I do know is, I'd never worship a God who makes people to suffer needlessly.

Even if there is a God, he deserves no credit for anything. He created the earth, big whoop, but it's mankind that made earth a place worth living for humans. If it were completely up to God, mankind would live in caves still. Had God NOT created earth and mankind, we would have never been here to care about that.

It makes no sense to thank God for your food when it's mankind that deserves the credit. Even if you're religious.

Suppose a man donates money to a charity. With this money, the charity manages to produce or buy clothing for poor children in Africa. These kids gratefully take them. Why should they not be thankful that the man donated the money in the first place? Do you see my reasoning?
What I do know is, I'd never worship a God who makes people to suffer

But thats EXACTLY what you're doing. You hold god responsible for the life you're leading, why dont you hold him responsible for the life the poor are leading ?. You just ignore that because its easier for you to lead your life without accepting what the answer may entail.
Suppose a man donates money to a charity. With this money, the charity manages to produce or buy clothing for poor children in Africa. These kids gratefully take them. Why should they not be thankful that the man donated the money in the first place? Do you see my reasoning?
yeah but he doesnt deserve the most gratitude , he just made a small contribution to a much bigger initiative . The people that setup the organization are the ones that deserve the acknowledgment. the way christians pray ... its like god himself is providing for their every need.
yeah but he doesnt deserve the most gratitude , he just made a small contribution to a much bigger initiative . The people that setup the organization are the ones that deserve the acknowledgment.

True.. this makes more sense actually. Thank you sire.

So suffering for something is still good ammirite.

I don't quite understand what you're saying. I meant gratuitous evil - ie, suffering without some sort of redemptive quality. I believe that in certain contexts, suffering can be valuable. For instance, I break up with my fiance. The experience is terrible for me and I am an emotional wreck. I suffer for weeks, yet I will have learned a valuable lesson about relationships (hopefully).

As for the other sort of suffering, I have no answer. It's beyond me.
The logic runs, that if God didn't want them to have their meal, he wouldn't have allowed any of the things that are neccesary for them to eat the meal to have happened.

/EDIT: Oh, Karma.
"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.

not really, To me it's like saying "I'm keeping you in my thoughts, good luck"

although i've never heard it said like "I'm going to pray for you." usually its said "I'll keep you in my prayers."

I don't believe their prayers are going to work but I feel some what honored that they are putting forth the effort, to what they believe, is calling upon their deity to help me.

it's pretty silly to make a big deal over it unless someone says it in a snobby way, or the person acts like superchristian3000

other than that, I appreciate them thinking about me.
(keep in mind this only when all other help cannot be given)
I will add the corresponding addemendum to qualify what it that I actually hate.
my answer to the OP is quite simple: /giveacrap
That goes for everything though. :/
Just act really happy and thank them for it, offer to hug them., If they say yes, shank them and steal their wallet.
Just act really happy and thank them for it, offer to hug them., If they say yes, shank them and steal their wallet.

You bastard... can I at least have my tithe money back? I can't get into church without it. You know how I hate to miss church. And you know how the church hates to miss it's tithes.
Fear not, we shall go to the store for porn and twinkies.
This sounds like a fan-boyism type rant. Why don't you people stop being so passionate about stupid shit like this? Prayer is a tradition. When someone prays for you it means they care for you. If you don't like it, well... then don't pray? I'm not religious, nor am I an atheist, I think you're all dumbasses. Jesus, learn to respect.

EDIT: this shit is everywhere now. If you like something that someone else doesn't you mock that person and tell him/her that what s/he likes is a total piece of shit and what you believe is ****ing epic ownage. I have it happen to me all the ****ing time, like with games: I started playing Guild Wars and all my WoW friends started making fun of it saying it was gay and all that shit I don't care about, then proceeded to explain to me how WoW is so vastly superior. Now, they've tried playing Guild Wars and they don't say it's that gay. That's a simple example of what you guys are doing here, except with beliefs.
tradition can kick my ass, wasn't jebus against tradition anyway?