Psychedelic experiences.

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If you haven't previously k-holed, do not underestimate it. You cannot be talked down from it if you go under from it, whilst in the hole part. You need to make sure you feel relaxed and at ease with where you are and who you are with, as those thoughts can drastically affect you once you're in your k-hole.
I want to k-hole once in my life, just to know what it's like. I'm not in any hurry, though.
Wow, you really explained a lot of this so well, I couldn't even imagine doing that much acid.

I don't understand how a lot of you have so many strange experiences while high on weed. I've smoked a ton of different weed, gotten insanely high, but never had any crazy experience. Just got stoned as ****.

I was thinking along the same lines, I doubt these accounts are true, and if they are, they must have been laced with something.

Oh and when you are in a k-hole it makes you totally unresponsive to outside stimuli as well, making you look like a dribbling retard.

That just made me splurt things from my nose.
Yes, I feel inclined to agree, I've had some seriously trippy moments while high. It depends vastly on set and setting. Being high on certain strains alone is almost like tripping, while you can still function in a social situation. It changes based on whether you have things you have to deal with (social interaction, etc) or not (just sitting around high).

I have had open eye hallucinations on weed before, mostly just patterns and while very very stoned (IE several brownies on top of several bowls, or after a blunt with 6g in it, a few bowls and a j or three), but also a few times where, with vaguely defocused eyes, I actually do see things that aren't there, morphing objects and the like, but it's nothing as vivid as a mushroom or acid hallucination.
when you 'trip' and hallucinate, does it look real, or does your brain just make it look real but you know it looks really lame. Kind of like a dream where you kind of know what's what, but everything's really weird looking.
Good point, I like to think that although I will be tripping ass I`ll still be able to tell at the very back of my mind that it`s not real.
Well on things like mushrooms you always know you`re on drugs, but that doesn;t stop you from being insanely awkward around crowds, but with a few people it`s great. Not that I don`t like being around crowds when I`m on them personally, I kind of love the strange awkwardness.
But being on acid, you know you`re on acid but you feel like suddenly you know something that`s just impossible to comprehend otherwise, which can sometimes be a terrifying thought. It`s kind of impossible to describe the feeling, in fact my friend and I discovered a new secret emotion while we were on acid, but neither of us could put it into words. No word, at least in the english language, can even begin to describe it. If you decide to try it, try to find the secret emotion, it`s nuts
Good point, I like to think that although I will be tripping ass I`ll still be able to tell at the very back of my mind that it`s not real.
Oh, you're well aware that the tiled floor doesn't usually squirm around by that, but here it is doing it anyway, quite of its own volition. Its hard to explain, really, it ends up with you just sort of goggling at it going "how is that happening?"
Whenver I smoke the dodi, I don't usually trip, I just get faded like hell, I am able to focus more and have this enhanced feeling.
Good point, I like to think that although I will be tripping ass I`ll still be able to tell at the very back of my mind that it`s not real.
You know it's not real, but that doesn't stop it confusing/scaring the hell out of you. As the drugs also install a sort of "what if it is real" paranoia to the whole effect.
things got a bit strange in japan when i tried 5MeEO dipt (some kind of tryptamine), on a whim. it wasnt my idea, but i being the tough guy went along with it. my friend bought it for us from an alley store, so i thought it would do nothing. i was wrong.... i was walking down the street with her. pretty much all day.

decisions were difficult to make. that was the first thing i noticed. it was a very strong feeling.

people on the streets became charicatures of their most prominent features... at first i thought i was just seeing people who were a bit strange... but then the strangenesses in them became more and more apparent. i was getting a little freaked out to be honest. my friend didnt seem to know what i was talking about but i kept pointing out to her all the strange creepy ugly people we were walking past.

it wasnt so much a bad trip at all... i felt secure in the knowledge that i was a normal looking person, and these strange people were not threatening in any way. a large group of people surprised me somewhat though. i could hear music everywhere i went, and couldnt decipher whether or not it was real or imagined..

i watched euro trip the movie, and some scenes (near the end mostly) looked so amazingly beautiful... it couldnt possibly have been filmed in real life... it was amazing..

the ground moved like a travelator while i walked.

i felt very very very short (im 6 foot) while walking down an endless hallway (maybe 100 metres in real life).

i felt socially awkward (this is not usual for me).

had difficulty drinking the worlds biggest gin lime and soda (was actually about normal size and im a good drinker)

there was more. plenty more, but its all fuzzy.

my mind wasnt crystal clear like it is on other things. it was a very long experience... i didnt know when it would end...

didnt have any "OMG I SEE A DRAGON" type moments.

and on DXM... that stuff is pretty heavy... havent tried it myself... and wouldnt. at least not more than once.
when you 'trip' and hallucinate, does it look real, or does your brain just make it look real but you know it looks really lame. Kind of like a dream where you kind of know what's what, but everything's really weird looking.

It certainly looks real - being able to differentiate between whether it is or not is another matter that depends entirely on how heavily you're tripping. For the record i've always found mushrooms to be very lite on visuals - like a cleaner feeling version of acid without the really trippy stuff. Being more into hallucinations than giggling or feelings of euphoria, I much prefered lsd.

I'd describe seeing walls ripple and wobble as mild tripping - you probably know what's going on to some degree. This can lead onto periods in which you lose yourself in the moment and really get absorbed in what you're seeing, and as such it's quite easy to forget that you're tripping and take what you see for granted - it doesn't look 'lame', in a weird way it looks normal (seeing is believing) - and then come jarring back. This kind of jumping in and out is pretty usual stuff - gently poking the other side to see what it's like.

You can also be completely steaming and break right through (another cliche, I know). This is the difference between seeing something which is more like an extreem magic eye that moves and pushing your whole arm through a wall and believing it. I've seen entire rooms changing from deep red to yellow to blue each second - pulsing. Not for a second did it feel anything but real. I've looked in a mirror and seen myself age like the bad guy in Last Crusade, it was scary. I remember watching my mate drinking from a pint glass of water that we'd been using as an ash tray for the last few days. It looked like he was drinking massive living tadpoles and moss. This would be weird enough, but everything is moving and changing colour in the background and then he vomited everywhere - which quite frankly looked absolutely ****ing mental.

I doubt anyone would describe this stuff as pleasnat or even enjoyable, but it's certainly where things get interesting.
You know it's not real, but that doesn't stop it confusing/scaring the hell out of you. As the drugs also install a sort of "what if it is real" paranoia to the whole effect.

I believe I mentioned it earlier in this topic, but... Dramamine.

That drug epitomized drug-induced paranoia for me. It's not a particularly extravagant drug. Imagery is often more subtle and grounded in reality. Visualizations are brief and take place amidst dark backdrops. Auditory hallucinations are faint whispers.

But your mind just runs with the little bit of data it collects. A strange, person-shaped shadow on a wall that disappears can leave you shaken for a long time, thinking somebody's broken into your house or room. Images that flash quickly on your lawn when looking out your window make you think "They're coming to kill me" despite all the reassurances from the part of your brain that knows better.

It's delusional more than anything else.
I don't like deleriants for that reason, Absinthe. Have any of you ever investigated ambien? You know how there's all that buzz about people doing weird things on a normal sleeping dose, like eating buttered cigarettes, and waking up with no recollection?

I took about 20mg, several times the normal dose, and I was straight up out of my mind. Not like any tryptamine, it was more like dramamine or what I imagine datura would be like. I was hallucinating things everywhere, I was on my bed but I thought I was caving, I had no motor control whatsoever (robowalk except twice as bad and I wasn't very aware of it), I was thanking the pillows on the couch for being soft and letting me put my head on them and they were humbly acknowledging it... lots of weird crap. Completely lucid hallucinations, except I can't remember most of them because I only remember fragments. I had no idea I was on drugs though.

Whenver I smoke the dodi, I don't usually trip, I just get faded like hell, I am able to focus more and have this enhanced feeling.

That's what I get when I only smoke a little, a couple of hits, just a surreal on-top-of-things feeling with mild euphoria, but when I smoke a lot I get very ****ed up :p

Interesting story, Wesisapie. You're lucky to have had the opportunity to try a research chemical at least.
But your mind just runs with the little bit of data it collects.

Now that's the freaky stuff. Strong visuals I found fascinatiing, but anything subtle - be it as simple as everyone adopting a mean expression - is horrible.

I used to get night terrors as a kid, which is the closest thing I can think of that matches this feeling.
I get things like that to an extent on LSD as well. Looking in the mirror and seeing something like my face melting or changing colors or changing into something else is more just "WHOAA! HALLUCINATIONS!!" but looking in the mirror and seeing my normal self except with some sinister little change that looks completely in place tends to inspire heart-rending terror.
I think the difference with lsd is the drug is driving the experience more - it's almost like watching a show. It's freaky in the sense you can't get off, but also a relief from responsibility aswell. Any drug that induces slight, dark background changes I found very unnerving. I imagine it being akin to schizophrenia - slight suggestions that you run away with. You're doing it to yourself, which makes it all the more horrible.
Good delineation. I'm always a bit unnerved by that vague edge of mania that underlies all psychedelic experiences, even marijuana, for me.

Schizophrenia would be horrible D:
That`s why I`m not sure if I`ll ever try acid again, but at the same time I really want to risk it
I`m getting my first paycheque this week, I`ll probably eat some mushrooms
I'm always a bit unnerved by that vague edge of mania that underlies all psychedelic experiences, even marijuana, for me.

I can relate to that. Towards the end of my drug taking years mania came hand in hand with everything - booze, pills, weed. At the very end I lost all tolerance to everything (even caffeine and booze) and had no choice but to call it a day.

//i'll edit the rest as it sounds a bit depressing
And that is exactly why I try to keep things fairly relaxed rather than intense. A couple of trips a year, in careful doses :p

Drinking the ash tray is disgusting, by the way, I can't even imagine how horrible he'd feel if he realized what he was doing.
heh, luckily he didn't have a clue what was going on.
i once pood in the shower because i drank too much the night before. i merely swept the watery poo down the plug hole with my foot and told no-one that needed to know

i wasn't high, i know but god if i was...
I had an incredibly intense 3-hit acid trip a few days ago.

I don't feel any particular need to take acid again, I think I got the full experience with that one... the energy passing through me was almost unbearably powerful, I experienced ego death and massive full-vision hallucinations.

I did it with two friends, neither of whom have tripped before.

One of them ran off (we were camping) on his own as he was coming up (he felt like he needed to let off the anxious energy one gets with acid coming on). 25 minutes later we went looking for him and found him several hundred feet away, sitting in an empty campsite, surrounded by spent matches and sobbing uncontrollably as he clutched the empty match box.

Apparently he discovered that running and jumping wasn't enough to let off the energy and emotion he was feeling, so he struck a match and it was cathartic. Then he continued doing it and got sucked into an existential hellhole because his mind began comparing the match to his own life, and he was sobbing because every single match inevitably went out.

The entire day went on with things like this happening to all three of us.
That sounds immense, I love how things develop such as the match story.
I had an incredibly intense 3-hit acid trip a few days ago.

I don't feel any particular need to take acid again, I think I got the full experience with that one... the energy passing through me was almost unbearably powerful, I experienced ego death and massive full-vision hallucinations.

I did it with two friends, neither of whom have tripped before.

One of them ran off (we were camping) on his own as he was coming up (he felt like he needed to let off the anxious energy one gets with acid coming on). 25 minutes later we went looking for him and found him several hundred feet away, sitting in an empty campsite, surrounded by spent matches and sobbing uncontrollably as he clutched the empty match box.

Apparently he discovered that running and jumping wasn't enough to let off the energy and emotion he was feeling, so he struck a match and it was cathartic. Then he continued doing it and got sucked into an existential hellhole because his mind began comparing the match to his own life, and he was sobbing because every single match inevitably went out.

The entire day went on with things like this happening to all three of us.

Funny that this thread should be bumped tonight. I munched 5 Hawaain Baby Woodrose seeds about an hour ago, and I was going to post about the results. More later, possibly. I'm expecting an interesting night.
Last night while smoking some weed, I blew a hit of smoke over my cats face. He was the friendliest ball of hair EVAR. It was like some crazy gay bestiality sex orgy.

(He's the cat in my avatar)
I had an incredibly intense 3-hit acid trip a few days ago.

I don't feel any particular need to take acid again, I think I got the full experience with that one... the energy passing through me was almost unbearably powerful, I experienced ego death and massive full-vision hallucinations.

I did it with two friends, neither of whom have tripped before.

One of them ran off (we were camping) on his own as he was coming up (he felt like he needed to let off the anxious energy one gets with acid coming on). 25 minutes later we went looking for him and found him several hundred feet away, sitting in an empty campsite, surrounded by spent matches and sobbing uncontrollably as he clutched the empty match box.

Apparently he discovered that running and jumping wasn't enough to let off the energy and emotion he was feeling, so he struck a match and it was cathartic. Then he continued doing it and got sucked into an existential hellhole because his mind began comparing the match to his own life, and he was sobbing because every single match inevitably went out.

The entire day went on with things like this happening to all three of us.
Acid sure is a hell of a trip (cheesy pun not intended :p)

I'm surprised three hits did that to you, must have been good. I took two hits and didn't experience anything like that, it was mostly a visual and auditory trip. I had an iPod handy and fondly remember the clouds marching across the sky in tune to the Yellow Submarine, and the world exploding into visuals at the breaking point of Breath :)
Last night while smoking some weed, I blew a hit of smoke over my cats face. He was the friendliest ball of hair EVAR. It was like some crazy gay bestiality sex orgy.

(He's the cat in my avatar)
Almost as funny as the time I gave my cat a hit of heroin, and it died.
Almost as funny as the time I gave my cat a hit of heroin, and it died.


I'm such a noob when it comes to finding a drug dealer. I mean, Im totally itching to try some psychadelics, but have no clue where to obtain them.

Who do you guys go to? Who refers you to drug dealers? Or do you walk around a random dark alley or something and find them yourselves?
One of my coworkers had a dog named something boring, who developed some disease that left him with a 1% chance of survival... so the aforementioned coworker and his friends began to smoke the dog up nightly, just blow all of their hits in his face, and the dog recovered and survived his almost-terminal illness... so he changed the dog's name to Chronic.

surfer^rosa, it takes a while to find psychedelic connects. Usually you just have to find someone who sells weed (which isn't too hard) and then work your way up.
Or do-it-yourself. Make some ayahuasca, mescaline, etc....

Definately sounds like a trip, Ennui. I'll take your share! :)
I sure wouldn't recommend ayahuasca or anything involving dimethyltryptamine or its chemical analogues as a first psychedelic :p but she does have a point, you could always grow mushrooms or something, there are grow kits you can buy online even though the mushrooms themselves are illegal...
you buy the spores, not the mushrooms themselves

you have to grow them, it's quite a lot of work
i've never had an experience really. i didn't even see the legendary absinthe fairy after knocking back some 85% proof european absinthe

me mate had an interesting experience once though. he said he got ****ed one night on alcohol and his pocket started talking to him then he went to the bog and the shower curtain was closed and he started having a conversation with an imaginary bloke behind the shower curtain

odd indeed
I sure wouldn't recommend ayahuasca or anything involving dimethyltryptamine or its chemical analogues as a first psychedelic :p

Yeah, I guess huasca might be a bit intense for a first timer, but some gentle, euphoric cactus would be just about perfect.

If you're looking for something easy, read up on DXM, just know what you're doing and be careful. Don't go for mega-doses, stick to level 1/2, depending on your body weight. 20 CoughGels (1 bottle) is about right for me...
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