Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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White Chicks 5/10

I coulnt help but laugh.

"Tell him if he needs a condom, we've got a spare shower curtain in the bathroom" *look of horror*
Res Evil Apocalipse
STARS were only included for the hell of it IMO and Jill just does a full reverse and falls apart once the black guy dies. Some things were ridiculous and the ending was badly exicuted.
King Kong
Bored out of my skull, way way way too long. Peter Jackson should learn how to edit his dumb movies to a reasonable length. I didn't feel shit for that big, dumbass, destructive ape. And Jack Black? Pah!

The Chronicals of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
lol at the christian references. Ending was crap and made no sense to me, but an overall really nice movie.

Memoirs of a Geisha
Kinda too long, and not so much like the book (according to the girlfriend). Interesting story and very good acting, though.
Erestheux said:
[Memoirs of a Geisha
Kinda too long, and not so much like the book (according to the girlfriend). Interesting story and very good acting, though.

I thought it was weird that they used Chinese actors with no Japanese consultants on the set, and the kimonos were worn they way they were on dead people. They should have made more of an effort. Plus I felt like bitching.
Titanic(1997 version) - 9/10... I can't believe I missed this back in the 90s.

Broken Lizard's Club Dread - 7/10... Rather funny take on teen slashers, and it has Bill Paxton in it, can't go wrong.
King Kong - 9/10 (beginning was a little long though)
Hart's War - 8/10 (Surprisely good war/court room case flick)
Resident Evil 9/10

The laser body-chopping thingy's horribleness was only superceded by the swords of Kill Bill. :x
Skaadi said:
Gotta love Kill Bill


My mental health took a sharp dive into a concrete wall with razor wire all over it that fateful day when I watched Kill Bill. :p
15357 said:

My mental health took a sharp dive into a concrete wall with razor wire all over it that fateful day when I watched Kill Bill. :p

See? Kill Bill is healthy for the soul
Skaadi said:
I thought it was weird that they used Chinese actors with no Japanese consultants on the set, and the kimonos were worn they way they were on dead people. They should have made more of an effort. Plus I felt like bitching.
Yeah, I figured that they would screw up foreign customs like in most Americanized movies. I just don't know enough about it myself to complain. Bleh. :hmph:
Throne of Blood : 8/10

Great film. Most impressive scenes were the ones with the trees moving and Washizu's death scene. Oh my god, that scene alone is more impressive than King Kong because A) Its real. B) How in the world did they do that back in 1957?
Mrs. Doubtfire - 9/10 - Funny as hell. Robin Williams rocks!
Reaktor4 said:
taxi driver 0.002/10

Heh, so true. Pretentious movie.

Blade trilogy

- as a set of films 5/10
- as a large quantity of asskickery 10/10
The Skeleton Key - 6/10

Too many damn stupid horror movie cliches. Ending was somewhat obvious with regard to who the bad guys were.

Kate Hudson is hellishly sexy though and there's a topless scene from behind with some side-breast.

6.5/10 just for Kate Hudson.
King Kong - 9,5/10

A really fantastic movie, and for once the special effects (or CGI) are really good-looking and not that fake crap like in the new Star Wars movies (except Episode 1). Kong looked really natural, his animations was truly wonderful made.
And the movie didn't really felt like 3 hours long, because I had so much fun watching it so the time just went by flying.
Definitely the best movie I've seen this year. Easily.
Spy Kids 2 -94042846328548235482365483254825482354/10

OMFG, I can not believe that I watched it and I'm still alive/sane.

(I had to watch it with my cousin.... I had nothing else to do than look at the screen.)

I fell ashamed. I should have slept or something than exposing my brain to such horrendous torture.
Infernal Affairs - 9/10.

One of the few good movies/thrillers I've seen recently. Will be picking up Infernal Affairs 2 tomorrow.

Also, Martin Scorcesse is remaking Infernal Affairs; casting is great, Matt Damon, Leonardi Di Carprio, Alec Baldwin etc.
The 40-year old Virgin - 6/10

Although it was really quite good and pretty damn funny, it let itself down with the overpowering cliches.

I don't think I'd buy it, but I'd watch it again.
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
National Treasure, 8/10
...oh. Oh dear god. No. Just get out. Now.

Fun with Dick and Jane
Just another of Jim Carrey's cookie-cutted comedies (Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty). The whole anti-Enron thing was awesome, though, and some of it was funny. It kind of gave me a ignorant middle-class feeling, though. :(
Playmate of the Apes - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Spiderbabe - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Lord of the G-Strings - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Roxanne - 7/10, Misty Mundae = hawtest in this one.
March of the Penguins ...fascinating enjoyable but sad ...I will never complain about being tired as a father again (you'll know why if you've seen the movie)
xlucidx said:
Playmate of the Apes - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Spiderbabe - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Lord of the G-Strings - 5/10, Misty Mundae = hawt.
Roxanne - 7/10, Misty Mundae = hawtest in this one.

Dude :|.
The Forgotten - 5/10
The first hour was great, but what happened on the last 20 mins ?
It felt like the director had something incredible on his mind while writing the plot, but he seems to have forgotten to make a great movie while writing the last 20 mins. maybe screwing his whife was more entertaining than making a great film :I

The Longest Yard - 7/10
Not Adam Sandlers best or funniest movie, he was a more serious/regular character in this one, not that stupid retarded idiot as in almost any other film. But I'd call this a great Adam Sandler movie ;>
Commando - 10/10

This has to be the worst film ever made. Therefore it is the best film ever made. Make sense? Didn't think so.

Such cheesy one-liners, horrible plot holes, a fat, Freddie Mercury look-a-like as the villain. Sheer genius.
The Emperor's New Groove.

10x234527342384623749x23472358073478 cubed/10.
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