Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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its kay. 7/10 fights are great but thats about it
The Land Before Time - 9/10... Cute children's movie, watched it with my little cousin.

Batman Returns - 8/10... Michael Keaton owns as Batman, Tim Burton is a living God.
Cormeh said:
Freddie Mercury look-a-like as the villain. Sheer genius.

Does he jump up onto tables to deliver stirring renditions of 'I want to break free'?
Sulkdodds said:
Does he jump up onto tables to deliver stirring renditions of 'I want to break free'?
Of course! Then he rips off his chain mail vest to finish with the rousing chorus from "Barcelona".

Then Arnie rips him in half like a phone book.
Queen of the Damned

Interesting story, awesome soundtrack, nice acting... But it feels a little on the low-budget/half-assed side.

The In-Laws(Michael Douglas one)
Thought it was very funny, and smart.
Appleseed - 5/10

Meh. Nice animation, could be better. Cliched to bits though.
Samon said:
Lost in Translation - 9/10

W00t! My favourite movie and Scarlett Johansson = hawt.

The Royal Tennebaums - 9/10. I was suprised by how much I laughed all the way though, great cast too. Anyone seen Rushmore? How does this compare to Royal Tennebaums?
The Big Lebowski - 8/10

I'm not quite sure what all the fuss was about, but entertaining none the less.

THe Wrong Trousers - 10/10

Aye. Kid's animation about a man and his dog. Absolute genius though.
The Ringer

I went into this movie (forced by my girlfriend's friends, it was either this or Rumor Has It or The Family Stone :x) thinking that it would make me feel terrible, but might have some funny scenes which do not have to do with mocking the mentally challenged.

I was wrong. It didn't just mock handicapped people, but it also had hardly any funny parts at all. I could tell they were trying to be funny, but they weren't. There was one funny scene. That's all. And its about 10 seconds long.

Typical comedy, too. Something bad happens, sets up for the main character to do something questionable, there is a crazy sidekick guy, the main character learns his lesson, the bad thing is resolved, and then he gets the girl. Gah.

After I got out, I realized that Johnny Knoxville was the guy from Jackass, and I only felt worse for giving him my money. :(
Harryz said:
W00t! My favourite movie and Scarlett Johansson = hawt.

The Royal Tennebaums - 9/10. I was suprised by how much I laughed all the way though, great cast too. Anyone seen Rushmore? How does this compare to Royal Tennebaums?

rushmore is more subdued but entertaining nonetheless ...it's better written but isnt as funny. Great movie, give it a chance ..cant recommend his other film: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. It was ok but fell flat in certain areas

saw 40yr old Virgin the other day ...I had some of his toys growing up, like that same aquaman he sold for $1000 ;(

good movie, a little cliche but had some funny parts
Harryz said:
W00t! My favourite movie and Scarlett Johansson = hawt.

The Royal Tennebaums - 9/10. I was suprised by how much I laughed all the way though, great cast too. Anyone seen Rushmore? How does this compare to Royal Tennebaums?

Meh, I think Rushmore is one of the most overrated movies ever. Life Aquatic and Royal Tennenbaums are his best though.
And then theres me, who was drawn in by Life Aquatic, but never could get all that into Rushmore or Tennebaums.
Falling Down - 9/10

Land of the Dead Unrated Director's Cut 9/10 (Jesus ****ing christ this edition of the movie is gorier than the original, goriest movie I've ever seen probably.)

The Exorcism of Emily Rose Unrated 9/10 ( Love it... It's so creepy and intelligent... the exorcism scene was... really... really... ****ed up.)

The Grudge - 2/10 (Not. even. scary.)
Watched it a while ago but
About Shit, er About Schmit
Land of the Dead - 2/10

Complete shite. Silly, boring, not scary or funny (any Zombie movie should at least be one of these), poorly acted and directed, with a ridiculous plot. An insult to my senses. Not even good in a 'so bad it's good' kind of way.

It would have gotten 1/10, but the kid in me enjoyed the gore.
I've had time to review my review of Land of The Dead and think I was being a little unfair.

Every Zombie movie is gory, it deserves no credit for the gore!

1/10 - infact, 0/10 (-1 for the forced social/political message)

It ranks along side Spawn as the worst movie to come out in years, possibly ever. Infact, I watched Fortress 2 straight afterwards on the sci-fi channel (crap film with Chritopher Lambert) and it seemed rather good in comparison. That gets 3/10.
Grandmas boy 9.5/10

funniest shit since the wedding crashers...laughed my ass off
Fantastic 4

7/10, It worthwhile to watch... but, everything was way overused in the movie, the plot is overused, etc.
The temperature of the sun is 5880 Kelvin btw, and thats only the outer core ;P. Get the science right, or don't do it at all.
Narnia 7.5/10

It was a good movie, better than most, but it lacked something.

And perhaps its my 'insane view of societal nessecities', but edmund was right. the faun was a criminal. Also, aslan should have stayed dead, that ****. And the evil traitor's army were wearing RED! THEY WERE COMMIES!
The Downfall - German film, with english subtitles... it depicts the last few days of Hitlers life in hsi bunker and the desertion aswell as loyalty he had at the time, aswell as his apparent madness. It's pretty depressing, lots of suicide and death, but its superbly acted and raelly gripping and interesting. The second best foreign film i've ever seen, no, infact its as good as City of God imo. It's just allot more depressing.
Fliko said:
Fantastic 4

7/10, It worthwhile to watch... but, everything was way overused in the movie, the plot is overused, etc.
The temperature of the sun is 5880 Kelvin btw, and thats only the outer core ;P. Get the science right, or don't do it at all.
I think comic book movies are exempt from science nitpicking, since the whole basis of the movie is unscientific. So you DON'T turn into a human fireball if you get irradiated?
Beijing Bicycle 5/10
Just something I decided to watch on SBS. It was one of those movies that just didnt make any sense. I've given it a 5 because it killed some time before bed.
Memento - 9/10. Top Banana.

Kong - first half 6/10, and -1 million for SKULL ISLAND. Second half, 10/10.
March of the penguins - 10/10
Absolutely amazing

Into the blue - 8/10
There's only one reason why the movie was entertaining and you know why...
xlucidx said:
What in God's name made you watch that? :x

What in god's name made him watch the first one?

2 of my friends fell asleep while watching The Fast and the Furious - I was about to comment on how crappy it was when I heard the snores.
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