Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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War of the Worlds..... I give it a 6.5 or a 7 out of 10.
American History X - 8.5/10... Shocking that there's kids at my school that are into this Nazi-ism shit.

Dogma - 7/10... Kinda've funny, I'd probably like it more uncensored.

Sky Captain & The World of Tommorow - 7.5/10... Awesome special effects, just a bit boring imo.
Brandon Lee's Crow - 9/10. I recently rewatched it and forgot how awesome it is.
Underworld 2: 6/10

Hated the first one with a passion. For some reason, the way she opened doors bothers me. It's like every door anywhere is a double door, and when she comes in she always comes BURSTING through them. If that was my place, I'd be PISSED. Like "Hey! Stop slamming my shit against the walls! Those doors are 200 years old!" Yeah. So this one was better.
Sulkdodds said:
That film is so ****ing awesome. I mean, the sheer crazy mass of random ideas it packs in - like the pirate attack and the bit where they ransack Jeff Goldblum's base.

"Don't be nice to Jeff. He's my arch-nemesis."

"And also...I'm half-gay."
"Yeah...I hear we all are."

Great coming-of-age film.
Lost in Translation - 9/10

Great film. Love the whole pseudo-relationship those two have. Great great film.
Sparta said:
Lost in Translation - 9/10

I couldn't stand that movie; it was just too boring. Although, the stripper joint scene is kind of an inside joke between me and my friends. Especially the song.

:D :D :D

Terminator 2: 9.5/10. First movie I've seen that the sequal is better than the original.
Tigerland - 8.5/10

Picked it up from HMV on the weekend, a strangely powerful 'Nam era based film, based in a US Boot Camp, training for 'Nam

Shows well the violence in the Yankee military at the time, and the character interaction is sublime
Munich 10/10
Wow,what a powerful and thought provoking movie.
If you liked Spielberg's Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan,you'll enjoy this aswell.
TwwIX said:
Munich 10/10
Wow,what a powerful and thought provoking movie.
If you liked Spielberg's Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan,you'll enjoy this aswell.

Indeed. That was a powerful film. I expected as much with Spielberg as the director.
TwwIX said:
Munich 10/10
Wow,what a powerful and thought provoking movie.
If you liked Spielberg's Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan,you'll enjoy this aswell.
Totally agree with this, I was awed by the movie, especially the sheer brutality and humanity on display.

Getting ready to watch Tae Guk Gi (Brotherhood of War), I'll post my thoughts after
Hostel 2/10
Didn't really pay attention, I guess, but the movie wasn't that great. And I don't have really high standards when it comes to movies.
Qonfused said:
I couldn't stand that movie; it was just too boring. Although, the stripper joint scene is kind of an inside joke between me and my friends. Especially the song.

:D :D :D

Lost in Translation is pretty meh for me until the very end when the Jesus and Mary Chain song comes on. I suddenly love the movie.
Sparta said:
Lost in Translation - 9/10

Great film. Love the whole pseudo-relationship those two have. Great great film.

Tae Guk Gi (Brotherhood of War) - 9/10

Very well done Korean War movie told from the point of view of two brothers caught in the war fighting for the South. Lots of action, and feels very fresh, especially with the recent lack of Korean War films.

Glo-Boy said:
Monster's Ball 10/10
WTF!? I couldn;t stand that movie. It wasn;t even worth seeing Halle Berry's tits. And that's saying something.
Why didn't you like it? I would call it one of the best movies I have ever seen.
Qonfused said:
I couldn't stand that movie; it was just too boring. Although, the stripper joint scene is kind of an inside joke between me and my friends. Especially the song.
Yeah i had a laugh at that part too. I was surprised too at that scene considering the movie is PG and not M (PG 13+ in Australia).

Its a movie about the characters, not about what happens. Kinda like Sideways in that aspect.
Nine Souls. 4/10

It was about 9 Japanese men who escaped from prision. I thought it was going to be a good enough movie and it was...... right up until this certain scene. All you need to know is that it involved some sheep :x :x :x :x
Harryz said:
Brandon Lee's Crow - 9/10. I recently rewatched it and forgot how awesome it is.

God, That movie is so ****ing over-rated.
All of the goth kids at my school worship it.

It doesn't follow the graphic novels that well at all.

But what movie that's based on something else actually follows the source material straight on?


Ju-on - 7.5, Pretty creepy... but the whole gurgling ghost thing is cheesy.
When a Stranger Calls

Pretty good suspense, acting and script was shit. I thought ending was pretty good.

Glo-Boy said:
Why didn't you like it? I would call it one of the best movies I have ever seen.
I thought the pacing was horrible and that nothing really happened. And I'm not a guy who cares about action or anything, but I would like some sort of story, and I didn;t feel the movie had one at all. At least nothing worthy of making into a movie.

And Billy Bob naked is a big turn-off. :x
I got the DOOM DVD yesterday so:


Sure, they could have done a better job but it's DOOM!! Some of the FPS sequence sucked but other parts were really cool. I hope they make a second one that goes into more detail about Hell. That would rock.
satch919 said:
Sure, they could have done a better job but it's DOOM!! .

That may be why it sucked :P

I thought the Doom movie was atrocious. I give it...4/10.
I finally got a chance to watch Hotel Rwanda. I can't believe it wasn't even nominated for Best Picture... and didn't pick up any Oscars. It's an incredible film. It's the kind of movie that makes you want to protest something or go into politics. IMO, it's at least a 9/10.
Icarusintel said:
I thought the pacing was horrible and that nothing really happened. And I'm not a guy who cares about action or anything, but I would like some sort of story, and I didn;t feel the movie had one at all. At least nothing worthy of making into a movie.

And Billy Bob naked is a big turn-off. :x

I only like big action when it happens once or twice in a movie. I watched Monster's Ball only knowing that it was about scummy people, but I ended up being extremely involved with the characters, and the music I thought was perfect.

For example, when they are getting ready to put musgrove into the electric chair and they show all the steps it takes to prepare an inmate for death, it really shocked me and moved me. Normally you see just a grunged out, pissed off guy being led down to the chair, then he gets fried and shakes around all violently, but in monster's ball he was scared and quiet. They showed him packing all of his belongings, hyperventillating and not letting go of the bars of his cell, they showed him putting his diaper on over his underwear... How depressing is that? Then they gear him up and strap him down.. put the microphone up near him, and he says his final words. Then they drop the cloth over his eyes, and you see through his perspective. I nearly shit myself at that point. Then when he is being electrocuted, there are no big loud jolts of electricity or over the top shaking of the body, just the hum of the electricity, and he becomes rigid... very real. The whole movie was an intense and realistic vision.

I can see why some wouldn't like it but I was thoroughly moved by the whole experience. Although I loved American History X, personally, I feel it doesn't have a thing on Monster's Ball.

EDIT: Oh, and Billy Bob naked wasn't a turn on... but it wasn't supposed to be (even if you're gay). In fact, Halle Barry's character getting naked wasn't even that much of a turn on because it was such a realistic scene that added value and worth to the movie unlike most sex scenes.
Sparta said:
Lost in Translation - 9/10

Great film. Love the whole pseudo-relationship those two have. Great great film.

Quoted for truthism - one of the few movies I've seen that actually gets better with everytime I watch it.

Pay it Forward - 8.5/10. Thomas Newman did a brilliant job with the soundtrack once again, and besides, I have a soft spot for Helen Hunt.
Leon The Professional - 8.5/10

Great film. Really liked Natalie Portman in it, great job at 11 years old. Really loathed Gary Oldman in it. ****ing creepy. Awesome actor. And Jean Reno as the reclusive Leon was fantastic as well. Great film all round. Only wish, is that Gary Oldman got to talk to Jean Reno a bit more. Other than that, awesome film.

Requiem For A Dream - 9.5/10

Man is this movie powerful. Especially the last half hour of the film. Its just like being punched in the guts repeatedly and with growing force. And then the last scene.....:| :( ;( :x

The film is a paradox. Its brilliant and i want to watch it again, but i don't want to :(. Damn it for being so well made.
Tremors 2: Aftershocks 8/10

Heh, and oldie but a goodie.
Wedding Crashers - 8.5/10, Damn funny movie... Loved how they squeezed Will Ferrell into the mix at the end.

Hide & Seek - 7/10, Nice performances by Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning... whom is certainly one of the most talented young actresses I've seen in quite some time. I can see her going places with her acting abilities.
Munich - 8/10

Dakota Fanning... whom is certainly one of the most talented young actresses I've seen in quite some time. I can see her going places with her acting abilities.
Unless she grows up fugly. That's the way it is in Hollywood.
i just watched matrix(not the first time) so matrix: 10/10. My favorite movie.
someone402 said:
i just watched matrix(not the first time) so matrix: 10/10. My favorite movie.
It is a damned good movie. My memory of it will forever be tarnished by the horrid sequels though.
I didn't really enjoy the first Matrix that much, yeah it was good but it wasn't that good, and never understood the hype...just didn't interest me. And my interest hit 0 when the sequels came around...

Watched 'The Fugitive' the other night. Love that film, totally awesome: 8.8/10
Kung Fu Hustle on DVD - A million out of ten. Most fun film ever.

(I watched it in Chinese with the English subtitles, with the English voiceovers it gets minus a million out of ten)

edit: Actually, it only gets nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight out of ten because the ending sucked.
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