Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Mrs. Doubtfire - 8/10 - Great movie. Some good laughs and Robin Williams is great in it :)
The Pink Panther (2006) - 3/10

Some laughs, but mostly complete and utter shit.
La Femme Nikita - 8/10. Not as good as Leon, but still pretty damn good.
Harryz said:
Yeah, my friend lent me Azumi some weeks back, haven't had time to watch it yet.

Cube - 7/10. I personally thought the ending was weak.
Cube's a brilliant film. I just got the Cube/2/Zero boxset recently, actually. While Cube 2: Hypercube is a big dissapointment, you should watch Cube Zero as it expands on the reasons for their incarceration, and also explores the people that 'monitor' the cubes.

Harryz said:
La Femme Nikita - 8/10. Not as good as Leon, but still pretty damn good.
Assuming it's Besson's movie 'Nikita', and not the rubbish spinoff series (I'd guess not, as this is a film thread), you just named my favourite movie of all time. Jean Reno's cameo as the bumbling, clumsy assassin is really great to see considering he went on to make Leon with Besson, heh.
Paradise Now: 8.5/10

I made a thread about it and no one cared! I assume because its a small film and it does not enjoy the wide release of more popular films. Its an extremely interesing look at the minds of two Palestinian youths after they are told that the folowing day they are to be suicide bombers to help promote their cause and revolt against the Israeli occupation of their land. Very powerful stuff.
Heat - 9.5/10

Not the first time I've wathed it and for sure not the last, this movie is just brilliant, best cast ever, powerful effects and well it's one of the greatest movies of it's kind.
Not to mention the bank robbery scene which is just to damn powerful.
Date Movie - 2.5/10...

I've seen worse, much worse...

Although I can't give an accurate review as I got stuck with a group of 12year old kids laughing at every single scene.

So I ended up walking out about 30 minutes into the movie.

The Napoleon Dynamite scenes gave me a slight chuckle, but that's it.
Brokeback Mountain 9/10

It wasnt really what I expected but a powerful film nonetheless. A point lost for the depressing bits.
Dawn of the Dead (Remake). Best zombie flick I've seen in ages, parts with comedy work, parts with emotion are actually emotional...and the characters are worth caring for. 9/10

But the ending, oh god how depressing is it (if you watched the credits, that is)
Heat - 7/10

Not a bad film, but not as good as everyone made it out to be. It kinda wanders for the first hour or so, and then it finds its plot. Al Pacino goes from great acting to terrible acting at the drop of a hat (cause she's got a.........GREAT ASS!!!). Robert De Niro was fantastic though.
Ren.182 said:
The Boondock Saints - 8/10 - teh awesome.

Great movie, I think they're making a sequel too.

The Shining - 9/10. I see where few of Family Guys jokes come from now. Brillaint movie though.
Barton Fink - one of the few Coen brothers movies I hadn't seen, and one of their best :) 9/10
Munich - 9/10 Saw it in theaters, but just rewatched a bootleg copy... what a powerful film with a real message. Speilberg at the top of his game. Had the only death in a movie I've cringed at in a long time - when the one woman gets killed. That whole scene just made me cringe.
Jarhead - 8/10 - The ending made it seem as if that during the whole movie absolutely nothing happened...even though it did. Apart from that it was good, especially the inclusion of a Nirvana song.
Night Watch - 8/10

The rest of the trilogy should be interesting.
Icarusintel said:
Munich - 9/10 Saw it in theaters, but just rewatched a bootleg copy... what a powerful film with a real message. Speilberg at the top of his game. Had the only death in a movie I've cringed at in a long time - when the one woman gets killed. That whole scene just made me cringe.

Yeah that part was thorougly violent.
Elizabethtown - 9/10. I really enjoyed it and it has a pretty good soundtrack too; its quite similar to Garden State.
Enjoy it. :)

Madagascar - 7/10 - Not a bad movie, had a few laughs. Pretty graphics :P

The Devils Rejects - 7/10 - Pretty cool movie with some nice gory scenes in it. Story wasn't the best but it was decent.
Taken DVD Collection - 10/10
- Love the series. Great story and characters.

The Aristocrats - 5/10
- Now I like sick humor but this just got ridiculous. A few parts are funny but the rest is just tedious.
Mean Creek - 7/10

Good film about a bunch of teenagers wanting to get revenge on a bully. Turns out the bullies kinda cool. And the film also turns out to be better than you'd think as well. Good stuff
Mulholland Falls 8/10-A somewhat cliched neo-noir, but very entertaining. Cinematography is awesome.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 9/10. Jack Nicholson is just brilliant.
The Boondock Saints

10/10 ****ing insane movie. Instantly one of my favorites.

Lord of War

9/10 Another great movie!
The Weather Man - 8/10 got boring for a few parts

Lord of War - 9.2/10 ****ing awesome movie, i highly recommend it for the violence lovers :D
Indiana Jones Trilogy - 11/10... Still my number one favorite movie trilogy of all time... FINALLY got the dvd.
Action, adventure, lovely ladies, giant boulders, hearts getting ripped out, Indiana Jones... What's not to like about it?!
xlucidx said:
Indiana Jones Trilogy - 11/10... Still my number one favorite movie trilogy of all time... FINALLY got the dvd.
Action, adventure, lovely ladies, giant boulders, hearts getting ripped out, Indiana Jones... What's not to like about it?!

Love Indiana Jones, you know they are making a 4th part right? Cant wait for it.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Love Indiana Jones, you know they are making a 4th part right? Cant wait for it.

I have extremely low expectations for the 4th one... I hope they scrap it personally.

Harrison Ford is way too old to be doing all of the crazy shit he used to do in the Indy movies.

And don't even talk about Sean Connery, that man's pushing 70 isn't he?
I would be worried, but its being handled by good people and whenever Ford has talked about it he's always very down to earth and honest about what they expect and hope to do.
xlucidx said:
Indiana Jones Trilogy - 11/10... Still my number one favorite movie trilogy of all time... FINALLY got the dvd.
Action, adventure, lovely ladies, giant boulders, hearts getting ripped out, Indiana Jones... What's not to like about it?!
faces melting!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 2/10 - Absolutely horrible. Such a disgrace to the original it was painful to watch. Johnny Depp made everything seem so strained and unnatural.
xombine said:
faces melting!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 2/10 - Absolutely horrible. Such a disgrace to the original it was painful to watch. Johnny Depp made everything seem so strained and unnatural.

Heh, Read the book and you'd probably rate it an 8/10... unless you already did...

Amityville Horror(2005) - 7/10... I'm easily scared so, it really got my blood pumping... but it really only shared a few scenes from the original, other than that it was a standard remake.
Acting was pretty good...
Behind Enemy Lines - 8/10 - I loved it, I don't know why, but I just thought it was an awesome movie.
Match Point - 8/10

Great film. A little too long, but other than that its really good. Johnathan Rhys-Meyers shits me though. But Scarlett Johannson balances that out.
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