Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Silverado - 8.5/10... an all-star cast Western, gotta love it. Kevin Costner's performance was hysterical.
Action packed to boot.
Pink floyd- The wall: 6/10
The movie is alright, but I think the album is way better. The animated bits could have been... well, animated better. That, and some bits seemed just to be thrown in randomly... or at least, they did when I watched it, but seem to make sense now that I've thought about it some. Maybe it deserves a higher rating then, since it makes you think... meh.
The Pink Panther (2006) - 1/10

Absolute crap. Steve Martin should stick to Father of the Bride movies. You can see the difference in acting ability compared to Peter Sellers. Sellers believed that he WAS this character, but Martin just sticks on some stupid accent.

The only good bit was the part from the trailer where he falls through the floor, then stands up and says "we need fresh towels in room 204" or something similar.
Yeah its a stupid casting descision tbh, Steve Martin can barely act, let alone compare to Sellers. They spit on the series and im sure Sellers is turning in his grave.
Jurrasic Park - 9/10 - Awesome movie. Loved this as a kid... still do. A classic.
The Punisher 9/10

Way underrated, finally a film that doesn`t rely on CG effects to make it interesting.
Sure, it changes a few things from the comic, but it suceeds in doing it.
Excellent movie that shows the origins of the Punisher, can`t wait for The Punisher 2:Warzone.
Lord of War 10/10.

Great flick. The opening was very well done and interesting. Nicholas Cage played his character wonderfully. Two thumbs up from me. :)
stemot said:
The Punisher 9/10

Way underrated, finally a film that doesn`t rely on CG effects to make it interesting.
Sure, it changes a few things from the comic, but it suceeds in doing it.
Excellent movie that shows the origins of the Punisher, can`t wait for The Punisher 2:Warzone.

Ehhh...it was too changed from the comic. The whole scene at the family reunion...WOW. That and the Russian fight are probably the best scenes in the whole movie. Everything else was pretty mediocore.
Walk the Line - 8/10

Good film, a bit too long in my opinion though.
The Hills Have Eyes - 8/10

Whoa. Just whoa. Was great for a horror flick, but so many jumpy moments. Pretty good though.
DeusExMachina said:
Jarhead 9/10

The Full Metal Jacket of our generation.

Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that statement to the fullest extent possible.
Glo-Boy said:
Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that statement to the fullest extent possible.
Seconded, but it was a good movie nonetheless.

It just doesn't come close to the impact that FMJ had though.
Hostel - 4/10

How did Eli Roth ever get to be a director? How?
Also, there is absolutely no point to this film. Nothing.
Impromptu 1/10.

Had some pretty girls dressed in 18th century attire. That's it.

Historically innaccurate, vainly tries to be funny, and the central plot is an underdevelopped romance.

Remind me never to rent a romance again, even if it's about my favorite composers.
DeusExMachina said:
Ehhh...it was too changed from the comic. The whole scene at the family reunion...WOW. That and the Russian fight are probably the best scenes in the whole movie. Everything else was pretty mediocore.

You picked out action scenes, the rest of it was needed character development to show how he came to being the Punisher, and the only things changed from the comic where the location (Tampa not New York, doesn`t matter, New York is the locale for the sequel) and the mothed of how his family was killed (the movie was much more exciting than the comic book version would have been anyway), the rest was faithful to the comics (The Fight with the Russian, the apartment and it`s Neighbours, Harry Heck etc).

Oh, and the best scene was the end, when he storms Saints building, what the whole movie had been biulding up to.

Far better than Marvels other ecent superhero film Fantatsic Four which tried the character development thing and just turned out boring.


Bubba Ho-Tep 7.5/10

Bruce Cambell makes an appearance in another b-movie, this time about Elvis being alive and well as an OAP in a residential home where it`s inhabitants are being killed off by an ancient mummy with a graffiti problem.

Not up to Bruces best efforts of the Evil Dead films, it was nevertheless good to see him doing what he does best again, and boy can he pull off Elvis.

The movie doesn`t really go anywhere, and is quite a bit silly, but it`s a fun decent movie that`ll have you laughing with some brilliant Bruce Cambell one liners.

Good Film.
Yeah, Bubba Ho-Tep is cool and boasts perhaps the best theme tune ever...but they could have done a whole lot more with it. It's quite insubstantial. Strangely enough, the quiet introspective 'I've wasted my life' bits where nothing was happening were by far the best, whereas the kerrr-azy spoof or horror/action bits weren't brilliant.
Snakes on a Plane 20/10

Samuel L Jackson is insane in this movie.
Fight Club 10/10

I barely watched it like last week for the first time. GREAT twist, loved the whole feel of the movie.
Finding Nemo 9,5/10 - One of my favourite Pixar movies, even though the story isn't the best I love it because of the "characters" and the humour. Just love it.

The Incredibles 9/10 - Saw it for the first time now and it was damn good I must say. I needed to see it because my brother praised it so much. :)
The Life Aquatic - 3/10... BORING... had a couple funny moments.
xlucidx said:
The Life Aquatic - 3/10... BORING... had a couple funny moments.
I thought it was worth about a 7/10, but I guess it really has to be your style to enjoy it.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 9.1/10. Shane Black's directoral debut and what a way to start it. I really recommend it, some hilarious scenes.
V for Vendetta - 10/10 ****ing GREAT movie Saw it on imax also!
V for Vendetta - 9.5/10

Awesome film but glorifies terrorism in the name of Guy Fawkes.

And I think the censors edited it before they showed it here, there were some small but noticeable stops and skips in some scenes.
V for Vendetta 10/10. Excellent movie.
A few hours after I got home I watched Lord of War, also an excellent movie, 10/10
xlucidx said:
The Life Aquatic - 3/10... BORING... had a couple funny moments.
You have no soul. Easily a 9.5/10.

V For Vendetta - 8/10
Some parts were just a bit too over-the-top in a movie I otherwise whole-heartedly enjoyed. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving were excellent. I also enjoyed the guy who played the head inspector.

The Hills Have Eyes - 8/10
While I like Alexandre Aja's second movie (I absolutely loved Haute Tension up to the end) I thought that he could have done a better job with the suspense. The gore was absolutely amazing, I can;t wait to see the Director's Cut for the extra bit. I thought the acting was ok for the most part and better than the typical horror movie fare. Overall a decent horror film with a good deal of suspense.
16 Blocks - 6.75/10. Decent movie and Mos Def acts pretty well, but it's just only DECENT and no more.
The Green Mile - 10/10

I had forgotten how great this movie really was. The characters were all fantastic.
Following trend.

V for Vendetta - Possibly the best movie I've ever seen/10.
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