Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Eyes Wide Shut- 8/10

Kubricks last film, i really enjoyed this, well maybe enjoyed isnt the best word but it kept me engrossed the whole 3 or so hours, great performances i felt from Cruise and Kidman particurly their early confession scene. The sections in the 'cult' mansion were mesmorizing in a very slow, eerie kind of way, maybe a tad too long and 'artsy' for some peeps but f**k that tbph..if you looked very deeply into it you could describe it as a commentary on women in society, particurly the upper class but maybe thats too far...
Phone Booth - 8.25/10

You wouldn't think that 1 hour 20 mins of a guy standing in a phone booth would be fun to watch. Very good movie.
Princess Monoke - 8.5/10...

I normally loathe anime... but this was pretty entertaining... those white bobblehead things are teh pwn.
V for Vendetta - 9.3/10

Apocalypse Now (New Redux) - 9.7/10

The Deer Hunter - 8.7/10
Proof 9/10

One of the only Aussie films I've ever seen worth watching.
V for Vendetta - 8.5/10

Pretty good... made me go out and buy the graphic novels.

Master & Commander - 8.5/10

Very good, big fan of Russel Crowe flicks.
Sulkdodds said:
Now buy everything by Alan Moore.

Watchmen, Miracleman, The Killing Joke, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, Promethea, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing

Just a small little list to get you started :). For Swamp Thing, make sure you get the issues he did. Matter of fact, get the ones that come after his run too, the comic becomes great during and after Moore.
Doom - 7/10...

Decent action flick, the cheesetastic hand-to-hand combat ending made me turn it off right away. D:
Sure, it took a shit on the game... but it wiped too... Pinky looked pretty badass, except he had wheels instead of mechanical legs... the chainsaw thing was a nice touch...

But overall, it would've been SO much better it hell had taken over the facility...
It'd be a psychological horror too then... and that's what Doom is really...

Ice Age - 8.2/10...

I always love a good CGI movie.
Never EVER thought of DOOM as psychological horror really....it was more about hordes of monsters ripping people apart. I mean the series goes back to before there were even shadows in games. You'd walk into a room and all the monsters are standing right there in the room.
Direwolf said:
Never EVER thought of DOOM as psychological horror really....it was more about hordes of monsters ripping people apart. I mean the series goes back to before there were even shadows in games. You'd walk into a room and all the monsters are standing right there in the room.

Meh, Kinda've meant Doom 3. :X
Snakes on a Plane - 10/10

Titanic - 8.7/10...

Beautiful movie... Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely a pretty good actor.
Kate Winslet is beautiful and a great actress... everyone else also put on a great performance too.
Loved the musical score aswell.

Seed of Chucky - 6.8/10...

Meh, It was a little funny at some points... nothing too memorable really.
The gore level was pretty comical too.
The New World - 9/10
Definitely not for everyone, but I found it to be an absolutely beautiful movie. The music was especially superb. The framing of each shot was just so deliberate. I like the fact that this wasn;t a big action movie, and while the story was simple, the way it was told kept me captivated.
Icarusintel said:
The New World - 9/10
Definitely not for everyone, but I found it to be an absolutely beautiful movie. The music was especially superb. The framing of each shot was just so deliberate. I like the fact that this wasn;t a big action movie, and while the story was simple, the way it was told kept me captivated.

100% agreed.

V for Vendetta - 7/10
Man on the Moon - 8.5/10
Majestic - 8.5/10
The Insider - 9/10
the last few movies i've seen:

the hills have eyes (2006) : 6.5/10
v for vendetta : 3/10
inside man : 8/10
hostel : 5/10

yeah, v for vendetta was quite possibly the worst film i've seen in a long, long while. don't waste your time.
Syriana: 6.5/10
Interesting but confusing as hell, and I've forgotten half of it.

hokai said:
yeah, v for vendetta was quite possibly the worst film i've seen in a long, long while. don't waste your time.
How'd you figure that?
Sulkdodds said:
How'd you figure that?

It just seemed very disjointed, and parts of the plot weren't explained very well. Also there was no real sense of time within the movie; for example, when Evey was supposedly away from 'V' and his hideout for a year - when she returned there was just no real perspective on the timescale. It seemed more like five minutes had passed.

Plus the whole totalitarian government theme just wasn't really that scary. I don't think enough was done to demonstrate the oppression the public suffered.

And don't mention the overuse of the word 'bollocks' in very, very British accents... :rolleyes:
V for Vendetta 7/10 - Was a bit heavy handed on the politics and perhaps a bit nonsensical that any of it could ever happen in the UK, or even in the UK that it represented (right from the beginning the entire public seems to despise their government anyway). Nonetheless rather good fun.
Aliens - 10/10 - Went back and watched it for nostalgia's sake on the weekend. Just realised how many great quotes there are in it...."They are coming outta the god damn walls!!!" "Get away from her you bitch!" and, of course "Game over man! Game over!"
Darksabre said:
Aliens - 10/10 - Went back and watched it for nostalgia's sake on the weekend. Just realised how many great quotes there are in it...."They are coming outta the god damn walls!!!" "Get away from her you bitch!" and, of course "Game over man! Game over!"


Hicks, avec shotgun: 'I like to keep this handy for close encounters'
King Kong - DVD - 8.9/10

Meh, the second disc has some lengthy making-ofs, and sight seeing...
The menus are pretty spiffy...
The picture quality is utter seckz on my newly acquired 42" Samsung HDTV.(Yes, I spent all of my money on a new TV instead of computer peripherals, sue me.)

But I'm sure in a month there's going to be a 4 disc extended edition with 12 hours of bonus features and featurettes.... >.>
hokai said:

It just seemed very disjointed, and parts of the plot weren't explained very well. Also there was no real sense of time within the movie; for example, when Evey was supposedly away from 'V' and his hideout for a year - when she returned there was just no real perspective on the timescale. It seemed more like five minutes had passed.

Plus the whole totalitarian government theme just wasn't really that scary. I don't think enough was done to demonstrate the oppression the public suffered.

And don't mention the overuse of the word 'bollocks' in very, very British accents... :rolleyes:

Uh.... it shows that V is a terrorist... and that the LEGIMATE goverment and the society of Britain fractured because of him... and his hate-mongering.

Hence the reason for lack of oppression.

And "Ideas can't be killed by bullets!" :laugh:. Perhaps, but the carriers of ideas can be killed by bullets, beaten with sticks and made to lose that idea, which is very easy to do.
Brokeback mountain

Excellent film, well acted, nuanced. Very touching.
15357 said:
And "Ideas can't be killed by bullets!" :laugh:. Perhaps, but the carriers of ideas can be killed by bullets, beaten with sticks and made to lose that idea, which is very easy to do.

No, that would just be assault and battery. If you want to kill an idea, read the 1984 and focus on the end interrogation. That's how you kill an idea.

The Inside Man - 8/10

Thoroughly enjoyable bank heist thriller that captures you from the first frame till the last. A little far-fetched at times, but still great fun.
Sparta said:
No, that would just be assault and battery. If you want to kill an idea, read the 1984 and focus on the end interrogation. That's how you kill an idea.

The Inside Man - 8/10

Thoroughly enjoyable bank heist thriller that captures you from the first frame till the last. A little far-fetched at times, but still great fun.

You aren't getting me. I'm saying: "No man, No idea."
Direwolf said:
Too bad he keeps making awesome movies then. :D
Debatable. Lords of the Rings movies were great. But before them, he hasn't really done anything more than one or two pretty good films. And King Kong......ehhh. Good film, no means an awesome film though.

Office Space - 7/10

Funny film. Loved the parts where he just doesnt give a shit. And Milton. Everyone loves Milton.

15357 said:
You aren't getting me. I'm saying: "No man, No idea."
Not really. Sure the person with the idea is dead, but the idea will always linger. Look at Che Guevara.
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