Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Raziel-Jcd said:
Running Scared 9/10

Wow. Who ever thinks Paul Walker cant act should watch this movie. oh and believe me i was one of the people who hated Paul Walkers acting. After watching this tho it changed my mind. This guy might become something really turned my opinion around in this movie.

Great story, great shots. Very impressed.

man you'll watch any over produced hollywood crap ...watch this movie, much better:

admittedly I only saw parts of it ..what I did see was overly stylised, cliched over the top action movie starring some b-movie actor

popcorn fare nothing more

edit: gotta love some of the reviews:

"The aesthetically derivative Kramer takes a misguided turn into Tony Scott territory with his latest."

"More like 'Running with Scissors.' A terrible, awful, hilarious misfire. Folks, a new camp classic is born."


The Omen (2006) - 4/10

A few cool deaths and Pete Postlethwaite don;t make up for some very shoddy "acting", a poorly derived script, cheap jump scares, and crappy direction.

And no, I haven;t seen the original, so I'm basing this as a movie unto itself.
Aladdin: 7/10. I like Musicals and I like Animation, so I recently figured I would like Disney though I have always gone out of my way to avoid it before now. Aladdin is quite fun but its plot moves too far too fast and everything is all a little kiddy simple with the straightforward good vs evil stance. The animation isn't intricate in the least, but otherwise it moves very fluidly. The songs and the Genie are excellent though :)
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2: 5/10 - Meh, too much song parts.
CptStern said:
admittedly I only saw parts of it ..what I did see was overly stylised, cliched over the top action movie starring some b-movie actor

popcorn fare nothing more

edit: gotta love some of the reviews:

"The aesthetically derivative Kramer takes a misguided turn into Tony Scott territory with his latest."

"More like 'Running with Scissors.' A terrible, awful, hilarious misfire. Folks, a new camp classic is born."



You listen to critics? People who seriously dont know what they are talking about 99.9% of the time. People who rate movies that they dont TRY to even understand or just rate a movie JUST because its based on a game. Silent Hill for example that idiot famous critic that said it was crap, you could tell in his sad review that he didnt even bother watching the movie. Its really sad because people listen to these idiots. Thats sad....Cant make your own opinion so you listen to some old geezer talk like he knows something.

Watch the movie then jugde it. Enough said.
Fahrenheit 9/11.


It was like watching the news. Really it was.

Satisfaction factor was aboot... 7 or 8 ish. Kinda meh, but kinda glad I watched it. Wish I had seen it when it came out.
I got a feeling that Micheal Moore toke things out of context, not saying that nothings true, but i don't realy like that guy.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
xmen III: 6,5/10
sawII: 7/10
oldboy : 3/10 turned that off after 75 minutes. what a complete crap movie
Man, you really should have stuck around for the ending of Oldboy if you thought Saw II was good.

No, really.


I'm not kidding.

This is how serious i am.

This is my serious face :|
Okay, I still have it lying on my table, staring at me. I'll watch the ending. Does it include more of the tooth-clawhammer action? :LOL:
Raziel-Jcd said:
You listen to critics? People who seriously dont know what they are talking about 99.9% of the time. People who rate movies that they dont TRY to even understand or just rate a movie JUST because its based on a game. Silent Hill for example that idiot famous critic that said it was crap, you could tell in his sad review that he didnt even bother watching the movie. Its really sad because people listen to these idiots. Thats sad....Cant make your own opinion so you listen to some old geezer talk like he knows something.

Watch the movie then jugde it. Enough said.

yes critics are worthless because:

a. most are journalists who happen to write about entertainment but understand things like the history of cinematography, art, popular culture etc

b. they have degrees in either journalism or the arts and as a prerequisite must understand the particular genre they're writing about and specifically where the movie he/she is reviewing fits into said genre

c. they fail to see that films specifically manufactured to appeal to a particular demographic (by having a bullet list of features (slow mo, stylistic fighting etc)) can be masterpieces of cinematography to rival the greats in cinema history

d. Most importantly critics are worthless because they dont happen to like the same movie you do
Personally, I often tend to agree with critics. Actually, it depends...newspaper critics are generally harsher than me, whereas movie magazine critics seem more lenient, so I guess I'm somewhere in between.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Okay, I still have it lying on my table, staring at me. I'll watch the ending. Does it include more of the tooth-clawhammer action? :LOL:
No, but it's one of the most satisfying endings i've ever seen. It'll make you want to watch the movie again, trust me.
A critic is a critic. They have an opinion, and deliver some good, much-deserved bashing from time to time.

King Kong - 9/10
Love it.

Lion King - 8/10
Due South Season 1 - 10/10. Anyone remember this? Paul Haggis's early work before Crash and Million Dollar Baby. Loved it, especially Victoria's secret.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
oldboy : 3/10 turned that off after 75 minutes. what a complete crap movie


Oldboy was 15/10 imo.
Night of the living dead 8/10 alittle cliched because of how old it was but that is the only problem really.
Okay, I watched the Oldboy ending, makes up for a lot of confusion. Beautiful cinematography, complex story but less shite than I first thought. And I noticed the music was very good.

numbers said:

Oldboy was 15/10 imo.
You're not just saying that because you're Korean right? ;)
Harryz said:
Due South Season 1 - 10/10. Anyone remember this? Paul Haggis's early work before Crash and Million Dollar Baby. Loved it, especially Victoria's secret.

Wow, I'd completely forgotten about that show. I used to watch it all the time when I was younger. Due South and Sliders were the only two shows I tuned in to watch as a child other than cartoons.
The Waterboy - 8/10 - Adam andler is a funny guy :D I enjoyed this :)
Xmen 3 : 6/10 They killed cyclops :frown:
Lion King : 10/10 Best movie evah!! Musta watched it a hundred times on DVD.
The Da Vinci Code : 7/10 Had some weak moments
Dominion : Prequel to the Exorcist - 0/10...
Low budget trash.

Exorcist : The Beginning - 6/10...
I was surprised, I actually liked this. o.o
It was creepy, and it certainly showed a bit more about Murrin's past life.
But if I were to watch it really hoping for an awesome Exorcist prequel, it would be utter shit tbh.
Waiting - 7.5/10
Was hilarious at times and slow at others, but definatly not a girlfriend movie.

Shaun of the Dead - 10/10
I still love it

16 Blocks - 8/10
Surprisingly good, although Mos Def's voice got annoying after awhile.
In nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti.

The Boondock Saints : Unrated Collector's Edition - 8.7/10...
A classic... the movie had everything; good morals, originality, great acting.

The few points deducted are merely because of the corny Willem Dafoe crime scenes.
That reminds me, Willem Dafoe and Jeff Goldblum would be ****ing orgasmic in a movie together. Oh man...totally perfect....

Anyway, I was watching a few Firefly episodes. 10/10 as always.
DeusExMachina said:
That reminds me, Willem Dafoe and Jeff Goldblum would be ****ing orgasmic in a movie together. Oh man...totally perfect....

Anyway, I was watching a few Firefly episodes. 10/10 as always.

Serenity 7/10
Great characters, decent story, special effects. I didn't like how the Reavers were presented, but the idea was good.
Lucky number slevin 8/10. It was awsome.
I didn't like 16 blocks alot thou. probably give that a 6/10
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - 6/10.

Eh.. entertaining, and a laugh with mates. But seriously, Dawn of the Dead (remake) style intro? Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 type family? Aphex Twin babies?

There was something else this film really reminded me of, but I forgot.

Still, guy with glasses went on a awesome rampage against those mutants.


What annoyed me is the fact that only 3 people actually die, and only one of them has a satisfying death, and thats he guy that gets burnt. The other two girls, yeah, blown across the room with a revolver and the other getting her head sprayed across the wall with the revolver was pretty cool, but I'd of preferred something more in the style of the mutants other than 'I HAVE A GUN NOW YOU DIE'

Although the wife did get eaten, natch.[/SPOILERS]
The order - 5/10 Beah what a waste of time that was. The most pointless, boring and predictable movie I've seen:sleep: . The only thing I liked was the techno soundtrack and that's about it.
TheBleeding said:
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - 6/10.

Eh.. entertaining, and a laugh with mates. But seriously, Dawn of the Dead (remake) style intro? Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 type family? Aphex Twin babies?

There was something else this film really reminded me of, but I forgot.

Its a remake of Wes Craven's 1977 movie.
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