Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Say Anything - 8.5/10. Great directoral debut from Cameron Crowe and a great soundtrack too.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - 7/10 - Was ok. Some nice cars and some action. Basically the same as the other films though. Guy races... loses... meets some people... races again... loses. Then builds a car from a wreakage and wins and gets the girl :p
TheSomeone said:
They're pretty obvious. All that stuff about God. Also in the commentaries the writer/director says that its, to him, very clearly a story about God and christianity.
Die Hard: With a Vengeance - 7/10

I love the Die Hard series, although 2 and 3 are lacking in comparison to the original. Here at least the formula is a little different. Rather than claustrophobic with a sense of nowhere to go, it flips the whole concept upside down.
It's crap that they could never implement "yipee ky-yay mother******" decently since number one too. Still bloody entertaining though.
Superman Returns 7/10

Not a bad movie. Though the twist made me lol.
DeusExMachina said:
I'd say it fits more into Deism than Christianity. The movie's pretty anti-religion.

Uh, are you kidding? Anti-catholicism maybe, but definetly not anti-religion. Richard Kelly says that it's almost a biblical story in the commentary, he's extremeley religious.

wanna brush up on the God part of the film though...i havent read all of this, but i think that the Christian religion is a big part of this film. In a sense, Donny Darko could be Jesus, and Frank his father. Frank tells him that hes basically going to die, just as Jesus is told he is going to die. And in the end, Donny sacrifices himself unselfishly for those he loves, just as Jesus sacrificied himself for those he loved. In a way, when Donny died, those that were affected from the tangent universe were overwhelmed with emotions, almost as if they knew what they had done in the other universe, and felt extreme guilt. In a way, the christian faith, its the same way, those that accept Christ are overwhelmed with their sins, but because Jesus died for them they have a second chance.

Donnie is learning the meaning of what the biblical writer John calls “the now and the not yet.” The Christian believer lives in the paradox of knowing that salvation (from the eternal consequences of sin) has already arrived and that salvation (from the sorrow of living in a fallen world) is still to come. The conflict will be resolved only when the believer sees Christ face to face—that is, on the believer’s mortal death. Chiefly loving the “now” will lead the Christian to try to turn this world into heaven, to seek happiness in the temporal. Living solely for the “not yet” sends the believer into exile, devoid of intimacy with God’s much-loved children, dreaming only of an escape hatch. Choosing to (try to) love both creates a holy neurosis that might be what Paul meant when he said, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Or what Jesus did when he laid down his life for his friends.
Superman Returns


Everything was awesome, but one thing bothers me. S-man's suit is bulletproof, fire proof, whatever proof, but a piece of kryptonite can poke through it no problem.
Yeah. That make sense.
DeusExMachina said:
His suit isn't whats everythingproof, its himself.

True, therefor if Super Man is caught in an explosion he should come out naked:cheese: .
Superman Returns

10/10 - Takes Superman on a much deeper level and truely shows how really fragile he actually is and can be easily lost without our help.
Not really a movie but i've just finished watching season one of Lost today.
And i must say it was a bloody awesome series. Dunno why i never got into it before! I'll be starting on the second series tonight...! Can't wait.
Ren.182 said:
Not really a movie but i've just finished watching season one of Lost today.
And i must say it was a bloody awesome series. Dunno why i never got into it before! I'll be starting on the second series tonight...! Can't wait.

Season 1 = pwn. Season 2 is kinda dragging on... few cool episodes so far, but yeah, kinda just want them to get to the point now :p

(minor spoilers ahead)

Oh, anyone who watched Lost through from the start (no big spoilers please), what happened to those big mechanical beasts or whatever that were knocking down trees and shit? Maybe I missed an episode, but at the start it was pretty much totally focussed on them, and then they just kinda got phased out without ever being explained. I know Locke saw one in an episode, but I don't think you ever actually got to see it, and he never really talked about it after. WTF?
Bad^Hat said:
Maybe I missed an episode, but at the start it was pretty much totally focussed on them, and then they just kinda got phased out without ever being explained.
You actually see one in Series 2 Episode 10 (The one where Ecko's past is revealed). You may even have seen it given that what it reveals is asking more questions than it answers :p
The Forgotten - 8/10 A good sci-fi thriller. Not completely original, it still is based on government conspiracies, but it managed to create an eerie atmosphere and immerse you into the story. I also like that it didn't use too many FX just for the hell of it like so many movies nowadays.
Superman Returns - 8.5/10

I really, really liked this film. But something didn;t exactly feel right. I can;t place my finger on it. It's certainly a very good film, and possibly the best Superman film. Certainly worth watching and it didn;t feel any more than 2 hours, which is a good thing.
Bliss 9/10

Great film, wished I'd seen it earlier though.
Lord of War - 8.5/ 10 Nicholas Cage is brilliant in this film.
Twelve Monkeys - 9/10.

Wow. Just... wow. I've had this film for a good 3/4 weeks now but I've had no time to watch it because of other DVD's (Hill Street Blues series 1, Firefly, etc) Finally got around to watch it last night... goddamn, man. Amazing? Yezzur. Brad Pitt was hilarious in it, great character. And I loved how everything slowly came together in the end, how it started making more sense. Deffo going to be watching this again soon.
TheBleeding said:
Twelve Monkeys - 9/10.

Wow. Just... wow. I've had this film for a good 3/4 weeks now but I've had no time to watch it because of other DVD's (Hill Street Blues series 1, Firefly, etc) Finally got around to watch it last night... goddamn, man. Amazing? Yezzur. Brad Pitt was hilarious in it, great character. And I loved how everything slowly came together in the end, how it started making more sense. Deffo going to be watching this again soon.

Yeah one of my favorite films. Did you know Brad Pitt wanted to quit at the last moment because he didn't like the silly psycho role but was forced by the contract?:cheese:
The only thing I didn't like was the sad ending why did he have to duy?:(
Samon said:
So you just spoiled it for me. Nice one.

No, see it's okay. He "duy(ed)" which, as we all know, is physically and grammatically impossible according to all known laws. So you don't actually know what happened.

Anyway, Superman Returns: 8.5/10

I really liked the movie. Not as much action as I expected, but what was there was really cool. The character development was really spiffy. Also, I saw it on the IMAX: 3D, and that was awesome. I thought the ending dragged on just a wee bit too much, but otherwise, I was happy.
Napoleon Dynamite - 2/10

I had heard a lot about this movie, it apparently has a cult following, is one of the most refreshing comedies of recent times blah blah blah.

I just didn't get it. I laughed a little when he threw an orange at his uncle and climbed the fence, but other than that I was just lost.
Get Out of Korea - 10/10

This film is mainly about invading, dominating, and then annexing Japan. It stirs up the nationalism in you.
Cormeh said:
Napoleon Dynamite - 2/10

I had heard a lot about this movie, it apparently has a cult following, is one of the most refreshing comedies of recent times blah blah blah.

I just didn't get it. I laughed a little when he threw an orange at his uncle and climbed the fence, but other than that I was just lost.


There are maybe one or two 'heh' moments but it's so overrated it's not even funny. :naughty:

15357 said:
Get Out of Korea - 10/10

This film is mainly about invading, dominating, and then annexing Japan. It stirs up the nationalism in you.

What? It was funny. Its not like it was propaganda or anything...
15357 said:
What? It was funny. Its not like it was propaganda or anything...

Oh, didn't know it was a comedy. Your post didn't hint at it either so I assumed it was a propaganda film.

Humor FTW! \o/
Sorry, Ennui, Waking Life was not available at my nearest movie rental store, but not to be displeased I rented out Donnie Darko. I didn't know what to expect from this movie, as I hadn't really much interest, and it took a bit for it to find its way into what kind of movie it was. Anyway, this was a mindtrip of a narrative following a paranoid shizophrenic suffering from delusions. I don't know what to think of this movie, but it touched me and it was deep. A 'makes you think' kind of movie, and I like that. It leaves multiple interpretations as to what everything really meant.

And after doing some reading on Wikipedia and clearing up my questions, this is a movie I recommend. 9.3/10
Lost Highway 8.5/10

Probably Lynch's most confusing film, it may not make much sense first time seeing it, but its certainly one hell of a trip.
SuperMan Returns 8.5/10

It was ok. To me more of a chick flick. I figured that there would be more action, but I guess I was mistaken.
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