Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Magnolia: 9.5/10

If there is anyone out there who is put off by Tom Cruise being one of the main stars in this film, don't be. Its probably his best performance ever. One of his first lines is "Respect the cock, and tame the c*nt". Really, he's awesome.

With that said this is an incredible movie, with so many plots running parallel at once that you'd think you'd get confused, but not at all. This film is utterly fantastic and one of the few films i recommend everyone should see.

Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Mans Chest. 7.5/10

A lot of fun but not as good as the original. Johnny Depp felt like more of a comic relief in this one compared to the cool anti-hero he was in the first one. He doesn't seem as heroic and for that the film suffers. Some fantastic action sequences and special effects really make this film worth seeing, and if you loved the first you can't go wrong with this.
Sparta said:
Magnolia: 9.5/10

If there is anyone out there who is put off by Tom Cruise being one of the main stars in this film, don't be. Its probably his best performance ever. One of his first lines is "Respect the cock, and tame the c*nt". Really, he's awesome.

With that said this is an incredible movie, with so many plots running parallel at once that you'd think you'd get confused, but not at all. This film is utterly fantastic and one of the few films i recommend everyone should see.
yeah cruise is awesome in this, some of his lines are hilarious.
jimbo118 said:
i think you mean jonathon rhys meyers. Rhys Davies is another actor. :)
Yup, I messed that one up... though I must say I prefer Rhys Davies, if only for some nostalgia factor
Took my girl on a date to see Little Man last night. It was funny, not as much I thought it would be though.
Indeed, but I would have liked it better if Arnold did Jack. Then he could rescue everyone from the titanic. And I did like it, but..... ugh i had to eat a kilo of coffee beans to stay awake.
I've seen Titanic too many times to count.

I stopped crying at the end after the 8th time n_n. I was proud of myself.

Love Liza 9/10
A man distraught over his wife's suicide begins sniffing gasoline to make it all go away...Very good movie. Philip Seymour Hoffman is the man as always.
The Opening Of Misty Beethoven (1976)

It's pornography. With a great story. And OLOLOLOLOL humor. Watch it. The sex may be a bit rough for today's standards, but the incredible LOLAGE inbetween makes up for it. The acting is very well done, too.

One of the best lines in the movie:
[After having travelled from New York to Rome]
Misty : "What's the main difference between New York and Rome?"
Seymour : "There aren't as many Italians in Rome."

Magnolia: 9.5/10

If there is anyone out there who is put off by Tom Cruise being one of the main stars in this film, don't be. Its probably his best performance ever. One of his first lines is "Respect the cock, and tame the c*nt". Really, he's awesome.

With that said this is an incredible movie, with so many plots running parallel at once that you'd think you'd get confused, but not at all. This film is utterly fantastic and one of the few films i recommend everyone should see.

QFT. Also, Julianne Moore = Vintage Bintage

Edward Scissorhands - 9/10
Superman Returns 2006. Not as good as the originals, but a good film, quite longer than most released these days around 2hrs. ok action scenes, yet it was let down by cheesy acting & some bad quality in the effects.
Silent Hill - 7/10
Superman Returns - 8/10
Requiem for a Dream - 10/10 (omfg.)
The Mummy Returns: 5/10

I wasn't in the mood for a generic adventure, but I watched it anyway. Big pile of stink.
Oldboy - 9.5/10

Twisted, engrossing, enthralling. Absolutely brilliant.
Superman Returns - 7/10 - Pretty decent tbh. Wish i could fly and do stuff like him D:
It wasn't supposed to have a conclusive end, though...that would have been silly. :p
I should rephrase that: I didn't feel sorry for Eric Bana's character. His life is ruined. Big whoop. Were we expected to be surprised?

Overall the movie doesn't tell us anything we can't already have guessed just from knowing from the subject matter and the director: Munich was bad; so was its aftermath; bloodshed begets bloodshed. Spielberg was preaching to the choir on this one.
School of Rock 7,5/10 nice, cute little movie. I love Jack Black playing the air guitar and pulling faces :D
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9.5/10

What a ****ing trip. This film is fantastic. I really can't describe it or compliment it as much as i would like to in this brief little run down, but what i must say, is go rent or buy this movie. Its fantastic.

Corpse Bride 7/10

Not bad, but i enjoyed Nightmare Before Christmas so much more than this. Its a good time-waster but not a film i'd recommend to friends. (Apparently Tim Burton is rumoured to be making Grim Fandango in this clay-motion style in the near future).
Apparently Tim Burton is rumoured to be making Grim Fandango in this clay-motion style in the near future.

:D :D :D

I hope you're right.

Speaking of which:

The Nightmare Before Christmas -- 9/10

One of the most unique films I've ever watched, classicly told to perfection. Humorous, demented, catchy, dark, creepy, tragic, and haunting, TNBC is definately one of those children's movies that can cater to mature audiences.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9.5/10

What a ****ing trip. This film is fantastic. I really can't describe it or compliment it as much as i would like to in this brief little run down, but what i must say, is go rent or buy this movie. Its fantastic.
I still love that movie to death. One of my favorites :D
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9.5/10

What a ****ing trip. This film is fantastic. I really can't describe it or compliment it as much as i would like to in this brief little run down, but what i must say, is go rent or buy this movie. Its fantastic.
Michael Gondry, who directed that has a new one coming out called The Science of Sleep. Looks absolutely fabulous amazing wonderful.

Check out the trailer for The Science of Sleep here.
Code of Emergency 19 - 0/10

Just some leftist/liberal propaganda. About the president initiating martial law, students protesting, students wining.
Michael Gondry, who directed that has a new one coming out called The Science of Sleep. Looks absolutely fabulous amazing wonderful.

Check out the trailer for The Science of Sleep here.

Oh, that was fantastic! When does it come out? I couldn't find a release date on the site.

Pirates of the Carribean 2: 7/10
Johnny Depp as a pirate, and Kiera Knightley. Nuff said.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 8.5/10
Fantastic film, but I liked the book a LOT more. Could have been better, even though it was amazing.
The Machinist - 9/10 (Bale.. need I say more?)

Pirates 2 - 7.5 ("a rip-roaring family adventure!")

Spirited Away 9/10 (saw it a while ago... is still incredible)

DotD 2004 Remake 5/10 (sucked big monkey balls)

An Inconvenient Truth 8/10 (the frog is worth saving)
The Fast and Furious : Tokyo Drift - 5/10 It has nice cars but thats about it.

Superman - 9/10 Really loved this film.

Click - 7.5/10 Funny film but makes you realise that life isn't just about money in the end, great film. Adam Sandler is a funny dude.

Kidulthood - 8/10 A good film even if they are just good ole' chavs.

B:13 - 7/10 Even though the one i've seen was in french but dubbed over in english voices i thought it was an excellant film. Very good action scene's.

Edit/ Some film's that have been on TV recently

Eraser - 8.5/10 - If you haven't seen this old classic go watch it, Arney rocks.

Total Recall - 9.5/10 - A complete classic film. One of the best action film's EVER without a doubt.
Total Recall - 9.5/10 - A complete classic film. One of the best action film's EVER without a doubt.

Fully agreed. Its even on our textbooks.
Superman Returns - 5.5/10

Really, really, very average.

Click- 6/10

Pirates of the Carribean 2- 3/10

Boondock Saints- 7/10

Oldboy- 10/10 (this movie is amazing, go see it)
Over the Hedge - 8/10 - Another good Disney movie :) (it is Disney right? :p)
A Walk to Remember - 7/10 - Not really my type of movie but it was good nevertheless. Great acting.
The Libertine - 7.8/10

Only thing i really liked was Johnny Depp. The 2nd half of the movie wasnt bad but the 1st half really bored me.
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