Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Yeah, I know, thus my putting of '2006' next to the title.
Dark Water - 5/10

But, Jennifer Connelly makes up for it. n.n
The Incredibles - 8.2/10

To my surprise, it was actually a really good movie.
Rain man 8/10
It's not exactly the first time I watched it, but it never gets old.
Ong-bak 7.8

Would be a lot better if there was a good storyline. Plus the Thai language didnt sound right for a movie. Maybe because im not use to it.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Ong-bak 7.8

Would be a lot better if there was a good storyline. Plus the Thai language didnt sound right for a movie. Maybe because im not use to it.

10/10 for the stunts tho
Madagascar - 8.8/10...

God, I never grow tired of these kind of movies.

@ Fast & Furious, Joke... right?
I enjoyed the first one. It wasn't too bad. The sequel though...don't even get me started.

Straw Dogs 8.5/10

Still one of my favorite Peckinpah films.
Jackass the movie.
10/10... I have seen this movie way to many times but it is still great!
The Shining: 10/10

This really is a mind-bender of a film. Great camera angles, nice pacing, clever sound design, and very good acting for a horror film. This is the only horror film that I have seen more than once, and that's likely due to the mystery surrounding the hotel. What is real, and what is imaginary? This is like the Matrix of horror films. Every time I watch this film I pick up more and more details. One of the few films that gets better and better on repeated viewings.

Ebert also has a nice column on the madness: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060618/REVIEWS08/606180302


EDIT: Cool. This post number is 1337. :)
Kill Bill vol 2 - 9/10
The dialogue and art direction deserve a 10 and uma deserves 11 (not for acting :naughty:).
The -1 isnt for the shitty plot but the drawn out scenes.
Something or other furious, Tokyo Drift.

Excitment. Check.
Suspense. Check.
Crazy impossible camera angles. Check.
Shit getting trashed. Doublecheck.
Hot wimminz. Checkeroo.
Fast cars. Uh, yeah sure why not.


Needs way more booty shots, better variety of cars, less punk kids, less dick-for-brains kids in 4bangers peeling out after the movie.

It was pretty edge-of-seat though. I highly recommend it if you aren't bitchy about it being a rice fest or tacky anal shit like that. Third time is a charm as they say.
Dude where's my car.
Ashton ows me 3 hours of my life back. I want compensation!
Alone in the Dark - 3/10

Yeah... I didn't pick it. Watched purely out of curiosity.
The Punisher 7.5/10 - It was a pretty killer action movie. Never read the comics so I don't know true to them it is... but I liked it.

8/10 ...not for everyone as the politics are hard to follow unless you're familiar with world politics, specificaly oil/opec/middle east/US foreign policy

definately a must see for those wanting to understand the motivations behind the invasion of iraq (even though it's fiction)
CptStern said:

8/10 ...not for everyone as the politics are hard to follow unless you're familiar with world politics, specificaly oil/opec/middle east/US foreign policy

definately a must see for those wanting to understand the motivations behind the invasion of iraq (even though it's fiction)

I saw that when it first came out. I tell thee, 'tis weird being the only person in a multiplex cinema. I think the plot is deliberately hard to follow - the characters have no idea of the big picture, and neither does the audience. Fantastic film though, 8.5/10.

Today I saw:
Hard Candy - 7.75/10

Very good, amazing performance Ellen Page. Not for the faint hearted though.
Haha, I bought Syriana and Three Kings today. Great films about politics. Give both an 8.8.
? what? no, I mentioned that thread becasue you discuss Robert Baer ..who's Bob character (george clooney) is based on in the movie Syriana
Ack! It's a trap! That link goes to the politics forum :(

And um... not actually the last movie I saw, but I remembered I wanted to post about it at the time.

Tsotsi - 7/10

A tale of redemption, and... stuff. Not a bad film, but the point was totally lost on me. I saw one review on the poster on the way out that made me groan, something to the effect of "if you walk out of this movie not even the least bit teary, you have no heart." (spoilers ahead) Oh, what, so I'm supposed to feel sorry for the hardened gangster who's abandoned everyone who ever cared about him? Who's fought, stolen and killed for a living, or just for shits? Because... he (unintentionally) stole and cared for a baby for a short while? Oh wait, the same baby he handed off to a random solo mum at the first opportunity, forced her to breastfeed him, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone about it? Who eventually fell for him for no apparent reason? Lucky bastard, dumb bitch, that's all I have to say.

But, oh wait, he's the real victim here! His dad broke the dog's back :O:(


Anyway, decent film :p
Cars - 6/10. I actually was really disappointed with this, I barely laughed. I'm a big Pixar fan too.

Fast and Furious 3 - minus infinity/10. I can't believe I actualy paid to see this movie, and it wasn't my choice, it was my friends! It was like paying to watch shit.
Donnie Darko


+ Awesome awesome awesome
- Christian morals a little unclear.
Where are you getting Christian morals?

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead 8/10

A bit slow, but good nonetheless.
They're pretty obvious. All that stuff about God. Also in the commentaries the writer/director says that its, to him, very clearly a story about God and christianity.
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